The Ring of Fire is an enormous chain of volcanoes all around the Pacific Ocean. The ring goes from New Zealand up to

Câu hỏi :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.


     The Ring of Fire is an enormous chain of volcanoes all around the Pacific Ocean. The ring goes from New Zealand up to Asia and across the ocean to Alaska. From Alaska, the ring continues southward along the coast of both North and South America. More than seventy-five percent of the world’s volcanoes are situated in this ring.

      Scientists are interested in studying the Ring of Fire because they can observe plate tectonics at work there. In 1912, a German scientist, Alfred Wegener, came up with the first theory of land movement. Wegener said continents are made up of lighter rocks resting on heavier material. Similar to the way large things move while floating on water, Wegener suggested that the positions of the continents were not fixed, but that they moved slightly. Later, scientists discovered most of Wegener’s ideas were right on the mark. They then developed the theory called plate tectonics.

      According to plate tectonics, the surface of the Earth consists of a number of enormous plates or sections of rock, each about eighty kilometers thick. The plates float and slowly move at speeds between one and ten centimeters every year. That is about the rate your fingernails grow! Within the Ring of Fire, new material for the Earth’s plates is constantly being created as hot liquid rock called magma flows from the center of the Earth up to the ocean floor. All the existing plates on the Earth’s surface have to move slightly to make room for the new material.

      As plates move both away from and toward each other, they run into each other. When they hit each other, one plate might move under another. This process is called subduction. Subduction frequently causes earthquakes. It may also result in the bottom plate melting due to the extreme temperatures under the top plate. The magma created in this process can rise to the Earth’s surface and come out through volcanoes, as can be seen along the Ring of Fire.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The most active volcanoes found in the Ring of Fire

B. The location of the Ring of Fire

C. How the plates on the Earth's surface move in different ways.

D. How plate tectonics, volcanoes, and earthquakes are related

* Đáp án

* Hướng dẫn giải

Đáp án:D

Kiến thức : Đọc hiểu

Giải thích: Đoạn văn chủ yếu thảo luận là gì?

A. Những núi lửa hoạt động mạnh nhất được tìm thấy trong Vành đai lửa

B. Vị trí của Vành đai lửa

C. Cách mà các mảng trên bề mặt Trái Đất chuyển động theo những cách khác nhau.

D. Cách mà các mảng kiến tạo, núi lửa và động đất có liên quan với nhau

Thông tin: Within the Ring of Fire, new material for the Earth’s plates is constantly being created as hot liquid rock called magma flows from the center of the Earth up to the ocean floor…As plates move both away from and toward each other, they run into each other. When they hit each other, one plate might move under another… Subduction frequently causes earthquakes. It may also result in the bottom plate melting due to the extreme temperatures under the top plate. The magma created in this process can rise to the Earth’s surface and come out through volcanoes, as can be seen along the Ring of Fire.

Tạm dịch: Trong Vòng lửa, vật liệu mới cho các mảng Trái đất liên tục được tạo ra dưới dạng đá lỏng nóng gọi là magma chảy từ tâm Trái đất lên đến đáy đại dương…Khi các tấm di chuyển ra xa và về phía nhau, chúng chạy vào nhau. Khi chúng va vào nhau, một tấm có thể di chuyển dưới tấm khác… Hút chìm thường xuyên gây ra động đất. Nó cũng có thể dẫn đến nóng chảy tấm dưới do nhiệt độ quá cao dưới tấm trên cùng. Magma được tạo ra trong quá trình này có thể trồi lên bề mặt Trái đất và đi ra ngoài qua núi lửa, như có thể nhìn thấy dọc theo Vành đai lửa.

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