Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Khác Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh ôn thi công chức trình độ A1 đề 4

Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh ôn thi công chức trình độ A1 đề 4

Câu 1 : He became…….because the company which he worked for decided to close down.

A. reluctant

B. relieved

C. recycled

D. redundant

Câu 2 : The gang admitted they had committed four recent bank robberies.

A. confided

B. conferred

C. confessed

D. confused

Câu 3 : The students were all………….by the lion's roar.

A. frighented

B. destroyed

C. bitten

D. collapsed

Câu 4 : He shouted at her. If he had known the whole story, he………so angry

A. has not been

B. would not have been

C. would not be

D. wasn't

Câu 5 : I…………..recently.

A. can't have slept

B. won't have slept

C. didn't sleep

D. haven't been able to sleep

Câu 6 : I hear that your examinations are next week. You…….very hard at the moment.

A. study

B. are being studied

C. must study

D. must be studying

Câu 7 : It's getting cold. You'd better not…….without a coat.

A. go out

B. to go out

C. going out

D. gone out

Câu 8 : I don't have many friends and I feel lonely. I wish I ………...

A. have more friends

B. had more friends

C. would have more friends

D. will have more friends

Câu 9 : It was a lovely day yesterday. I wish I…… the seaside then.

A. would be

B. were

C. had been

D. have been

Câu 13 : The principal doesn't permit………here.

A. to shout

B. shout

C. shouting

D. shouted

Câu 14 : "Did Amy's parents leave her any money?" - "No, she has to support……"

A. her

B. herself

C. all alone

D. on her own

Câu 15 : "When will Jean return me the book she borrowed?" - "When she……"

A. finished

B. has finished

C. will finish

D. finish

Câu 16 : "How do you know this is the right plane?" - "The ticket agent said it would be at……….."

A. gate six

B. six gates

C. sixth gate

D. the gate six

Câu 17 : Nothing will prevent him……..succeeding.

A. in

B. at

C. from

D. on

Câu 18 : I have had a headache…………….yesterday.

A. till

B. for

C. since

D. until

Câu 21 : Jack has three brothers, all of ………..are married.

A. whom

B. who

C. whose

D. that

Câu 22 : The policemen………the robbery are looking for three young men.

A. investigate

B. investigating

C. investigated

D. investigates

Câu 23 : The man………..we met on the train was the headmaster

A. whose

B. which

C. what

D. whom

Câu 24 : The board of directors proposed that an outside consultant ……………

A. be brought

B. will be brought

C. will bring

D. will be bringing

Câu 25 : ……….., he would have been able to pass the exam.

A. If he studied hard

B. If studying hard

C. If he were studying hard

D. Had he studied hard

Câu 26 : Of two new teachers, one is experienced and……….

A. the others are not

B. another is inexperienced

C. the other is not

D. other is inexperienced

Câu 27 : While attempting to reach his home before the storm, …………….

A. John's bike broke down

B. an accident happened to John

C. his bike broke down

D. John had a serious accident

Câu 28 : Luckily they still have………..rice in the house.

A. little

B. a little

C. few

D. a few

Câu 29 : Let's go dancing,………..?

A. shall we

B. will we

C. do we

D. let's not we

Câu 30 : He devotes most of his time……photography.

A. for studying

B. to studying of

C. to studying

D. to study

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