Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Lớp 10 Tiếng anh mới Trắc nghiệm Tiếng anh 10 Unit 2: Your body and you !!

Trắc nghiệm Tiếng anh 10 Unit 2: Your body and you !!

Câu 19 : => A computer _______ that job nowadays.

A. uses to do

Bis used to do

Cis used to doing

Dis being used to do

Câu 20 : => Judy’s car _______ by the mechanic

Ais being repairing

Bbeing repaired

Cis being repaired

Dis repaired

Câu 21 : => Should Jane _______ with the sewing?

Abe helped

Bbeing helped

Cis helped

Dbe helping

Câu 22 : Where ____ the 1988 Olympic Games___?

Awas/ hold

Bwere/ held

Cwas/ held


Câu 23 :  => I ______ for half an hour by the bank manager.

Awas keeping

Bhas been kept

Cam kept

Dwas kept

Câu 24 : => _____ this word _____ wrongly?

ADid/be spelt

BHas/been spelt

CHas/ spelt

DHas/been spelling

Câu 25 : The announcement ______ by the president in 30 minutes.

Awill be made

Bwill make

Cwill made

Dwill be making

Câu 26 : => Beer ________ for breakfast in England years ago.

Aused to drink

Bused to drunk

Cused to be drunk

Dwere used to drink

Câu 27 : The floor ________ when I arrived

Ahas been cleaned

Bis being cleaned

Cwas cleaned

Dwas being cleaned

Câu 28 : How ____ candles _____?



Cdo/be made

Dare/being made

Câu 29 : Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.

Awas opened

Bhad been opened

Chas been opened


Câu 30 : They_______ time and money doing such a thing

Awere advising not to waste

Bwere advising not to be wasted

Cwere advised not to be wasted

Dwere advised not to waste

Câu 31 : => The poor families _____ that money.

Ahave sent

Bhave be sent

Chave been sent

Dbe sent

Câu 32 : => Proper encouragement _______ to me by parents.

Aalways given

Bare always given

Cis always given

Dis always giving

Câu 33 : Someone reported that the situation was under control.

AThe situation was reported to be under control.

BThe situation is reported to be under control.

CThe situation was reported was under control.

DThe situation was under control.

Câu 34 : It is said that she works 16 hours a day.

AShe said to work 16 hours a day.

BShe said that she works 16 hours a day.

CShe is said works 16 hours a day.

DShe is said to work 16 hours a day.

Câu 35 : Someone thinks that the company is planning a new advertising campaign.

AThe company thought be planning a new advertising campaign.

BThe company is thought planning a new advertising campaign.

CThe company is thought to be planning a new advertising campaign.

DThe company is thought to plan a new advertising campaign.

Câu 36 : AThe soap opera is expected to will end next year.

AThe soap opera is expected to will end next year.

BThe soap opera is expected will end next year.

CThe soap opera expected will end next year.

DThe soap opera is expected to end next year.

Câu 37 : => The President ________ a heart attack.

Awas reported to suffer

Bwas reported to have suffered

Creported to have suffered

Dwas reported to had suffered

Câu 38 : Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

A passage




Câu 40 : => Two people ________ in the explosion.

Aare reported to be injured

Bwere reported to be injured

Care reported to have been injured

Dwere reported to have been injured

Câu 41 : Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

A cooked


C hissed


Câu 44 : Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

A conversation


C appropriate


Câu 45 : Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

A holiday



D tomorrow

Câu 46 : Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.



C listen


Câu 47 : Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

A. apology




Câu 48 : Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

A enjoy




Câu 50 : Reflexology is a natural treatment dating back to ancient times. It is based on the idea that there are zones, or areas, in the feet and hands that are related to other parts and systems of the body. For example, the tips of the toes or fingers are related to the head and neck, and the ball of the foot is related to the heart and chest. A reflexologist applies pressure to specific areas in a patient’s feet and hands to relieve symptoms or pain in other related areas.

Athere are zones or areas in the feet and hands that are related to any parts of the body

Bthe pressure in certain areas in the feet and hands will affect other parts of the body

C we can apply pressure to specific areas in a patient’s feet and hands to cure disease

Dpressure on the ball of the foot can cure heart diseases and chest pain

Câu 54 : Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

AReasons British people suggest the government should ban smoking in public places.

BHow British people oppose the smoking ban in enclosed public spaces.

CA personal view on British smoking ban in enclosed public areas.

DHarmful effects of smoking on second-hand smokers in the family.

Câu 55 : Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

AShe thinks it might be helpful to smokers.

BShe feels sorry for heavy smokers.

CShe thinks it is unnecessary.

DShe expresses no feelings.

Câu 56 : Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

AThey have risks of heart disease.

B They will certainly have lung cancer.

C She does not care about their health.

D They have polluted lungs.

Câu 57 : Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Asmell unpleasantly

B cover fully

C pack tightly

D get dirty

Câu 58 : Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.


B pub

C cigarette


Câu 59 : What do you do to keep fit and stay healthy?

AYour body should get enough time to take rest.

BTo conclude, you should stay away from bad habits.

CIt is very easy to catch a cold if you don’t take warm clothes in the cold weather.

DHere are  some tips which will help to have a happy and healthy life.

Câu 60 : What do you do to keep fit and stay healthy?

ADoing exercise also keeps your body in shape.

BYour diet should contain food which has more nutrients.

CTake a nap after a long time working and studying.

DSo It’s important to have a healthy diet.

Câu 61 : What do you do to keep fit and stay healthy?

ATo keep the body healthy make sure you drink more amount of water daily.

BHaving a sleep of 8 hours daily keeps your mind awake.

CIt is interesting to have some snack during studying time.

DWatching TV in the dark is bad for your eyes.

Câu 62 : What do you do to keep fit and stay healthy?

ATake enough vitamins required everyday.

BRegular exercise will also keep your body in good health.

CGoing to the gym is the best idea for everyone.

DYou should run right after dinner.

Câu 63 : What do you do to keep fit and stay healthy?

AThe workers are under pressure more than the students

BKeeping your feelings and emotions for your own.

CBy controlling your stress you can maintain a healthy body.

DKeeping yourself away from computer or any technical devices.

Câu 64 : Fish, poultry, beans, or nuts ________ half of the dinner plate.

A. make

B. make out

C. make up

D. make of

Câu 65 : Ailments are caused by a(n) ______ of yin and yang.

A. imbalance

B. unequal

C. abnormal

D. ineffectiveness

Câu 66 : A fatty diet increases the risk of heart disease.

A. ailment

B. allergy

C. cancer

D. fever

Câu 69 : Which part does not belong to circulatory system?

A. heart

B. blood

C. artery

D. lung

Câu 70 : Which part does not belong to digestive system?

A. intestine

B. stomach

C. nerve

D. colon

Câu 71 : This medicine will help to _____your cuts and scratches

A. heal

B. inspire

C. frown

D. consume

Câu 72 : Foods and drinks which strongly _______ the body can cause stress.

A. boost

B. develop

C. encourage

D. stimulate

Câu 73 : Broccoli supplies a great source of vitamin K, which is known to _______ thinking function and _______  brainpower.

A. stimulate - decrease

B. enhance - improve

C. encourage - improve

D. develop - stop

Câu 74 : Yoga increases endurance, _______ and flexibility.

A. strong

B. strength

C. powerful

D. blood

Câu 76 : You’re driving _____! It is really dangerous in this snowy weather.


B careless

C carelessness

D carefulness

Câu 78 : There are foods that can help you fall asleep or keep you ______ .

A. wake

B. waking

C. waking up

D. awake

Câu 79 : Liver is a large organ in the body which ______ the blood.

A. cleans

B. cleans up

C. is cleaning

D. is cleaning up

Câu 81 : When acupuncture ______ correctly, it is very safe for patients.

A. performs

B. will be performed

C. is performed

D. will have performed

Câu 82 : You should see a doctor if your nosebleed ______ by an injury, such as a punch.

A. caused

B. was caused

C. is caused

D. will be caused

Câu 83 : If your retina records the image well, your brain ______ the image, and you ______ the image clearly.

A. will interpret - will see 

B. interpret - see

C. is going to interpret - are going to see

D. is interpreting - are seeing

Câu 84 : At your eye exam, you ______ to read from an eye chart.

A. will probably ask

B. are going to ask

C. will probably be asked

D. are asking

Câu 85 : That’s the phone - I _______it

A. am going to answer

B. will answer

C. answer

D. am answering

Câu 86 : He possibly ______ his bag when he asks Jenny.

A. will find out

B. is going to find out

C. find out

D. is finding out

Câu 87 : This is my last day here. I ______back to England tomorrow.

A. am going to come

B. will come

C. comes

D. come

Câu 88 : A. is

A. is

B. is going to be

C. will be

D. was

Câu 89 : Thanks for lending me the money. I_____you back on Friday.

A. will pay

B. is going to pay

C. pay

D. am paying

Câu 95 : Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.

A. oxygenate



D regularly

Câu 96 : Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.

A allergy




Câu 97 : Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.

A alternative




Câu 98 : Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.





Câu 99 : Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.



C pyramid


Câu 100 : nice surprise / receive / your letter.

A. To receive your letter it is a nice surprise

B. Receiving your letter it is a nice surprise to me

C. It is a nice surprise to receive your letter

D. It is a nice surprise when receiving your letter

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