Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Khác Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh A2 ôn thi công chức đề 10

Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh A2 ôn thi công chức đề 10

Câu 1 : They think that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall

A. The prisoner is thought to escape by climbing over the wall.

B. The prisoner is thought escaped by climbing over the wall.

C. The prisoner is thought having escaped by climbing over the wall.

D. The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall.

Câu 2 : They believe that the thieves got in through the kitchen window.

A. The thieves are believed to have got in through the kitchen window.

B. The thieves are believed to get in through the kitchen window.

C. They believe the thieves got in through the kitchen window.

D. They believe the thieves have got in through the kitchen window.

Câu 3 : They report that over 200,000people were killed in the tsunami.

A. Over 200,000 people are reported to have been killed in the tsunami.

B. Over 200,000 people are reported to be killed in the tsunami.

C. Over 200,000 people are reported to have killed in the tsunami.

D. Over 200,000 people are reported to kill in the tsunami.

Câu 4 : Wine .................... grapes.

A. is made by

B. is made from

C. Either could be used here.

Câu 5 : The bridge ........................

A. is still built

B. is still being built

Câu 6 : I can’t see it- it must ....................

A. have been taken

B. be taken

Câu 7 : These shoes .................. of leather.

A. are made

B. were made

Câu 8 : Their house .............. last week.

A. was bought

B. has been bought

Câu 9 : Do you think the project ................ by Friday?

A. will be finished

B. is finished

Câu 10 : The tablets .............. with food.

A. must take

B. must be taken

Câu 11 : It............ by courier this morning.

A. was sent

B. is sent

Câu 12 : It .................. with at the moment

A. is dealt

B. is being dealt

Câu 13 : It ................. last week.

A. should be done

B. should have been done

Câu 14 : It ............... Mexico.

A. is imported to

B. is imported from

Câu 15 : It ................ next week.

A. is been published

B. is being published

Câu 16 : It .................. by next Friday.

A. has to be done

B. has been done

Câu 17 : She ................ promoted again.

A. has been

B. is

Câu 18 : They are ........................ by the police at themoment.

A. questioned

B. being questioned

Câu 19 : Since the first space mission many communication satellites ..........................

A. was launched

B. are launched

C. have been launched

D. had been launch

Câu 20 : The day before yesterday we .............................a very bad storm.

A. had had

B. were having

C. had

D. have had

Câu 21 : By the time the applicant makes up his mind, the offer .......................

A. will cancel

B. will have been cancelled

C. will be cancelling

D. will have been cancel

Câu 22 : Before leaving camp, the Boy Scouts .............. the fire.

A. were put out

B. had been put out

C. put out

D. had putted out

Câu 23 : Yesterday Pete .................... a ticket for speeding.

A. was given

B. gave

C. was gave

D. had been given

Câu 24 : Steve has recently had his poetry .................................

A. be publish

B. publish

C. to publish

D. published

Câu 25 : In a few months, the firm ....................... its production.

A. is increased

B. will be increasing

C. will be increased

D. has increasing

Câu 26 : She complains that she ................................ headaches.

A. has frequently had

B. has been frequently

C. has frequently

D. had frequently been had

Câu 27 : New officers ........................ by our club when we hold our next meeting.

A. will be elected

B. are electing

C. will elect

D. was elected

Câu 28 : Brigette thinks her dress is a little too long, so she plans to get it ....................

A. shorten

B. shortened

C. to have shortened

D. being shortened

Câu 29 : Tropical fruits .................... by farmers in the lowland region.

A. are grown

B. grown

C. are growing

D. grow

Câu 30 : Concert tickets .................... at the box office.

A. is selling

B. sold

C. are sold

D. is sold

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