Cấu trúc cầu khiến !!

Câu 1 : Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

A. made

B. making

C. to make

D. make

Câu 2 : Have her ____ these letters, please.

A. type

B. to type

C. typed

D. typing

Câu 3 : The students got the librarian ____ books for them.

A. buy

B. to buy

C. bought

D. buying

Câu 4 : John had just had his brother ____ a house for him on Fifth Avenue.

A. building

B. build

C. to build

D. built

Câu 5 : Let's have our waiter ____ some coffee.

A. bring

B. to bring

C. bringing

D. brought

Câu 6 : The teacher had the students ____ their test.

A. hand in

B. handed in

C. handing in

D. having handed in

Câu 7 : Why don't you have that coat ____?

A. cleaned

B. clean

C. cleaning

D. to clean

Câu 9 : What did you do this morning? We ____ the room whitewashed.

A. had

B. have

C. got to

D. order

Câu 10 : By ____ the housework done, we have time to further our studies.

A. taking

B. to have

C. having

D. to get

Câu 11 : I'm sorry I'm late, but I ____ my watch ____ on the way here.

A. have/ cleaned

B. had/ clean

C. had/ cleaned

D. had/ to clean

Câu 12 : It's about time you _________your house ____.

A. have/ whitewash

B. had/whitewashed

C. has/whitewashing

D. had had/ to whitewash

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