Unit 16 lớp 8 Write - Bài viết Inventions

Lý thuyết Bài tập

Tóm tắt bài

1. Unit 16 Lớp 8 Write Task 1

  • Fill in each gap with one of these sequence markers to describe the procedure of papermaking. (Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống bằng từ nối để mô tả quy trình sản xuất giấy.)
 first         then (2)         next            after this             finally


How Paper Is Made

(1) _____, logs are cut into small chips. (2) _____ they are mixed with water and acid. (3) ______ they are heated and crushed to a heavy pulp. This wood pulp is also cleaned and chemically whitened. (4) _______, it is passed through rollers to be flattened. (5) _____, sheets of wet paper are produced. (6)_________, the water is removed from the sheets which are pressed, dried and refined until the finished paper is produced.

Guide to answer

How Paper Is Made

(1) First, logs are cut into small chips. (2) Then they are mixed with water and acid. (3) Next they are heated and crushed to a heavy pulp. This wood pulp is also cleaned and chemically whitened. (4) After this, it is passed through rollers to be flattened. (5) Then, sheets of wet paper are produced. (6) Finally, the water is removed from the sheets which are pressed, dried and refined until the finished paper is produced.

  • Bài dịch "How Paper is Made" 

Thứ nhất, các khúc gỗ được cắt thành các miếng nhỏ. Sau đó chúng được trộn với nước và axit. Tiếp đó chúng được nung nóng và nghiền nát thành bột dày. Bột gỗ này cũng được làm sạch và làm trắng bằng hóa chất. Sau đó, nó được đi qua các con lăn để làm phẳng. Sau đó, người ta sản xuất được giấy ướt. Cuối cùng, nước được lấy ra từ các tấm được ép, sấy và tinh chế cho đến khi hoàn thành giấy được sản xuất.

2. Unit 16 Lớp 8 Write Task 2

  • Look at the sequence of pictures that describe how cacao beans are processed. Put them in the correct order. (Nhìn tranh mô tả quá trình chế biến hạt ca-cao rồi xếp đúng thứ tự các bức tranh.)

Unit 16 Write 8

a. The beans arre dried in the sun. (Những hạt cacao được phơi dưới nắng mặt trời.)

b. They are shelled and ground to produce chocolate liquor. (Chúng được tách vỏ và nghiền để sản xuất ra socola lỏng.)

c. The beans are roasted to bring out chocolate flavor. (Những hạt cacao được rang để mang lại hương vị socola.)

d. The fruit harvest is fermented for three to nine days to kill the beans and turn them brown. (Người ta làm lên men những quả cacao từ 3 đến 9 ngày để làm chết những hạt cacao và cho chúng chuyển sang màu nâu.)

e. The beans are cleared in special machines. (Những hạt cacao được làm sạch trong những chiếc máy đặc biệt.)

f. The liquor is made into chocolate candy or cocoa powder. (Chất lỏng này được làm thành socola hoặc bột cacao.)

Guide to answer

1 - d) The fruit harvest is fermented for three to nine days to kill the beans and turn them brown.

2 - a) The beans are dried in the sun.

3 - e) The beans are cleared in special machines.

4 - c) The beans are roasted to bring out the chocolate favour.

5 - b) They are shelled and ground to produce chocolate liquor.

6 - f) The liquor is made into chocolate candy or cocoa powder.

  • Now use the sequence markers in exercise 'write 1' to link sentences together in a paragraph. (Bây giờ hãy dùng từ nối ở bài tập 1 để nối các câu trên lại với nhau thành một đoạn văn.)

Guide to answer

First, the fruit harvest is fermented for three to nine days to kill the beans and turn them brown. Then, the beans are dried in the sun. Next, the beans are cleared in special machines. After this, the beans are roasted to bring out the chocolate favour. Then, they are shelled and ground to produce chocolate liquor. Finally, the liquor is made into chocolate candy or cocoa powder.

Use the sequence markers to link sentences together in a paragraph.

Milk is produced in farms from cows.

_____, the cows are milked.

This usually happens twice a day, using a milk machine.

_____, the milk is cooled and stored in large, refrigerated containers.

_____, the milk is collected and delivered to the dairy.

_____, at the diary, milk is made into various products including cheese, cream, butter and liquid milk for drinking.

______, these are delivered to supermarkets and shops.


Milk is produced in farms from cows. Firstly, the cows are milked. This usually happens twice a day, using a milk machine. Then, the milk is cooled and stored in large, refrigerated containers. Next, the milk is collected and delivered to the dairy. After that, at the diary, milk is made into various products including cheese, cream, butter and liquid milk for drinking. Finally, these are delivered to supermarkets and shops.

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Write Unit 16 Lớp 8

Trên đây là nội dung bài học Write Unit 16 Lớp 8, để nâng cao kỹ năng viết mời các em tham gia thực hành Trắc nghiệm Unit 16 lớp 8 Write 

  • Câu 1: Choose the, word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces. Chocolate is made from up to 12 different types of cocoa beans. (1)____, the beans are sorted by hand before being roasted. Each type of bean is roasted separately. (2) _____, the shells of the beans are removed. (3)_______, the beans are mashed into a thick paste and sugar and vanilla are added. This paste is called the ‘chocolate liquor’. (4) ____ the chocolate  liquor is heated for up to 72 hours. Following this, the liquor is repeatedly heated and then cooled for several hours. (5)______, the chocolate is allowed to cool and harden before being packaged.

    • A. Firstly
    • B. The first
    • C. First
    • D. A & C are correct
  • Câu 2:

    • A. Then
    • B. The second
    • C. Next
    • D. Secondly

Câu 3 - Câu 5: Xem trắc nghiệm để thi online

Hỏi đáp Write Unit 16 Lớp 8

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