Unit 15 lớp 11 Speaking - Hội thoại Space conquest

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Tóm tắt bài

1. Unit 15 Speaking Task 1

Work in pairs. Read the following piece of news, then ask and answer questions. (Làm việc theo cặp. Đọc mẩu tin tức, sau đó hỏi và trả lời câu hỏi.)

On 15th October, 2003, China launched its first manned spacecraft into space. The spacecraft was called "Shenzhou 5". Yang Liwei, China's first astronaut, was 38 years old then. The successful flight marked a milestone in China's space project. China became the third country in the world to be able to independently carry out manned space flights.

Guide to answer

  • A: What is the name of China’s first manned spacecraft?
  • B: Its name’s Shenzhou 5.
  • A: What is the name of the astronaut?
  • B: His name’s Yang Liwei.
  • A: How old was he when he flew into space?
  • B: He was 38 years old.
  • A: How important was the successful flight to China?
  • B: The successful flight marked a milestone in China’s space protect.
  • A: How many countries in the world have been able to carry out independently maned space activities? What are they?
  • B: There have been three. They are: Russia, The United States and China.

2. Unit 15 Speaking Task 2

Work in groups. Take turns to talk about the important events in space exploration. (Làm việc theo nhóm. Thay phiên nhau nói về những sự kiện quan trọng trong không gian.)

Unit 15 Speaking Task 2

Guide to answer


A: When did Russian launch its first artificial satellite? 
B: On October 4, 1957
C: What is the name of Russia’s first artificial satellite?
D: Sputnik.
A: How important was the artificial satellite to Russia?
B: The first artificial satellite marked the beginning of Space Age.


A: Who is the first woman to fly into space?
B: That’s Valentina Tereshkova, a russian cosmanaut.
C: When did she fly into space?
D: On June 16, 1963.


A: Who are the first humans to set foot on the moon?
B: They are Neil Amstrong and Buzz Aldrin American astronauts.
C: When did they set foot on the moon?
D: On July 20, 1969.


A: Who is the first Vietnamese to fly into space?
B: That’s Pham Tuan
C: With whom did he go along into space?
D: He went with V.V. Gorbotko a Russian cosmonaut.
A: How long did he stay in the orbit?
B: He stayed 8 days in the orbit.

3. Hỏi đáp Speaking Unit 15 Lớp 11

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