Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Khác 430 câu trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh ngành Y dược có đáp án !!

430 câu trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh ngành Y dược có đáp án !!

Câu 1 :
Treatment of goiter is to increase the supply of __________ in the diet:

A. iodine

B. calcium

C. sodium

D. potassium

Câu 3 :
_________ are organs in the female lower abdomen that produce ova and hormones:

A. . placenta

B. ovaries

C. cervix

D. vagina

Câu 4 :
A/An______ is a measure portion of medicine taken at any one time:

A. Indication

B. dose

C. caution

D. medication

Câu 5 :
Thyrotropin (or TSH) stimulates the thyroid gland to release:

A. Thyoxine

B. Parathormone

C. Calcitonin

D. Thymosine

Câu 6 :
Specialized conductive tissue at the base of the wall between the two upper heart chambers is the ____________:

A. Endocardium

B. Atrioventricular (AV) node

C. Sinoatrial (SA) node

D. Visceral pericardium

Câu 7 :
The bicuspid or mitral valve is located between ………. Of the heart:

A. The right and left atria

B. The left atrium and the left

C. The right and left ventricle

D. The right atrium and the left ventricle

Câu 10 :
Where do the waste products and food that are not absorbed in the small intestine pass?

A. peristalsis

B. stomach

C. large intestine

D. pancreas

Câu 11 :
Which element in the blood is round and colourless?

A. plasma

B. Platelets

C. red blood cells

D. white blood cells

Câu 12 :
Which of four chambers of the heart pumps oxygenated blood for systemic circulation?

A. right ventricle

B. left atrium

C. left ventricle

D. aorta

Câu 13 :
There are two systems in which blood travels in the cardiovascular system. There are the__________ and the __________:

A. Gastrointestinal, cranial

B. Pulmonary, Systemic

C. Vascular, systemic

D. Pulmonary, somatic

Câu 14 :
Intravenous injection means injection of the drug into the.....:

A. muscle

B. vein

C. body cavity

D. skin

Câu 15 :
Eggs are producted in the ______________: 

A. womb 

B. fallopian tubes 

C. ovaries 

D. vagina

Câu 16 :
TRH is secreted in the ____________________ : 

A. pituitary 

B. hypothalamus 

C. thyroid 

D. parathyroid

Câu 17 :
Oxygen moves from the lungs into the bloodstream through _____________:

A. nerve fibres

B. a large artery in the heart

C. small blood vessels in the lungs

D. a tube in the lungs called the jugular vein

Câu 18 :
Is there any _______ between period? – A little white

A. clot

B. hot flushes

C. pain

D. discharge

Câu 19 :
Blindness may be caused by Vitamin A ___________:

A. Deficiency

B. Increase

C. Breakdown

D. Function

Câu 20 : ______is the liquid portion of blood: 

A. Plasma 

B. Hemoglobin

C. Protein 

D. Hormone

Câu 21 :
The middle layer of the skin is termed the___________:

A. Subcutaneous layer

B. Epidermis

C. Hypodermis

D. Corium

Câu 22 :
When the patient has pains in her periods, she has got ______:

A. Prolonged periods

B. Heavy periods

C. Dysmenorrhoea

D. Menorrhagia

Câu 23 :
The label warned that the drug may impair fine motor skills. It listed the ____ to taking the sedative:

A. Side effect

B. Antidote

C. Contraindication

D. Indication

Câu 24 :
The dermis is another way to call the ____:

A. subcutaneous

B. epidermis

C. hypodermis

D. corium

Câu 25 :
The innermost layer of the skin, containing fat tissue is called the ____:

A. corium

B. epidermis

C. dermis

D. subcutaneous layer

Câu 27 :
____ is a medical term which means difficult or painful periods:

A. Dysmenorrhea

B. Menopause

C. Amenorrhea

D. Metrorrhagia

Câu 28 :
Oxygen-containing protein in red blood cells is ______:

A. Plasma

B. Liquid

C. Platelet

D. Hemoglobin

Câu 29 :
Monocyte is formed in _____: 

A. Bone marrow 

B. Liver 

C. Lymph tissue 

D. Erythrocyte

Câu 30 :
_____ is an unpleasant sensation from the stomach with a tendency to vomit:

A. Nausea

B. Anorexia

C. Diarrhea

D. Faeces

Câu 31 :
Calcitonin is a hormone of the _____

A. Thyroid gland 

B. Adrenal cortex 

C. Pituitary gland 

D. Thymus gland

Câu 32 :
_____ is used to refer to defecation: 

A. Bowel habit 

B. Bowel movement 

C. Micturition 

D. Flatulence

Câu 33 :
What happens to the windpipe, or trachea, before it reaches the lungs?

A. It branches in two directions

B. It branches in three directions

C. It vibrates and creates sounds

D. It closes up so that no oxygen can escape

Câu 34 :
A medication that causes blood vessels to narrow and contract is __________:

A. Vasoconstrictor

B. Vasomotor

C. Vasodilator

D. Asodepresso

Câu 35 :
TRH triggers the _______________of TSH in the pituitary:

A. Replacement

B. production

C. Synthesis

D. Feedback

Câu 36 :
The ............ connects the ovary and the womb:

A. Uterus

B. Vagina

C. Salpinx

D. Neck of womb

Câu 37 :
..... are heard when the airways are narrowed:

A. Pleural rubs

B. Crackles

C. Breath sounds

D. Wheezes

Câu 38 :
That symptoms of the disease return is called ........:

A. Relief

B. Remission

C. Occurrence

D. Replase

Câu 39 :
Melaena is a sign of _________: 

A. Gastric ulcer 

B. Coeliac disease 

C. Cholera 

D. Ulcerative colitis

Câu 41 :
Gonadotrophin- realeasing hormones are release from the_______:

A. Thalamus

B. Hypothalamus

C. Puituitary gland

D. Thyroid gland

Câu 42 :
Which gland controls basal metabolic rate?

A. Testes

B. Thyroid

C. Parathyoid

D. Pancreas

Câu 43 :
What order of large intestine sections are correct starting from the ileum and ending at anus?

A. Transverse colon, cecum, ascending colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum

B. Sigmoid colon, descending colon, transverse colon, ascending colon, cecum, rectum

C. Cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum

D. Descending colon, transverse colon, ascending colon, cecum, sigmoid colon, rectum

Câu 44 :
………………….is beginning of the first menstrual period during puberty:

A. Menarche

B. Menopause

C. Amenorrhea

D. Metrorrhagia

Câu 45 :
The woman has…………….period lasting 8 days:

A. prolonged

B. light

C. painful

D. heavy

Câu 47 :
Red cells are produced in the……………..: 

A. bone 

B. bone marrow 

C. liver 

D. spleen

Câu 48 :
……………is a tube that connects the throat to the stomach:

A. Pancreas

B. Anus

C. Pharynx

D. Esophagus

Câu 51 :
……are the smallest blood vessels: 

A. Arterioles 

B. Arteries 

C. Aorta 

D. Capillaries

Câu 52 :
A sudden unexpected stoppage of heart action is know as…………..:

A. heart block

B. palpitation

C. infarction

D. cardiac arrest

Câu 54 :
…………. Drugs promote the force and efficiency of the heartbeat:

A. Cathartic

B. Diuretic

C. Emetic

D. Cardiotomic

Câu 56 :
Common causes of heart failure include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Coronary artery disease

B. Prolonged high blood pressure

C. Exercise

D. Heart valve disease

Câu 58 :
Thyroxine ( or thyroid hormone ) travels through the bloodstream acting on many target cells to increase………….:

A. blood sugar

B. metabolism

C. blood calcium

D. anti-inflammatory reactions

Câu 59 :
The ……….gland secretes both an enzyme and a hormone:

A. The parathyroid

B. Pituitary

C. Pancreas

D. Thyroid

Câu 60 :
……….. is inflammation in the lower, neck-like portion of uterus:

A. Cervicitis

B. Hepatitis

C. Oophoritis

D. Cirrhosos

Câu 61 :
One of the four stages in medical examination is……..or tapping with a finger:

A. palpation

B. percussion

C. auscultation

D. inspection

Câu 62 :
The patient says “ I passed some blood in my urine” His symptom is…………..:

A. urgency

B. haematuria

C. dysuria

D. nocturia

Câu 65 :
The _____ connects the pharynx to the stomach:

A. sigmoid colon

B. nasal cavity

C. esophagus

D. ileum

Câu 66 :
Shortness of breath is termed ______ : 

A. fibrillation 

B. palpitation 

C. palpation 

D. dyspnoea

Câu 69 :
Do you have any pain when you _____ stools?

A. pass

B. excrete

C. have

D. secrete

Câu 70 :
A cough may be _____, where the patient coughs up sputum:

A. typical

B. dry

C. non-productive

D. productive

Câu 71 :
Verruca can be called _____ in common language:

A. mole

B. wart

C. scub

D. scar

Câu 73 :
Insulin helps transport glucose to cells and decreases _____:

A. Blood calcium

B. Blood loss

C. Blood pressure

D. Blood sugar

Câu 74 :
The inability to release urine from the bladder ______:

A. Urinary retention

B. Dysuria

C. Anuria

D. Oliguria

Câu 76 :
The question “Do you get peroid pains” is used to ask about ______:

A. menarche

B. menopause

C. dysmenorrhoea

D. menorrhagia

Câu 77 :
On examining the heart and circulation, inspect the hand for _____:

A. apex beat

B. murmurs

C. clubbing

D. cyanosis

Câu 78 :
Scanty urinary outputis terned ______: 

A. oliguria 

B. dysuria 

C. polyuria 

D. hesitancy

Câu 79 :
A person specializing in the study of the actions of drugs on the body is known as a ______:

A. pharmacologist

B. pharmacist

C. toxicologist

D. chemist

Câu 80 :
The ______ is degree of hardness or softness of the stool:

A. tenderness

B. consistency

C. diarrhoea

D. constipation

Câu 81 :
Bile is produced in the _________ and stored in the_________:

A. gall bladder; colon

B. liver; gall bladder

C. intestine; stomach

D. stomach; liver

Câu 82 :
A loose cough is one that produces sputum. It is also known as a ______ cough:

A. non-productive

B. dry

C. productive

D. whooping

Câu 83 :
The _____ is the place where urine accumulates, pending micturation:

A. kidney

B. bladder

C. ureter

D. urethra

Câu 84 :
What type of blood vessels takes the blood back into the heart?

A. Arterioles B. Arteries

B. Veins

C. Plmonary Arteries

D. Arteries

Câu 85 :
If you want antibiotics, you’ll have to ask the doctor for a _____.:

A. thernometer

B. prescription

C. plaster

D. pill

Câu 86 :
Another name for sweat gland is _________ gland:

A. oil

B. sebaceous

C. integumentary

D. sudoriferous

Câu 87 :
The__________ layer of the skin specializes in the formation of fat:

A. epidermis

B. dermis

C. corium

D. subcutaneous layer

Câu 88 :
When the patient has loose and bloody stools, his condition is________

A. gastric ulcer

B. ulcerative colitis

C. obstructive janundice

D. coeliac disease

Câu 90 :
Blockage of the arteries surrounding the heart leading to ischemia is known as…….:

A. endocarditis

B. coarctation of the aorta

C. pericarditis

D. coronary artery disease

Câu 91 :
Injuries from blunt force can be caused by a...:

A. bruise

B. knife

C. razor blade

D. punch

Câu 93 :
Thyrotrophin (TSH) stimulates the thyroid gland to release:

A. A Thyroxine

B. Calcitonine

C. Parathomone

D. Thymosine

Câu 95 :
....raises the heart rate and delates bronchial tubes:

A. Estrediol

B. Thyroxine

C. Insullin

D. Epinephrine

Câu 96 :
Salpinx is another term for the………: 

A. womb 

B. vagina 

C. ovary 

D. Fallopian tube

Câu 97 :
A cough may be...., where the is no sputum:

A. productive

B. non-productive

C. loose

D. typical

Câu 98 :
Leukemia is a disease of the.... with malignant leukocytes filling the marrow and bloodstream:

A. Bone marrow

B. Hemoglobin

C. Plasma

D. Red blood cell

Câu 99 :
The main function of platelets is to help in the... of blood:

A. Loss

B. Synthesis

C. Production

D. Clotting

Câu 100 :
Breathlessness when lying flat is termed ....:

A. palpitation

B. dyspnoea

C. fibrillation

D. orthpnoea

Câu 101 :
The time when a woman stops menstruating is called the…:

A. Menopause

B. Menstrual cycle

C. Menstrual period

D. Menarche

Câu 102 :
The rhythm may be completely irregular, as in ....:

A. palpitation

B. shortness of breath

C. pitting oedema

D. fibrillation

Câu 105 :
If period lasts more than four or five days, it can be described as.....:

A. painful

B. prolonged

C. heavy

D. difficult

Câu 106 :
Injuries from sharp force can be caused by a …:

A. punch

B. fist

C. head

D. knife

Câu 107 :
… means bleeding from the uterus at irregular intervals:

A. Dysmenorrhea

B. Menopause

C. Amenorrhea

D. Metrorrhagia

Câu 108 :
A/An...diagnoses and treats alimentary tract disorders:

A. Endodontist

B. Nephrologist

C. Gastroenterologist

D. Colorectal surgeon

Câu 109 :
The doctor asks the patient to say"ninety-nine" to check…:

A. vocal resonance

B. pneumothorax

C. lungs

D. pneumonia

Câu 110 :
My little boy has........... in spots all over his body:

A. broken out

B. appeared

C. developed

D. Had

Câu 111 :
Most hormones of the endocrine system are regulated by a…:

A. hormone-receptor complex

B. positive feedback mechanism

C. negative feedback mechanism

D. hormone gene complex

Câu 112 :
A person specializing in the study of harmful effects of drugs on the body is known as a .......:

A. toxicologist

B. pharmacologist

C. chemist

D. pharmacist

Câu 118 :
Patients with constipation pass....................: 

A. hard, infrequent stools

B. semi-solid stools

C. soft or liquid stools

D. formed stools

Câu 119 :
In the examination of the heart and cirulation,feeling the radial pulse belongs to the step of ___:

A. Palpation

B. Percussion

C. Inspection

D. auscultation

Câu 120 :
An agent given to counteract harmful effects of a drugs is a/an _____ :

A. aerosol

B. toxicologist

C. antidote

D. antiemetic

Câu 121 :
The surgical procedure where the urianary meatus is incised for enlargement is _____:

A. meatotomy

B. nephrostomy

C. nephrolithotomy

D. cystectomy

Câu 122 :
ADH stimulates water reabsorption by kidney tubules; decreases ____ output:

A. urine

B. water

C. sodium

D. cholesterone

Câu 123 :
____________is a lower, neck-like portion of the uterus:

A. Ovaries

B. Placenta

C. Vagina

D. Cervix

Câu 124 :
An enlargement of the thyroid gland is the condition known as____________:

A. parathyroidism

B. goitre

C. acromegaly

D. Cushings disease

Câu 125 :
The valve between the left ventricle and the blood vessel leaving the left ventricle is the _____:

A. tricuspid valve

B. bicuspid valve

C. aortic semilunar valve

D. pulmonary semilunar valve

Câu 126 :
That symptoms of the disease disappear is called____________:

A. remission

B. occurrence

C. relief

D. relapse

Câu 127 :
________ is a mark on the skin after healing:

A. Spot 

B. Scale 

C. Scar 

D. Birthmark

Câu 128 :
Anemia may be due to increased red cell ________;

A. breakdown

B. deficiency

C. excess

D. volumn

Câu 129 :
____is the condition of inflammation of tubes that lead from the trachea,over along priod of time:

A. Choronic bronchitis

B. Asthma

C. Diphtheria

D. Croup

Câu 131 :
The beginning of the large intestine is called ____ :

A. cholecystokinin

B. common bile duct

C. chyme

D. cecum

Câu 132 :
________ is a skin lesion that is filled with pus:

A. Crust

B. Vesicle

C. Naevus

D. Pustule

Câu 133 :
Gastro-intestinal irritation is a / an ________ of aspirin:

A. indication

B. caution

C. additive action

D. side-effect

Câu 134 :
The inner lining of the pericardium, adhering to the outside of the heart, is the _______:

A. Atrioventricular (AV) node

B. Sinoatrial (SA) node

C. Endocardium

D. Visceral pericardium

Câu 135 :
____is black and tarry stools containing blood:

A. anorexia

B. diarrhoea

C. melena

D. faeces

Câu 137 :
____is an acute abdominal pain caused by spasms of intestinal muscles:

A. constipation

B. diaeehea

C. anorexia

D. colic

Câu 138 :
_______ is an opening of the digestive tract to the outside of the body:

A. Pharynx

B. Anus

C. Pancreas

D. Stomach

Câu 139 :
An inability of the heart to pump its required amount of blood is termed_______:

A. pericarditis

B. coronary artery dissase

C. endocarditis

D. congestive heart failure

Câu 140 :
the chamber that receives the deoxygenated blood from the systemic system first is the:

A. left ventricle

B. right atrium

C. left atrium

D. right ventricle

Câu 141 :
One of the four stages in medical examination is _______ or looking:

A. palpation

B. inspection

C. percussion

D. auscultation

Câu 142 :
____is another name of th wonb:

A. vagina

B. uters

C. salpinx

D. ovary

Câu 143 :
Hard collections of bile formed in the gallbadder and bile ducts are called gallstones or……..:

A. Cholecystitis

B. Cholelithiasis

C. Pancreatitis

D. Cirrhosis

Câu 144 :
____ is a medical expression meaning the pattern of defecation:

A. constipation

B. diarrhea

C. bowel habit

D. bowel movement

Câu 145 :
…………is the study of the harmful effects of drugs:

A. Side effects

B. Adverse effects

C. Toxicology

D. Chemotherapy

Câu 146 :
____is difficult, delayed elimnition of faces with dry, hard stools:

A. nausea

B. constipation

C. diarrhoea

D. faeces

Câu 147 :
The……… is involved in digestion as well as producing hormones:

A. pancreas

B. liver

C. heart

D. spleen

Câu 148 :
“When a finger is pushed into the swelling, it cause a small depression on it.” This is the case of…….:

A. peripheral oedema

B. pitting oedema

C. episode

D. cardiac output

Câu 149 :
when the patient has clayed-coloured stools, his condition is ____:

A. gastric uncer

B. uncerative conlitis

C. obstructive jaundice

D. coeliac disease

Câu 150 :
The innermost layer of the heart wall is termed………:

A. myocadium

B. pericardium

C. endocardium

D. epicarium

Câu 151 :
_______indicate the narrowing of the airways:

A. Wheezes

B. Breath sounds

C. Pleural rubs

D. Crackles

Câu 152 :
parathyroid hormone raises blood:

A. sodium

B. calcium

C. sugar

D. pressure

Câu 154 :
an gent that excites and promotes activity is ____:

A. hypnotic

B. emetic

C. cathartic

D. stimulant

Câu 155 :
A rash that has_____ distribution appears on many parts of the body:

A. Widespread

B. clusters

C. Scattered

D. Localized

Câu 156 :
Cardiac output is ______: 

A. the amount of blood pumped out of each ventricle in on minute 

B. the amount of blood pumped out of the heart during every ventricular contraction 

C. the number of impulses fired by the SA node in one minute 

D. the amount of blood filling each ventricle at the end of diastole

Câu 157 :
________ is constant and is due to peritoneal irritation:

A. Rigidity

B. Tenderness

C. Rebound tenderness

D. Guarding

Câu 159 :
The tiny hairs that keep mucus and dirt out of your lungs are called:

A. Stubble

B. Cilia

C. Lung hairs

D. Bronchioles

Câu 160 :
Macules or palpures are examples of skin_______:

A. Grouping

B. Lesions

C. Distributions

D. Shaped

Câu 161 :
Collections of lymph tissue in the nasopharynx are termed _____________:

A. Paranasal sinues

B. pharynx

C. cilia

D. adenoids

Câu 162 :
_________ indicate the presence of fluid on the lungs:

A. Crackles

B. Wheezes

C. Pleural rubs

D. Breath sounds

Câu 164 :
_______ is a nodule produced by HPV: 

A. Verruca 

B. Furuncle 

C. Naevus 

D. Cicatrix

Câu 165 :
The sounds of a (n)____ patient’s breathing is also called wheeze:

A. asthma

B. pleurisy

C. pneumonia

D. haemoptysis

Câu 166 :
Stools are described as loose and bloody. The condition most likely to cause them is ______:

A. Gastric ulcer

B. Cholera

C. Ulcerative colitis

D. Irritable bowel syndrome

Câu 167 :
Normally at the age of 50, women start get______________:

A. menarche

B. menopause

C. dysmenorrhoea

D. menorrhagia

Câu 168 :
_____ increases blood sugar: 

A. Insulin 

B. Cortisol 

C. Estradiol 

D. Thyroxine

Câu 169 :
Her father died of a coronary thrombosis. He had______:

A. Heart disease

B. Tuberculosis

C. Dyspnea

D. Leukemia

Câu 170 :
“Platelet” is another name of “_______”:

A. thrombocyte 

B. erythrocyte 

C. haemoglobin 

D. leucocyte

Câu 172 :
The patient had difficulty starting to pass urine. This symptom is______:

A. Dysuria

B. Urgency

C. Hesitancy

D. Frequency

Câu 173 :
The condition was ______ because only the surface os the skin was affected:

A. deep

B. painless

C. painful

D. superficial

Câu 174 :
____ is the medical word for coughing up blood:

A. Dyspnoea

B. heamoptysis

C. Purulent

D. Mucoid

Câu 175 :
The administration of drugs in gaseoous or vapor form through the nose or mouth:

A. oral administration

B. parenteral administration

C. inhalation

D. topical application

Câu 176 :
Rebound tenderness is a sign of ______:

A. Cholera

B. ulcerative colitis

C. gastric ulcer

D. peritonitis

Câu 177 :
The question “ How often do you get your periods ? “ is used to ask about ___:

A. menopause

B. menarche

C. menorrhagia

D. menstrual cycle

Câu 178 :
The term _____ means dysmenorrhoea:

A. heavy periods

B. menstruation

C. period pains

D. amenorrhea

Câu 179 :
The doctor asked the patient " take a deep breath in. Don't______:

A. Exhale

B. Inhale

C. Breathe

D. Cough

Câu 181 :
One of the four stages in medical examination is ____ or feeling with the hands:

A. inspection

B. palpation

C. auscultation

D. percussion

Câu 182 :
When the patient has black and tarry stool, his condition is______:

A. Gastric ulcer

B. Vesicle

C. Pustule

D. Celiac disease

Câu 183 :
Thrombocyte or cell that helps blood clot is ____:

A. lymphocyte

B. platelet

C. monocyte

D. erythrocyte

Câu 184 :
T4 is the abbreviation for hormone _____:

A. thyroid

B. triiodothyronine

C. thyroxine

D. thyrotrophin

Câu 185 :
A patient who has _____ cough produces phlegm:

A. Loose

B. Non-productive

C. dry

D. typical

Câu 187 :
..............brings oxygen-poor blood into the heart from the upper parts of the body:

A. Venule

B. Inferior vena cava

C. Superior vena cava

D. Aorta

Câu 188 :
"Do you hands shake?" The doctor asked about the symptom A_______:

A. Palpitations

B. Palpation

C. Overactivity

D. Tremor

Câu 189 : an adverse and unwanted affect of a drug or therapy:

A. Caution

B. Side-effect

C. Dose

D. Indication

Câu 191 :
White blood cells are also named...............:

A. erythrocytes

B. thrombocytes

C. leucocytes

D. plasma

Câu 193 :
Excision of a kidney is termed.....................:

A. cystectomy

B. cystostomy

C. nephrectomy

D. nephrostomy

Câu 194 :
The elimiabolic of metabolic waste prducts is called ……….:

A. excretion

B. defecation

C. mictirition

D. contraction

Câu 195 :
The patient says " I have to pee every half hour or so". His symtom is .....................:

A. urgency

B. hesitancy

C. .frequency

D. urinary incontinence

Câu 196 :
Thyroxine and triiodothyronine are secreted by .................:

A. thyroid

B. pancreas

C. parathyroid

D. pituitary

Câu 197 :
When the patient small and hard stools, his condition is ..................:

A. obstructive jaundice

B. irritable bowel syndrome

C. coeliac disease

D. cholera

Câu 200 :
The factor ina patient’s cinditionthat prevents use of a particular drug is……….:

A. side effect

B. contraindication

C. antidote

D. indication

Câu 201 :
A/An ………..straightens teeth: 

A. endodontist 

B. orthodontist 

C. gastroenterologist 

D. colorectal surgeon

Câu 202 :
The process of expelling (voiding) urine though the urethra is called …………..:

A. passing faeces

B. micturition

C. sweating

D. defecation

Câu 203 :
The question “ Do you get clots ” is used to ask about…………:

A. menstrual cycle

B. menorrhagia

C. menopause

D. menarche

Câu 205 :
………………….means the inflammation of the ovaries:

A. Cervicitis

B. Oophoritis

C. Cirrhosis

D. Hepatitis

Câu 206 :
What divides the left and right side of the nasal cavity?

A. septum

B. bronchus

C. pharynx

D. sinus

Câu 208 :
The exchange of gases between blood and cells is called …………………….:

A. internal

B. pulmonary ventilation

C. cellular respiration

D. external respiration

Câu 211 :
What body structure protects the lungs from outside harm?

A. Cartilage

B. Tiny sacs

C. The rib cage

D. The diaphragm

Câu 212 :
The notch on the surface of the kidney where blood vesssels and nerves enter is………..:

A. Bowman’s capsule

B. hilum

C. trigone

D. cortex

Câu 213 :
Which type of blood vessels carries blood away from the heart?

A. Veins

B. Ateries

C. Capillarries

D. Ateries, veins, capiilaries

Câu 215 :
Among the contraceptive methods, …………..are available for both men and women:

A. diaphragms

B. oral contraceptive pills

C. copper coils

D. condoms

Câu 216 :
What is the name of the tiny air sacs in your lungs?

A. Bronx

B. Alveoli

C. Bronchioles

D. Ravioli

Câu 217 :
…………………is the condition of the swelling, fluid collection in the air sacs and bronchioles:

A. Pneumoconiosis

B. Pulmonary edema

C. Pulmonary embolism

D. Pulmonary abscess

Câu 220 :
After Sue’s bilateral renal failure, her doctor advised……………………to save her life:

A. nephrotomography

B. nephrostomy

C. renal transplantation

D. nephrolithotomy

Câu 222 :
……….occcurs when the heart is unable to maintain sufficent cardiac output:

A. Renal failure

B. Asthma

C. Pneumonia

D. Heart Failure

Câu 223 :
……… means prenancy prevention: 

A. Family way 

B. Menopause 

C. Contraception 

D. Concetion

Câu 224 :
Hypercalcemia occurs as…….. leaves the bones and enters the bloodstream:

A. glucose

B. calcium

C. sodium

D. potassium

Câu 225 :
…… the study of drugs that destroy microorganism, parasites, or malignantcells within the body:

A. Pharmacokinetics

B. Pharmacodynamics

C. Molecular pharmacology

D. Chemotherapy

Câu 227 :
One of the four stages in medical examination is ………… or listening with a stethoscope:

A. Inspection

B. percussion

C. palpation

D. auscultation

Câu 228 :
A ………… wound is an example of a penetrating wound:

A. Superfical

B. stab

C. incised

D. lenght

Câu 229 :
Aspirin is …….. for patients with previous or active peptic ulceration:

A. indicated

B. given

C. contraindicated

D. dispensed

Câu 230 :
……….. helps transport glucose to cells and decreases blood sugar:

A. Thyroxine

B. Testosterone

C. Insulin

D. Cortisol

Câu 232 :
_______ refers to an irregular rhythm of the heart:

A. Arrhythmia

B. Breathlessness

C. Opnoea

D. Dyspnoea

Câu 233 :
_____ is the destruction of red blood cells:

A. Hematocrit

B. Hemoglobin

C. Hemolysis

D. Hypochromia

Câu 234 :
The valve located between the right atrium and the right ventricle is the……:

A. Tricuspid valve

B. Bisuspid

C. Mitral valve

D. Semilunar valve

Câu 235 :
Pernicious …………… is a very dangerous disease:

A. Diagnosis

B. Marrow

C. Deficiency

D. Anaemia

Câu 236 :
Extreme sunburn can cause small………..on the skin:

A. wounds

B. swellings

C. bites

D. blisters

Câu 237 :
A ………… is an injury that occurs when blood vessels in the skin are damaged:

A. Laceration

B. Scratch

C. Contusion

D. Abrasion

Câu 238 : the return of solids and fluid to the mouth from stomach:

A. Anorexia

B. nause

C. .Gastroesophageal reflux

D. Diarrhoea

Câu 239 :
The patient passed tarry stools. He had.....

A. Melaena

B. Diarrhea

C. Constipation

D. Dyspepsia

Câu 241 :
………. or menorragia means excessive blood loss:

A. Dysmenorrhoea

B. Heavy periods

C. Prolonged periods

D. Painful periods

Câu 242 :
What the purpose of the little hairs inside the nose?

A. to keep dust out of the lung

B. to tickle the nose and cause sneezes

C. to fight disease

D. to serve no purpose

Câu 243 :
........... is an organ under the stomach. It produces insulin and enzymes:

A. Rectum

B. Stomach

C. Pancreas

D. Liver

Câu 244 :
The patient says "l get a scalding pain when pass water". His symptom is...?

A. urgency

B. hesitancy

C. dysuria

D. incontinence

Câu 245 :
The small intestine has 3 regions. The first region is called the...:

A. duodenum

B. jejunum

C. colon

D. ileum

Câu 246 :
The adrenal gland is nearest the…………………….:

A. Kidney

B. Liver

C. Brain

D. Throat

Câu 247 :
……….. is a large organ secreting bile, storing sugar and producing blood proteins:

A. Pharynx

B. Liver

C. Gall bladder

D. Esophagus

Câu 248 :
The bleeding and purpura are caused by abnormal……….function:

A. haemoglobin

B. platelet

C. erythrocyte

D. leucocyte

Câu 249 :
……..may beaused by vitamin A deficiency:

A. Tiredness

B. Blindness

C. Shortness of breath

D. Deafness

Câu 253 : ………..increases metabolism in body cell:

A. Parathyroid

B. Triiodothyronin

C. Thyroid

D. Thyroxine

Câu 254 :
Hemoglobin in the erythrocyte enables the cell to carry……..:

A. color

B. oxygen

C. vitamin

D. carbondioxide

Câu 255 :
The glands of the skin are the sudoriferous glands and the …….. glands:

A. Adrenal

B. Sebaceous

C. Pituitary

D. Parathyroid

Câu 256 :
The tiny, microscopic projection in the walls of the small intestine are ... :

A. Papillae

B. Villi -L C

C. Rugae

D. Peristalis -T

Câu 257 :
The vocal resonance may be_____ in a pneumononia patient:

A. revealed

B. rubbed

C. increased

D. desreased

Câu 258 :
She had taken the …until a year previously, when a ……… was fitted:

A. The pill/ copper coil

B. Copper coil/ diaphragm

C. Condom / copper coil

D. Copper coild / condom

Câu 259 :
Digestion take place in a long tube – like canal called the alimentary canal, or the digestive tract. Food travels though these organs
in the ollowing orther:

A. Mouth, eosophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and rectum

B. Mouth, eosophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine and rectum

C. Mouth, stomach, eosophagus, small intestine, large intestine and rectum

D. Mouth, , stomach, gullet, small intestine, large intestine and rectum

Câu 260 :
An agent thar reduces fever is called______:

A. antianginal

B. antipyretic

C. anipruritic

D. antihypertensive

Câu 261 :
Urine is expelled through the _____:

A. ureter

B. kidney

C. bladder

D. urethra

Câu 262 :
An inflanunidion of thc inncr lining of the heart is known as______:

A. pericarditis

B. coronary artery disease

C. endocarditis

D. congestive

Câu 264 :
The term ‘heavy periods” means excessive blood loss or ______:

A. menorrhagia

B. passage of clots

C. climacteric

D. dysmenorrhoea

Câu 265 :
The cup - like collecting region of the renal pelvis is the ________:

A. hilus

B. hilum

C. glomerulus

D. calyx

Câu 266 :
_________ brings blood from the lower half of the body to the heart:

A. Aorta

B. Venule

C. Inferior vena cava

D. Superior vena cava

Câu 267 :
One major function of the large intestine is to:

A. absorb water

B. break down starch

C. produce bile

D. produce insulin

Câu 268 :
The least important human digestive organ from this list is the__________:

A. duodenum

B. esophagus

C. pancreas

D. appendix

Câu 269 :
Thyroiditis is the____ of the thyroid gland:

A. synthesis

B. inflammation

C. replacement

D. secretion

Câu 270 :
When the patient is aware of irregularity of his’bcr heart rhythm, hcíshc describes the symptoms as______:

A. premature beats

B. heart failure

C. palpitations

D. fibrillation

Câu 271 :
Structures that release their secretions through ducts arc called _____:

A. endocrine glands

B. salivary glands

C. sweat glands

D. exocrine glands

Câu 272 :
________ treats epigastric discomfort:

A. Anticonvulsant

B. Antihypertensive

C. Progcstin

D. Antacid

Câu 274 :
Antibiotics can be prescribed for the treatment of ____:

A. thrombosis

B. myalgia

C. epilepsy

D. bacterial pneumonia

Câu 275 :
The gastrointestinal tract begins with the_____:

A. stomach

B. Pharynx

C. large intestine

D. oral cavity

Câu 276 :
________ is pain when the palpating hand is suddenly removed:

A. Bowel movement

B. Tenderness

C. Rebound tenderness

D. Offensineness

Câu 277 :
_______is the process of changing food into a form usable by the cells of the body:

A. Physical change

B. Chewing

C. Digestion

D. Circulation

Câu 278 :
The patient said that he had shortness of breath. He might suffer from ……:

A. orthopnoea

B. crackles

C. wheezes

D. dyspnoea

Câu 279 :
_____develops and maintains female sex characteristics:

A. Insulin

B. Testosterone

C. Cortisol

D. Estradiol

Câu 280 :
The simplest test in the investigation of blood diseases is ______:

A. the volume of the cells

B. the erythrocyte sedimention rate (ES R)

C. the amount of haemoglobin

D. a full blood count

Câu 281 :
Which of the following is NOT an accessory structure of the digestive system?

A. gallbladder

B. liver

C. spleen

D. pancreas

Câu 282 :
The surgical formation of an opening from the bladder to the body is termed_____:

A. cystectomy

B. nephrostomy

C. nephrectomy

D. cystostomy

Câu 283 :
The ______is the commercial name for a drug:

A. brand name

B. chemical name

C. generic name

D. advertised name

Câu 284 :
The glands produce an oily substance called sebum:

A. sweat

B. endocrine

C. sebaceous

D. melanin

Câu 285 :
Heart sounds are produced when _______:

A. blood fills the ventricles

B. blood fills the atria

C. heart valves open

D. heart valves close

Câu 286 :
The is suffering from ______ . He passes water excessively during the night:

A. urinary incontinence

B. nocturia

C. constipation

D. insomnia

Câu 287 :
The scbaceous glands produce an oily substance called_____:

A. sweat

B. sebum

C. secretion

D. duct

Câu 288 :
People with____ will tend to sleep raised on two or more pillows:

A. dyspnoea

B. arrhythmia

C. orthopnoea

D. heart failure

Câu 289 :
Blood enters each kidney from the aorta by the way of the right and left renal_____:

A. arteries

B. veins

C. capillaries

D. branches

Câu 290 :
The condition in which a blood clot forms within a blood vessel is known as a/an______:

A. coronary artery disease

B. pericarditis

C. thrombosis

D. endocarditis

Câu 291 :
A ___________change affects only one part: 

A. Localized 

B. Deficient 

C. Essessive 

D. Diffuse

Câu 292 :
The patient says” I can’t hold my water”. His symptom is _____:

A. hesitancy

B. urgency

C. incontinence

D. frequency

Câu 293 :
Menstrual cycle means ______of periods:

A. length and frequency

B. pain and bet flushes

C. volume and frequency

D. length and pain

Câu 295 :
____ raises blood calcium: 

A. Thyroxine 

B. Parathyroid 

C. Parathyroid hormone 

D. Thyroid

Câu 296 :
Outer fold of pleura lying closest to the ribs is called______ :

A. visceral pleura

B. alveole

C. parietal pleura

D. paranasal sinues

Câu 298 :
_____ gives color to the skin: 

A. Sebum 

B. Corium 

C. Sweat

D. Melanin

Câu 299 :
Red blood cells arc also called ________: 

A. thrombocytes 

B. erythrocytes 

C. plasma

D. leucocytes

Câu 300 :
In _____ application: drugs are applied locally on skin or mucous membrane:

A. topical

B. parenteral

C. sublingual

D. rectal

Câu 301 :
The testosterone – producing cells of testes are called:

A. Sertoli cells

B. Leydig cells

C. Spermatogonia

D. Granulosa cells

Câu 302 :
A red………togue (glossitis) is sometimes present:

A. Normal

B. Sore

C. Painful

D. Hurt

Câu 303 :
The patient says:” I have trouble getting started”. His symptom is:

A. Urgency

B. Hesitancy

C. Frequency

D. Incontinence

Câu 305 :
The patient says:” I passes some blood in my urine”. His symptom is:

A. Urgency

B. Hesitancy

C. Frequency

D. Haematuria

Câu 306 :
After diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma, Dr. Davis advised Donna that______ would be necessarry:

A. Nephrostomy

B. Meatotomy

C. Nephrectomy

D. Cystocele

Câu 307 :
Uncomfortable sensation in the chest associated with arrhythmias is termed _______:

A. Cadiac arrest

B. Infarction

C. Heart block

D. Palpitation

Câu 308 :
Where does food pass thought between the mouth and the stomach?

A. The small intestine

B. The gulllet

C. The rectum

D. The large intestine

Câu 311 :
Where is the final place for digestion?

A. Pancreas

B. Stomach

C. Small intestine

D. Large intestine

Câu 313 :
A _______ change affects many part of an organ or gland:

A. Diffuse

B. Solitary

C. Single

D. Localized

Câu 314 :
An enlarged __________ gland is called a goiter:

A. Thyroid

B. Thymus

C. .Parathyroid

D. Pituitary

Câu 316 :
______ means gradual ending of menstrual function:

A. Menopause

B. Menorrhagia

C. Amenorrhea

D. Metrorrhagia

Câu 317 :
_________ is the hernia of urinary bladder:

A. Cystocele

B. Renal ischemia

C. Amenorrhea

D. Metrorrhagia

Câu 318 :
Sickle cells anaemia is a condition characterized by abnormal shape of _____ and by hemolysis:

A. Leukocyte

B. Erythorocytes

C. Thrombocytes

D. Lymphocytes

Câu 319 :
When the patient has loose, pale and bulky stool, his condition is ________:

A. Coeliac disease

B. Gastric ulcer

C. Obstructive jaundice

D. Ulcerative colitis

Câu 320 :
An estrogen ( female hormone) is produced by the:

A. Ova

B. Uterus

C. Ovaries

D. Womb

Câu 321 :
The hormones regulating blood calcium levels are _______:

A. Insulin and glucagon

B. Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin

C. Estrogen and progesteron

D. Glycogen and parathyroid hormone

Câu 322 :
A drug that promotes vomiting is:

A. Diuretic

B. Emetic

C. Cathartic

D. .Cardiotonic

Câu 324 :
Vitamin B12 is necessary for the proper development and maturation of:

A. Thromocytes

B. Leukocyte

C. Erythrocyte

D. Plasma

Câu 325 :
The yellow color of her skin and conjunctivae is probably:

A. Vibration

B. Jaundice

C. Bleeding ulcer

D. Loss of blood

Câu 326 :
The skin and its accessory organs ( skin, nails and glands) are known as the ______ system of the body:

A. Intergumentary

B. Cardiovascular

C. Endocrine

D. Digestive

Câu 327 :
Do you have any problems __________ your water works?

A. .because

B. About

C. On

D. With

Câu 328 :
Which of the following does NOT manufacture digestive juices?

A. Liver

B. Pancreas

C. Kidneys

D. Stomach

Câu 330 :
Analgesics can be prescribed for the treatment of

A. Epilepsy

B. Myalgia

C. Bacterial pneumonia

D. Thrombosis

Câu 331 :
Freshly oxygenate blood enters the heart through the _________ , and is pumped out the ________:

A. Left ventricle; pulmonary arteries

B. Right atrium; aorta

C. Left atrium;aorta

D. Right ventricle ; Pulmonary arteries

Câu 332 :
The black pigment on the skin are termed:

A. Sebum

B. Sweat

C. Corium

D. Melanin

Câu 333 :
The corium layer is also called the ______:

A. Epidermis

B. Dermis

C. Hypodermis

D. Subcutaneous layer

Câu 334 :
The rectum is found in the _________: 

A. Skull 

B. Abdomen 

C. Chest 

D. Pelvis

Câu 335 :
Cortisol increases: 

A. Blood pressure 

B. Blood sugar 

C. Blood Calcium

D. Blood loss

Câu 338 :
Climacteric is also called: 

A. Menarche 

B. Hot flushes 

C. Menopause 

D. Menorrhagia

Câu 339 :
The _______ is the second part of the small intestine:

A. Duodenum

B. Jejunum

C. Cecum

D. Ileum

Câu 340 :
4/28 is written form of 

A. Menstruate 

B. Menstruation 

C. Menstrual cycle 

D. Menstrual periods

Câu 341 :
The Valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle is called the _____ valve:

A. Pulmonary

B. Mitral

C. Coronary

D. Tricuspid

Câu 342 :
Barbiturate is a kind of: 

A. Analgesic 

B. Sedative 

C. Stimulant 

D. Antibiotic

Câu 343 :
Thyroxine anf triodothyronine are secreted by the:

A. .Parathyroid

B. Pituitary

C. Thyroid

D. Pancreas

Câu 344 :
________ is lack of all types of blood cells due to lack of development of bone marrow cells:

A. Perinicious anaemia

B. Panaemia

C. Aplastic Anaemia

D. Iron-Deficiency anaemia

Câu 345 :
When the paient cough up blood, his symtom is:

A. Haemoptysis

B. Pleurisy

C. Neonatology

D. Dermatology

Câu 346 :
_______ is the study of the female reproductive system (organs, hormones and diseases):

A. Cardiology

B. Gynecology

C. Neonatology

D. Dermatology

Câu 347 :
________ treats epilepsy:

A. Anticoagulant 

B. Antacid 

C. Antihypertensive 

D. Anticonvulsant

Câu 349 :
A laceration is also called a ________:

A. Graze

B. scratch

C. bruise

D. tear

Câu 350 :
_____ is a small sac under the liver. It stores bile:

A. Gallbladder

B. Pharynx

C. Anus

D. Esophagus

Câu 351 :
One of the symsptoms of menopause is ________- sudden sensation of heat:

A. hot flushes

B. night sweat

C. change

D. climacteric

Câu 352 :
Which of these heart valves prevents the back flow of blood into the left ventricle?

A. Bicuspid (mitral) valve

B. Pulmonary valve

C. .Aortic valve

D. Tricuspid valve

Câu 354 :
Do you get any burning or _____ when you pass water?

A. leaking

B. blood

C. pain

D. flow

Câu 355 :
Thyroxine increases ________ in body cell:

A. production

B. synthesis

C. secretion

D. metabolism

Câu 356 :
A wound caused by a razor blade is called a(n) _________ wound:

A. incised

B. penetrating

C. stab

D. length

Câu 357 :
A small mass of specialized muscle on the back wall of the right atrium, also known as the pacemaker. Is medically known as _____:

A. Sinoatrial nod

B. Atrioventricular node

C. Bundle of His

D. Cardiopulmonary node

Câu 358 :
_____ is a hard, protein material found in the epidermis, hair and nails:

A. Keratin

B. Collagen

C. Sebum

D. Follicle

Câu 359 :
Stools are described as clear, watery, mucoid. The condition most likely to cause them is _______:

A. Ulcerative colitis

B. gastric ulcer

C. cholera

D. irritable bowel syndrome

Câu 361 :
______ is a coloured skin lesion present at birth:

A. Cicatrix

B. Verruca

C. Furuncle

D. Naevus

Câu 362 :
A/an______is a situation or a sign that a specific drug or treatment shoudnt be used:

A. Indication

B. Caution

C. Side-effect

D. Contraindication

Câu 363 :
______ is a mark on the skin after healing:

A. Cicatrix

B. Verruca

C. Furuncle

D. Naevus

Câu 364 :
_____is a doctor whose specialty to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of anus and rectum:

A. Gastroenterologist

B. Urologist

C. Oral surgeon

D. Proctologist

Câu 365 :
____is the process of blood clotting:

A. Hemoglobin

B. Coagulation

C. Antibody

D. Leukocyte

Câu 366 :
The surgical procedure where the urinary is removed is……………….:

A. nephrectomy

B. nephrostomy

C. cystectomy

D. cystostomy

Câu 368 :
………….is the outer membrane of the heart:

A. pericardium

B. endometrium

C. myocardium

D. endocardium

Câu 372 :
The patient says “ I have to rush to go to the toilet”. His symptom is ______:

A. Hesitancy

B. urgency

C. incotinence

D. frequency

Câu 373 :
The……… the legal noncommercial name for a drug:

A. brand name

B. advertised name

C. generic name

D. chemical

Câu 374 :
An agent that reduces itching is ……….....:

A. antipruritic

B. antihypertensive

C. antianginal

D. antipyretic

Câu 375 :
________ is a large pustule, or skin abscess:

A. Cicatrix

B. Verruca

C. Furuncle

D. Naevus

Câu 376 :
………….is the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute:

A. Pitting oedema

B. Heart failure

C. Swelling

D. Cardiac output

Câu 377 :
…………..means proiuse or prolonged menstrual bleeding occurring at regular intends:

A. Menorrhagia

B. Metrorrhagia

C. Menopause

D. Amenorrhagia

Câu 378 :
A drug the prevents blood clotting is ________:

A. Antidiabetic

B. antidepressant

C. antihistamine

D. anticoagulant

Câu 379 :
…………….is concentrated in bile by the liver and excreted in the feces:

A. Heparin

B. Hemoglobin

C. Globin

D. Bilirubin

Câu 381 :
____ is a skin lesion that is filled with fluid:

A. Crust

B. Vesicle

C. Pustule

D. Naevus

Câu 382 : the physical , chemical , and microscopic evaluation of unire:

A. Nocturia

B. Dysuria

C. Dialysis

D. Urinalysis

Câu 383 :
The vocal resonance may a pneumothorax patient:

A. rubbed

B. revealed

C. increased

D. decreased

Câu 384 :
A ______ is a lesion caused by herpes Simplex:

A. cold sore

B. bedsore

C. Scratch

D. cut

Câu 385 :
When a patient has difficulty breathing , he suffers from.............:

A. dyspnoea

B. crackles

C. paralysis

D. wheezes

Câu 387 :
_______ promotes the growth and maintenance of male sex characteristics:

A. Cortisol

B. Testosterone

C. Insulin

D. Thyroxine

Câu 388 : the study of new drug synthesis:

A. Pharmacokinetics

B. Medicinal chemistry

C. Molecular pharmacology

D. Chemotherapy

Câu 390 :
Cicatrix can be called _______ is common language:

A. Scab

B. scar

C. mole

D. wart

Câu 391 :
an agent that produces sleep is:

A. Aerosol

B. Hypnotic

C. Emectic

D. Narcotic

Câu 392 :
The common word for fleshy naevus is __________:

A. Scab

B. scar

C. mole

D. wart

Câu 393 :
…. Is a habit-forming drug that relieves pain by producing stupor or insensibility:

A. Laxative

B. Nacortic

C. Sedative

D. Cardiotonic

Câu 394 :
Drug that relieve pain are....: 

A. Analgesics 

B. Anesthetics 

C. Emetics 

D. Antibiotics

Câu 395 :
The sound heard when the pleural surfaces are inflamed, as in pleurisy, is called a ____:

A. pneumothorax

B. pneumonia

C. crackle

D. pleural rub

Câu 396 :
An agent that lowers blood pressure is…:

A. Anticoagulant

B. Cardiotonic

C. Antihypertensive

D. Progestin

Câu 397 :
Rashes are called … in common language:

A. boils

B. spots

C. ascar

D. lumps

Câu 398 :
New opening from the colon to the outside of the body is termed _______:

A. colostomy

B. enterophathy

C. cholecystectomy

D. colonostomy

Câu 399 :
…. Treats thrombosis and embolism:

A. Anticoagualant

B. Anticonvusant

C. Antihypertensive

D. Progestin

Câu 400 :
A rash that has ______ distribution appears on one part of the body:

A. Widespread

B. localized

C. Scattered

D. clusters

Câu 401 :
Air can enter the body and travel to the lungs...............:

A. through the nose and the nervous system

B. through the oesophagus and gullet

C. through the windpipe and the pores

D. through the mouth and the nose

Câu 403 :
The skin lesions of the rash go in _____ or in small groups:

A. Widespread

B. localized

C. Scattered

D. clusters

Câu 404 :
The outermost layer of the skin is termed ..................:

A. epidermis

B. subcutaneous layer

C. dermis

D. hypodermis

Câu 405 :
Leucocyte formed in ..................... produces antibodies:

A. blood

B. cell

C. bone marrow

D. lymph tissue

Câu 406 :
_____ is a coomon symptom of upper respiratory tract infection ( URTI) and lung disease:

A. Dyspnoca

B. cough

C. Auscultation

D. Harmoptysis

Câu 409 :
__ is a measurement of how quickly red blood cell fall to the bottom of a sample of blood:

A. The volume of the cells

B. the amount of haemoglobin

C. the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

D. A full blood count (FBC)

Câu 410 :
Melanin í formed by _____: 

A. Sebaceous glands 

B. epithelium 

C. connective tissue 

D. melanocytes

Câu 411 :
The onset of mentruation is known as ____:

A. Menarche

B. dysmenorrhoea

C. climacteric

D. period

Câu 412 :
The patient often uses the term ______ when he/she wants to describe arrhythmia:

A. fibrillation

B. palpation

C. palpitation

D. irregularity

Câu 414 :
Measurement of drug concentration in the tissues and in blood over a period of time is ______:

A. Pharmacokinetic

B. medicinal chemistry

C. pharmacodynamics

D. toxicology

Câu 415 :
______ means a drug is not containdicated but must be taken in its use:

A. Caution

B. Indication

C. dose

D. Contraindication

Câu 416 :
GnRH is produced by the _____ and acts on the ______:

A. hypothalamus

B. pituitary

C. kidney ; adrenal

D. adrenal ; ovary

Câu 417 :
The ___ gland is situated in the interior of the cranium:

A. Parathyroid

B. thyroid

C. adrenal

D. pituitary

Câu 418 :
Patients present with ____ paraesthesiae in the fingers and toes:

A. Progressive

B. palpable

C. insidious

D. symmetrical

Câu 419 :
The study of the effects of a drug within the body is ______:

A. Pharmacokinetics

B. Pharmacodynamics

C. molecular pharmacology

D. chemotherapy

Câu 420 :
_______ are the sounds like hairs being rubbed together:

A. Pleural rubs

B. Breath sounds

C. Crackles

D. Wheeze

Câu 421 :
The study of how drugs interact with subcellular parts is…………..:

A. pharmacokinetics

B. pharmacodynamics

C. molecular pharmacology

D. chemotherapy

Câu 422 :
She passes urine involuntarily. Her condition is called…………….:

A. strangury

B. incontinence

C. frequency

D. dysuria

Câu 423 :
A drug that widens blood vessels is…………..:

A. vasoconstrictor

B. vasodilator

C. antianginal

D. cardiotonic

Câu 426 :
Early heart beats which interrupt the regular rhythm are termed………….:

A. palpitations

B. heart rhythms

C. premature beats

D. fibrillations

Câu 427 :
…………..means a drug is not contraindicated but care must be taken in its use:

A. indication

B. side-effect

C. contraindication

D. caution

Câu 428 :
All of the following are endocrine glands EXCEPT:……….:

A. pituitary glands

B. adrenal glands

C. pineal glands

D. sebaceous glands

Câu 429 :
Palpate the chest for the………….:

A. murmur

B. radial pulse 

C. apex beat 

D. peripheral pulse

Câu 430 :
The most common type anaemia is iron-……………:

A. loss

B. deficiency

C. lack

D. excess

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