Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Khác Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh A2 ôn thi công chức đề 12

Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh A2 ôn thi công chức đề 12

Câu 1 : Hotels have developed ................... restaurants in this area.

A. as rapid as

B. as rapid than

C. so rapidly that

D. as rapidly as

Câu 2 : The harder this man works, ....................... he becomes.

A. most successful

B. more successful

C. the more successful

D. the most successful

Câu 3 : Commercial centers are ................ they were many years ago.

A. as popular than

B. the most popular

C. the most popular than

D. more popular than

Câu 4 : The price of his car is ....................... that of my car.

A. twice as much than

B. as twice as

C. twice as much as

D. more twice than

Câu 5 : My new laptop costs me ............................. the old one I bought last year.

A. as much as three times as

B. three times more than

C. three times as much as

D. times three

Câu 6 : American spends more money on fast food .................... country in the world.

A. while other

B. than any other

C. than other

D. other than

Câu 7 : This jacket is ....................... the others we've just seen.

A. far most expensive

B. father more expensive than

C. further more expensive

D. far more expensive

Câu 8 : Laser discs provide images of ............................ than those ofeither television signals or video tapes.

A. best quality

B. the best quality

C. better quality

D. good quality

Câu 9 : It’s too ............... to work in here.

A. noisify

B. noisy

C. noise

D. noises

Câu 10 : Your garden is ................. beautiful.

A. perfectly

B. perfect

C. perfected

D. perfection

Câu 11 : We met several .................... people at the party.

A. interestingly

B. Interest

C. Interesting

D. interests

Câu 12 : Steve ate his dinner ..................

A. quick

B. quickly

C. quicken

D. quickened

Câu 13 : The weather is bad tonight so please drive ......................

A. careful

B. caring

C. cared

D. carefully

Câu 14 : Elizabeth sounded ................. on the telephone last night.

A. happens

B. happening

C. happy

D. happily

Câu 15 : Bill ordered two ..................... pizzas.

A. large

B. largeness

C. largely

D. largest

Câu 16 : These are very .................... chairs.

A. comfort

B. comfortably

C. comfortable

D. comforts

Câu 17 : The weather yesterday was extremely .......................

A. hotly

B. heat

C. hot

D. heater

Câu 18 : Please play that music ............................

A. softly

B. soften

C. soft

D. softens

Câu 19 : Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

My grandmother ……………………person in rriy family.

A. old

B. older

C. the oldest

D. oldest

Câu 20 : We always travel by train because it is………………….than a bus.

A. comfortable

B. the comfortable

C. more comfortable

D. the most comfortable

Câu 21 : Chris is…………………than his brother.

A. short

B. shortest

C. the shortest

D. shorter

Câu 22 : I’ve tried all the desserts at this restaurant, but this one is………………of them all

A. delicious

B. the most delicious

C. most delicious

D. more delicious

Câu 23 : I play checkers sometimes, but I think chess is…………………

A. an interesting

B. more interesting

C. more interesting than

D. interestingly

Câu 24 : Biology is…………………..of all my classes this semester.

A. the hardest

B. harder

C. hardly

D. harder than

Câu 25 : Listening to music is…………………..dancing.

A. relaxing than

B. the most relaxing

C. relaxing

D. more relaxing than

Câu 26 : Today is……………… we have had all week.

A. colder than

B. the coldest

C. colder

D. coldest

Câu 27 : You should wear this dress because it’s……………..that one.

A. elegant

B. the most elegant

C. more elegant than

D. the elegant

Câu 28 : The plant…………………………the window needs water.

A. by the time

B. by

C. is by

D. is

Câu 29 : I like that sofa, but this one is………………

A. cheaper

B. cheaper than

C. cheaply

D. cheapen

Câu 30 : The people…………………next door aren't very friendly.

A. are living

B. live

C. is living

D. living

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