Which of the following is the author‟s main point?

Câu hỏi :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
Although noise, commonly defined as unwanted sound, is a widely recognized form of pollution, it is very difficult to measure because the discomfort experienced by different individuals is highly subjective and, therefore, variable. Exposure to lower levels of noise may be slightly irritating, whereas exposure to higher levels may actually cause hearing loss. Particularly in congested urban areas, the noise produced as a byproduct of our advancing technology causes physical and psychological harm, and detracts from the quality of life for those who are exposed to it. Unlike the eyes, which can be covered by the eyelids against strong light, the ear has no lid, and is, therefore, always open and vulnerable; noise penetrates without protection. Noise causes effects that the hearer cannot control and to which the body never becomes accustomed. Loud noises instinctively signal danger to any organism with a hearing mechanism, including human beings. In response, heartbeat and respiration accelerate, blood vessels constrict, the skin pales, and muscles tense. In fact, there is a general increase in functioning brought about by the flow of adrenaline released in response to fear, and some of these responses persist even longer than the noise, occasionally as long as thirty minutes after the sound has ceased. Because noise is unavoidable in a complex, industrial society, we are constantly responding in the same way that we would respond to danger. Recently, researchers have concluded that noise and our response may be much more than an annoyance. It may be a serious threat to physical and psychological health and well-being, causing damage not only to the ear and brain but also to the heart and stomach. We have long known that hearing loss is America‟s number one nonfatal health problem, but now we are learning that some of us with heart disease and ulcers may be victims of noise as well. Fetuses exposed to noise tend to be overactive, they cry easily, and they are more sensitive to gastrointestinal problems after birth. In addition, the psychic effect of noise is very important. Nervousness, irritability, tension, and anxiety increase affecting the quality of rest during sleep, and the efficiency of activities during waking hours, as well as the way that we interact with each other. 
Which of the following is the author‟s main point?

A. Hearing loss is America‟s number one nonfatal health problem.

B. Loud noises signal danger.

C. Noise may pose a serious threat to our physical and psychological health.

D. The ear is not like the eye.

* Đáp án


* Hướng dẫn giải

Đáp án C
Giải thích: Câu nào sau đây là ý chính tác giải muốn gửi gắm?
A. Mất thính giác là vấn đề sức khỏe nhỏ ở Mỹ.
B. Tiếng ồn lớn báo hiệu sự nguy hiểm.
C. Tiếng ồn có thể gây ra một mối đe dọa nghiêm trọng đối với sức khoẻ thể chất và tâm lý của chúng ta.
D. Tai không giống như mắt.

Câu hỏi trên thuộc đề trắc nghiệm dưới đây !

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