Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Khác Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh ôn thi công chức trình độ A1 đề 7

Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh ôn thi công chức trình độ A1 đề 7

Câu 1 : , they would have had what they wanted.

A. Had they arrived at the fair early

B. Supposing they were arriving at the fair early

C. Unless they arrived at the fair early enough

D. If they arrived at the fair early

Câu 2 : John contributed fifty dollars, but he wishes he could contribute,

A. one other fifty dollars

B. more fifty dollars

C. another fifty

D. the same amount also

Câu 3 : John’s score on the test is the highest in the class. He

A. should have studied all the time

B. must have studied very hard

C. should study very hard

D. must have to study well

Câu 4 : Take your money with you

A. if you see any good souvenirs to buy

B. in case you see any good souvenirs to buy

C. when you see any good souvenirs to buy

D. whenever see any good souvenirs to buy

Câu 5 : Alexander Fleming, , received the Nobel Prize in 1945

A. that discovered penicillin

B. who discovered penicillin

C. he discovered penicill

D. which discovered penicillin

Câu 6 : The doctor advised Robert to lose weight.

A. to take more exercise so that he could

B. to take more exercise if he wanted

C. that he takes more exercise

D. that he should take more exercise in order that

Câu 7 : When you arrived back at the hotel, ?

A. were you noticing what time it was

B. did you notice what time was it

C. did you notice what time it was

D. were you noticing what time was it

Câu 8 : Do you know the boy at the party last week?

A. we talked about

B. about him we talked

C. we talked about him

D. who we talked about him

Câu 9 : I haven’t got that English book

A. much money of buying

B. some money to buy

C. no money to buy

D. any money to buy

Câu 10 : They are living in a house

A. that built in 1930

B. that was built in 1930

C. in 1930 that was built

D. that was building in 1930

Câu 11 : Taking exercise

A. is good health for you

B. is good for your healthy

C. is a good health for you

D. is good for your health

Câu 12 : Have you ever met the man ?

A. who married Mary’s cousin

B. who is married Mary’s cousin

C. who was married Mary’s cousin

D. whom married Mary’s cousin

Câu 13 : He went to the library

A. so that to borrow a book

B. to borrowing a book

C. so as to borrow a book

D. in order that borrow a book

Câu 14 : Tom asked me

A. if was I having a good time last weekend

B. whether I have had a good time last weekend

C. if would I have a good time last weekend

D. whether I had had a good time the previous weekend

Câu 15 : Football is thought in the world.

A. to play the most popular sport

B. to be the most popular sport

C. the most popular sport

D. is the most popular sport

Câu 16 : f I had known you would come,

A. I would not have waited for you

B. I would have waited for you

C. I will wait for you

D. I would wait for you

Câu 17 : When you got back, Harry

A. will leave London for New York

B. has left London for New York

C. had already left London for New York

D. leaves London for New York

Câu 18 : Did he tell you ?

A. what was the problem

B. what the problem was

C. was what the problem

D. the problem was what

Câu 19 : He is the person

A. from who I bought this old car

B. which I bought this old car

C. from that I bought this old car

D. from whom I bought this old car

Câu 20 : that she didn’t see her parents often.

A. She had so little time

B. She had so few times

C. She had so a little time

D. She had so a few times

Câu 23 : How ............. meat do you want?

A. some

B. any

C. many

D. much

Câu 24 : My colleague __________ me an email.

A. has just sent

B. has sent just

C. just sent has

D. just has sent

Câu 26 : I would like __________ somewhere different for a change.

A. go

B. to have gone

C. going

D. to go

Câu 28 : Why are they happy? – Because her mother __________ them to the zoo.

A. was taking

B. is takingcorrect

C. does taking

D. are taking

Câu 29 : My mother bought me a __________ doll when I was small.

A. fine

B. big

C. short

D. long

Câu 30 : How long haven't you seen Peter? This sentence means: .

A. When are you going to see Peter?

B. When will you and Peter see each other again?

C. When did you last see Peter?

D. When haven’t you seen Peter?

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