Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Lớp 10 Tiếng anh mới Trắc nghiệm chuyên đề 10 Unit 9 - Preserving the environment !!

Trắc nghiệm chuyên đề 10 Unit 9 - Preserving the environment !!

Câu 3 :

Every day the environment is further_________by toxic wastes.

A. confused

B. depleted

C. preserved

D. degraded

Câu 4 :
Carbon dioxide is produced in huge amounts when_________is burned.

A. a fossil fuel

B. deforestation

C. greenhouse effect

D. global warming

Câu 6 :
The company claims it is not responsible for the_________in the river.

A. infection

B. corruption

C. consumption

D. pollution

Câu 7 :
Toxic_________containing mercury continue to be dumped in the North Sea.

A. facilities

B. phenomena

C. chemicals

D. fertilizers

Câu 8 :
 Polar ice_________is a serious problem that the world has to face.

A. freezing

B. melting

C. increasing

D. preserving

Câu 9 :

Sulphur dioxide is one of several_________that are released into the atmosphere.

A. poisons      

B. fossil fuels

C. fertilizers

D. pollutants

Câu 10 :
The number of damaging insect species resistant to_________have considerably increased.

A. pesticide

B. inorganic substances

C. rainwater

D. fertilizers

Câu 11 :
The drinking water has been_________with lead.

A. protected

B. contaminated

C. purified

D. damaged

Câu 17 :

Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. platinum

B. solution

C. pollutant

D. confusion

Câu 19 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. dominance

B. flyover

C. confusion

D. skyscraper

Câu 20 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. handicraft

B. dialect

C. evidence

D. solution

Câu 21 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

 A. decision

B. exporter

C. chemical

D. announcement

Câu 22 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. handicraft

B. dialect

C. evidence

D. solution

Câu 23 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. proposal

B. instruction

C. pollutant

D. editor

Câu 24 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. loneliness

B. solution

C. honeymoon

D. pesticide

Câu 25 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. protection

B. chemical

C. funeral

D. fingertip

Câu 26 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. violence

B. government

C. destruction

D. principle

Câu 27 :

Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. position

B. announcement

C. intestine

D. article

Câu 28 :

Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. ancestor

B. depletion

C. horoscope

D. syllable

Câu 29 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. invention

B. reception

C. employment

D. pesticide

Câu 30 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. consumption 

B. Capricorn

C. property

D. homemaker

Câu 31 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. enrolment

B. composer

C. editor

D. convergence

Câu 32 :
Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

A. confusion

B. benefit

C. principle

D. government

Câu 33 :
Mr. Linh said he had been watching TV_________.

A. last night

B. the before night

C. yesterday night

D. the night before

Câu 34 :
Tony said he_________the accident at the comer of the street.

A. sees

B. will see

C. had seen

D. has seen

Câu 35 :
Bob said they_________a wonderful time at Peter’s party.

A. have           

B. had had

C. will have

D. have had

Câu 36 :
 The farmer_________that he hadn’t seen her.         

A. said

B. said to

C. asked

D. asked to

Câu 38 :
Mr. Jones told me his son was graduating from university_________.

A. next month

B. the month before

C. the month after

D. the previous mo

Câu 55 :

Read the following passage and do the tasks below.

1  Donnachadh McCarthy takes environmental issues very seriously. As an eco-auditor he gives advice to people and companies on how to make their homes and offices more eco-friendly. As an author he writes books that persuade readers to have a greener lifestyle, and he is often a speaker on environmental issues at different conferences.

2  Yet, he doesn’t believe words are enough: he would like to lead by example. This is why he turned his home in central London into a place where he can prove he lives by the green principles which he promotes. His Victorian house from the 1840s was equipped with different environmentally friendly devices to become first a zero-carbon house (same amount of co, in and out) and later on carbon-negative (less CO2 out than in).

3  How is this possible? First of all, he is very careful to use alternative energy sources like wind and sun wherever possible. Heating in the house is provided by a wood burner that is powered by waste wood near his house. Hot water comes from a solar water heating system from the roof and his toilet only uses rainwater. Water is not wasted in his home. While the average British household consumes 160 litres of tap water a day, he only uses 26 litres.

4   The same level of attention is given to household waste in his house. With thorough recycling he only needed one bin for the whole of last year and even this one bin was not full.

5  He does not misuse electricity either. Donnachadh McCarthy does not buy any from outside sources because he generates his own ‘green’ electricity with the solar electric panels on his roof. In fact, he produces so much that the national system pays him for the extra amount.

(Solutions Intermediate - Workbook)

Choose the most suitable heading (A-G) for each paragraph. There are two extra heading you do not need.

Paragraph 1 _____________

A - You can give it a try!

Paragraph 2_____________

B - Providing a good model to follow

Paragraph 3_____________

C - Throw it out - are you sure?

Paragraph 4_____________

D - How to build a green house

Paragraph 5_____________

E - A man of many talents


F - No bills to pay


G - Watch your step

Câu 56 :

Read the passage and complete the following sentences with ONE or TWO words.

Sadly, at a time when we need more forests, trees are being uprooted at an alarming rate. Deforestation is a rapidly growing problem in areas like Africa, Central and South America. Not only does this mean fewer trees, less cleansing oxygen, and the displacement of the wildlife, deforestation means a dangerous decrease in a natural fighter of global warming - the number one threat to our Earth right now. Removing trees also leads to much drier climates, as trees extract groundwater to release into the air.

Our tropical rainforests, which are crucial to stabilizing the climate and to human survival, are being chopped down at a breakneck pace - one and a half acres of rainforest are lost every second. Humans have already chopped down about 50% of the rainforests that once existed on the planet and at the current rate of destruction, we will completely destroy the rainforests in the next 40 years. If rainforests are so important, why are they being destroyed so carelessly? Short-sighted governments and multi-national logging companies only see the forests as a way to make money by selling timber - they don’t consider the long-term effects.

Luckily, deforestation is an issue that we as individuals can combat. By using recycled paper, we can decrease the need to cut down as many trees and by buying goods made with FSC-certified wood, we can show retailers that we don’t want them to support brands that obtain lumber irresponsibly.

1. Trees are being destroyed at an_________, and problem in areas like Africa, Central and South America is deforestation.

Câu 62 :

Talk about the situation of water resource and how to preserve water environment in Vietnam.

You can answer the following questions as cues:

* How is the situation of water resource?

* How to preserve it in Vietnam?

Useful languages:

Useful vocabulary

Useful structures

* lack of water, pollution, less rain, sea full of waste

* saving water, solving pollution, limiting waste, fighting climate change

* The problem is that...

*... has been polluted and degraded seriously.

* The first thing we can do right now is ...

*... requires immediate measures to preserve it.

* Authorities must have measures ...

* It is essential to ...

*... help us preserve water environment.

Complete the notes:

Structures of the talk

Your notes

How is the situation of water resource?




How to preserve it in Vietnam?




Now you try!

Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.

1. The problem is that...

2. ... has been polluted and degraded seriously.

3. The first thing we can do right now is ...

4. Authorities must have measures ...

5. ... help us preserve water environment.                   

Now you tick!

Did you ...

q answer all the questions in the task?

q give some details to each main point?

q speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?

q use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?

q use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?

q pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)?

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