Trang chủ Đề thi & kiểm tra Tiếng anh 25 đề thi thử Tiếng Anh THPT Quốc gia năm 2022 !!

25 đề thi thử Tiếng Anh THPT Quốc gia năm 2022 !!

Câu 10 : Don't trust him. He is just a wolf in sheep's ________________.

A. clothing

B. clothes

C. cloth

D. skin

Câu 12 : Don't put the laptop away – I ____ using it yet.

A. don't finish

B. haven't finished

C. didn't finish

D. won't finish

Câu 17 : Do you find it easier to___________ what's happening when you watch a film in English?

A. see through

B. work out

C. make up

D. get round

Câu 19 : There is no longer the ___________ use of animals to test products. Only some are used.

A. extensive

B. intensive

C. tentative

D. expansive

Câu 22 :

I was going to have a go at parachuting but lost my nerve at the last minute.

A. was determined to go ahead

B. lost my temper

C. was discouraged from trying

D. began to dislike it

Câu 31 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

      Optimists have plenty to be happy about. In other words, if you can convince yourself that things will get better, the odds of it happening will improve - because you keep on playing the game. In this light, optimism “is a habitual way of explaining your setbacks to yourself”, reports Martin Seligman, the psychology professor and author of Learned Optimism. The research shows that when times get tough, optimists do better than pessimists - they succeed better at work, respond better to stress, suffer fewer depressive episodes, and achieve more personal goals.

      Studies also show that belief can help with the financial pinch. Chad Wallens, a social forecaster at the Henley Centre who surveyed middle-class Britons’ beliefs about income, has found that “the people who feel wealthiest, and those who feel poorest, actually have almost the same amount of money at their disposal. Their attitudes and behaviour patterns, however, are different from one another.”

      Optimists have something else to be cheerful about - in general, they are more robust. For example, a study of 660 volunteers by the Yale University psychologist Dr. Becca Levy found that thinking positively adds an average of seven years to your life. Other American research claims to have identified a physical mechanism behind this. A Harvard Medical School study of 670 men found that the optimists have significantly better lung function. The lead author, Dr. Rosalind Wright, believes that attitude somehow strengthens the immune system. “Preliminary studies on heart patients suggest that, by changing a per¬son’s outlook, you can improve their mortality risk,” she says.

      Few studies have tried to ascertain the proportion of optimists in the world. But a 1995 nationwide survey conducted by the American magazine Adweek found that about half the population counted themselves as optimists, with women slightly more apt than men (53 per cent versus 48 per cent) to see the sunny side.

(Adapted from

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The benefits of sanguine thoughts.

B. The influences of proper attitudes.

C. The successful life of optimists.

D. The comparison between optimism and pessimism.

Câu 32 :

What does the word “they” in the first paragraph refer to?

A. pessimists

B. times

C. psychology professor and author

D. optimists

Câu 33 :

According to the passage, which of the following is UNTRUE about optimism?

A. Optimists are superior in dealing with troubles than pessimists.

B. The differences between positive and negative people are attitudes and behavior, not income.

C. Positive outlook may aggravate people’s mortality risk.

D. Females are proved to be more optimistic than men.

Câu 34 : The word “robust” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____________.

A. feeble

B. vigorous

C. delicate

D. shaky

Câu 35 : As mentioned in the passage, who found that optimists have a longer life expectancy than negative counterparts?

A. Martin Seligman

B. Chad Wallens

C. Dr. Becca Levy

D. Dr. Rosalind Wright

Câu 36 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

        Most parents want their sons and daughters to have equal chances of success when they grow up. Today, equality of the sexes is largely mandated by public policy and law. However, old-fashioned ideas and a lot of prejudice are still part of our culture and present challenging questions for parents.

      Gender stereotypes are rigid ideas about how boys and girls should behave. We all know what these stereotypes are: A “feminine” girls should be insecure, accommodating and a little illogical in her thinking. A “masculine” boy should be strong, unemotional, aggressive, and competitive. How are children exposed to these stereotypes? According to the researchers David and Myra Sadker of the American University of Washington, D.C., boys and girls are often treated differently in the classroom. They found out that when boys speak, teachers usually offer constructive comments, when girls speech, teachers tend to focus on the behavior. It’s more important how the girls act rather than what they say.

      The emphasis on differences begins at birth and continues throughout childhood. For example, few people would give pink baby’s clothes to a boy or a blue blanket to a girl. Later, many of us give girls dolls and miniature kitchenware, while boys receive action figures and construction sets. There’s nothing wrong with that. The problem arises when certain activities are deemed appropriate for one sex but not the other. According to Heather J. Nicholson, Ph.D., director of the National Resource Center for Girls, Inc., this kind of practice prevents boys and girls from acquiring important skills for their future lives.

       “The fact is,” says Nicholson, “that society functions as a kind of sorting machine regarding gender. In a recent survey, fifty-eight percent of eighth-grade girls but only six percent of boys earned money caring for younger children. On the other hand, twenty-seven percent of boys but only three percent of girls earned money doing lawn work”. If we are serious about educating a generation to be good workers and parents, we need to eliminate such stereotypes as those mentioned previously.

      Gender stereotypes inevitably are passed to our children. However, by becoming aware of the messages our children receive, we can help them develop ways to overcome these incorrect ideas. To counteract these ideas, parents can look for ways to challenge and support their children, and to encourage confidence in ways that go beyond what society’s fixed ideas about differences of sext are.


Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?

A. Deep-seated stereotypes about genders and their effects.

B. Different prejudice about how girls and boys should behave and be treated.

C. The role of culture in the behavior of different genders.

D. The influence of education and society on gender stereotypes.

Câu 37 :

According to the second passage, David and Myra Sadker of the American University of Washington, D.C found that ______________.

A. schoolboys and schoolgirls are treated equally in the classroom.

B. teachers often concentrate on boys’ behavior and girls’ manners.

C. boys are commented usefully whereas girls are paid attention to behavior.

D. girls are taught to be insecure, accommodating and illogical while boys are strong, unemotional, aggressive, and competitive.

Câu 38 :

What does the word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A. The differences between boys and girls begin at birth and continue throughout childhood.

B. People often give pink clothes to a boy and a blue blanket to a girl.

C. Many people give girls dolls and miniature kitchen and boys receive action figures and construction sets when they were born.

D. People give different genders of children distinct kinds of presents or clothes.

Câu 39 : The word “deemed” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____________.

A. celebrated

B. supposed

C. designed

D. established

Câu 40 :

According to the passage, which of the following is UNTRUE about gender stereotypes?

A. Male and female children are expected to behave the same as what adults think they should.

B. The distinctions in treatment to boys and girls commence when they were given birth.

C. It’s beneficial for children to practice fundamental skills if they are treated unequally quite early.

D. Children are differently treated not only at homes but also at schools.

Câu 43 :

What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Parents are able to help reduce the influence of gender stereotypes on their children.

B. Teachers and parents have to join hands to encourage children’s confidence in social activities.

C. Society functions often categorize jobs regardless genders.

D. The problems males and females get when they are adults may originate from gender stereotypes.

Câu 44 :

“Why don't you stay in and watch a romantic movie this afternoon?” said he.

A. He said let's stay in and watch a romantic movie this afternoon.

B. He suggests staying in to watch a romantic movie that afternoon.

C. He persuaded that staying in and watching a romantic movie will compensate for that boring afternoon.

D. He said If he were me, he would stay in and watch a romantic movie that afternoon.

Câu 45 :

Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the United State than did Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.

A. Probably Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production, had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the United State than any another man.

B. Probably many men had no effect on the daily lives of most people in the United State rather than did Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.

C. Probably no man in the United States had as many effect on the daily lives of most people As Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.

D. Probably Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production, had the most effect on the daily lives of most people in the United State.

Câu 46 :

I am sure he said something terrible to her because of her red eyes.

A. He may have said something terrible to her because I could see it from her red eyes.

B. He could have said something terrible to her because I could see it from her red eyes.

C. He should have said something terrible to her because I could see it from her red eyes.

D. He must have said something terrible to her because I could see it from her red eyes.

Câu 47 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges.

Mai: 'We'd better take a taxi rather than a coach as we go in group.

Tom: “_______________.”

A. You took the words right out of my mouth

B. I'm along with you on that one

C. It is on the tip of my tongue

D. It does make a difference to me

Câu 48 :

Tom: 'Who's going to win the contest?'

Jerry: “_____________.”

A. It might be a good idea to bet

B. Your guess is as good as mine

C. I've set my heart on winning it

D. There's nothing you don't know about beauty

Câu 49 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

He is likely to go to the capital. He would like to find a steady job.

A. He is likely to go to the capital in order that he likes a steady job.

B. He is likely to go to the capital in view of finding a steady job.

C. He is likely to go to the capital with a view to finding a steady job.

D. He is likely to go to the capital considering a steady job.

Câu 50 :

The reasons for his resignation were a complete mystery to some people.

A. The reason why he was resigned had been a complete mystery to some people.

B. Some people might find it confused to understand his reasons for resignation.

C. Some people were completely mystified by the reasons for his resignation.

D. Some people were curious about his reasons for his resignation and they considered it a mystery.

Câu 57 :

The extinction of dinosaurs is believed ____ by a giant meteor crashing into the Earth.

A. to cause

B. to be caused

C. to have been caused

D. to have caused

Câu 58 :

Without the increasing congestion on our roads recently, scientists ____ new forms of transport.

A. would develop

B. wouldn't develop

C. wouldn't have been developed

D. will have developed

Câu 59 :

It was a complete surprise to discover that teenagers themselves saw heated arguments ____.

A. if they had arguments with their parents

B. as if their parents are trying to get closer to them

C. as when they didn't want to be closer to their parents

D. as something that brought them closer to their parents

Câu 60 : _____________ some members' objections, I think we must go ahead with the plan.

A. Be that as it may

B. Now that

C. Notwithstanding

D. Providing

Câu 64 : You must mix the right _______ of soap and water if you want to blow bubbles that last longer.

A. percentage

B. proportion

C. propensity

D. majority

Câu 67 : ______ her interest in children, teaching seems the right job for her.

A. Given

B. Taken

C. Considered

D. Accounted

Câu 70 : We can only give you the approximate number of refugees crossing the border at the moment.

A. a sort of

B. a bit of

C. a variety of

D. a deluge of

Câu 72 :

Joe's been walking with a spring in his step ever since he found out he was getting a promotion.

A. a happy and excited mood

B. a joyful and energetic mood

C. a worried and depressed moon

D. a bad and sorrow mood

Câu 81 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

There are already many, many people who have passed the landmark age of 100. In fact, there are now so many healthy, elderly people that there's a new term for them: the wellderly. These are people over the age of 80 who have no diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes and have never taken medicines for these conditions.

There have been many scientific studies of communities where a healthy old age is typical. These include places like Calabria in southern Italy and the island of Okinawa in Japan.

The small village of Molochio in Calabria has about 2,000 inhabitants. And of these there are at least eight centenarians. When researchers ask people like this the secret of their long life, the answer is almost always to do with diet and is almost always the same: 'I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.' 'A little bit, but of everything.’ ‘No smoking, no drinking.’

While in the past scientists have looked at things such as diet and lifestyle for an explanation of long life, these days they are investigating genetics. One such researcher is Eric Topol, who says, "There must be genes that explain why these individuals are protected from the aging process."

The new research into long life looks at groups of people who have a genetic connection. For example, one group of interest lives in Ecuador. In one area of the country there are a number of people with the same genetic condition. It's called Laron syndrome. The condition means that they don't grow to more than about one, but it also seems to give them protection against cancer and diabetes. As a result, they live longer than other people in their families. Meanwhile, on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, there's another group of long-lived men, Japanese-Americans. They have a similar gene to the Laron syndrome group.

Back in Calabria, scientists are trying to work out exactly how much of the longevity is due to genetics and how much to environment. By checking public records going back to the 19th century, researchers have reconstructed the family trees of 202 nonagenarians and centenarians. They concluded that there were genetic factors involved.

Câu 31: Diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure ____.

A. are common illnesses in elderly people

B. teach scientists a lot about old age and long life

C. are never found among a group of people in Ecuador

D. have been scientifically proved to be the signs of aging

Câu 82 :

What do some people from Calabria and Okinawa have in common?

A. They suffer from diabetes.

B. They have an unusual genetic illness.

C. They live long and healthy lives.

D. They originated from the same ancestors.

Câu 83 :

According to the article, ____.

A. scientists are investigating people who are 120 years old

B. scientific advances mean we will all live to at least 100 years

C. scientists have found genes that might influence how long we live

D. scientists have concluded environment is the decisive factor of longevity

Câu 84 :

Laron syndrome is interesting to scientists because ______________.

A. it might help people with growth problems

B. it shows that there is a genetic reason for old age

C. there are different versions of the syndrome

D. it is related to taking investigation into some family trees

Câu 85 :

Healthy elderly people ______________________.

A. often say that their diet is the most important thing

B. don't usually know what the secret to long life is

C. give many different reasons for their old age

D. agree that their genes protect them from aging

Câu 86 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

There are many mistakes that people make when writing their resume (CV) or completing a job application. Here are some of the most common and most serious.

The biggest problem is perhaps listing the duties for which you were responsible in a past position: all this tells your potential employers is what you were supposed to do. They do not necessarily know the specific skills you used in executing them, nor do they know what results you achieved - both of which are essential. In short, they won’t know if you were the best, the worst or just average in your position.

The more concrete information you can include, the better. As far as possible, provide measurements of what you accomplished. If any innovations you introduced saved the organization money, how much did they save? If you found a way of increasing productivity, by what percentage did you increase it?

Writing what you are trying to achieve in life - your objective - is a waste of space. It tells the employer what you are interested in. Do you really think that employers care what you want? No, they are interested in what they want! Instead, use that space for a career summary. A good one is brief - three to four sentences long. A good one will make the person reviewing your application want to read further.

Many resumes list ‘hard’ job-specific skills, almost to the exclusion of transferable, or ‘soft’, skills. However, your ability to negotiate effectively, for example, can be just as important as your technical skills.

All information you give should be relevant, so carefully consider the job for which you are applying. If you are applying for a job that is somewhat different than your current job, it is up to you to draw a connection for the resume reviewer, so that they will understand how your skills will fit in their organization. The person who reviews your paperwork will not be a mind reader.

If you are modest about the skills you can offer, or the results you have achieved, a resume reader may take what you write literally, and be left with a low opinion of your ability: you need to say exactly how good you are. On the other hand, of course, never stretch the truth or lie.


What topic does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The way how to write the resume for job application.

B. The mistakes people make when applying for a job.

C. The common way to make impression in a job interview.

D. The necessary skills for job application.

Câu 87 : The word “executing” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________________.

A. enumerating

B. determining

C. completing

D. implementing

Câu 88 : The word “concrete” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by ______________.

A. indeterminate

B. specific

C. substantial

D. important

Câu 89 : What does the word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A. organization money

B. information

C. productivity

D. percentage

Câu 90 :

According to the passage, what information should candidates include in their resume?

A. specific skills for previous jobs

B. the past achievements

C. previous positions

D. future objective

Câu 91 :

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. The ability to negotiate effectively is as significant as technical skills.

B. Candidates must study the job they are applying carefully before writing the CV.

C. Applicants should not apply for a distinct job from what they are doing.

D. The information interviewees present should be related to the job they are applying.

Câu 92 :

Why did the author mention that applicants should write a good brief career summary?

A. To make the employers interested in what they want.

B. To make the interviewers more curious about you.

C. Because the employers do not care for what you want to achieve.

D. Because it can provide their specific skills in their positions.

Câu 93 :

It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________________.

A. you should write accurately about your ability for the vacant position.

B. you should be modest about what you can do.

C. a resume reader is good enough to understand what you imply about your ability in the CV.

D. you are allowed to exaggerate the truth of your competence if possible.

Câu 94 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

“You're always working so hard, why don't you let your hair down?”, said he.

A. He said that I had been working so hard that I looked unkempt.

B. He said that it was time for me to relax and enjoy myself.

C. He asked me to throw a party to celebrate my achievement.

D. He told me not to just work and work but I needed to do my hair then.

Câu 95 :

The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are much clearer than those taken from the Earth.

A. The photographs of Mars taken from the Earth are clearer than those taken by satellite.

B. The photographs of Mars taken from the Earth are not as clear as those taken by satellite.

C. The photographs of Mars taken from the Earth are fader than those taken by satellite.

D. The photographs of the earth are not as clear as those of Mars.

Câu 96 :

I guess the man with red hair may have caused it.

A. It may have been caused by the man whose his hair was red.

B. The man whose red hair may have caused it.

C. It may have caused by the man whose hair was red.

D. It may have been caused by the man whose hair was red.

Câu 97 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges.

Tom: “Would you like to watch a water puppet show with me?”

Jerry: “____________________.”

A. It might be a good idea to bet

B. Do you think I would

C. I'm afraid I can't as I have a lot of homework

D. There's nothing you don't know about water puppet

Câu 98 :

– “Why did she leave me for him? I've done everything for her.”

– “__________________”

A. Man. There's no use crying over spilt milk.

B. Let's party tonight. You look so anxious.

C. It serves you right.

D. No worries. It’s not a pity.

Câu 99 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Mary was trying to swim in the sea alone. She should never have been allowed to do so.

A. When Mary left to swim in the sea alone, she said she knew what she was doing.

B. It would probably be wrong to let Mary swim in the sea on her own.

C. No one could have stopped Mary from trying to swim in the sea by herself.

D. Someone ought to have stopped Mary from attempting to swim in the sea on her own.

Câu 100 :

It started to rain. We ran as fast as we could to the shelter.

A. Although it started to rain, we ran as fast as we could to the shelter.

B. It started to rain but we ran as fast as we could to the shelter.

C. It started to rain, at which point we ran as fast as we could to the shelter.

D. Unless it started to rain, we ran as fast as we could to the shelter.

Câu 108 : One of the men was lying on the ground after ___________ down by a piece of rock.

A. being knocked

B. knocking

C. having been knock

D. having knocked

Câu 109 : Intellectuals think that if we _____________daily on tolerance and racism, we will end up killing one another.

A. won’t lecture

B. are not lectured

C. don’t lecture

D. won’t have lectured

Câu 110 :

What I strongly object to is the very principle ______ on one another.

A. to get the boys themselves inform

B. of getting the boys themselves to inform

C. of getting the boys themselves inform

D. to get the boys themselves informing

Câu 111 : “Fantastic sale. Everything must be sold ______________ of the price.”

A. in spite

B. regardless

C. in case

D. on account

Câu 113 : The judge said that there was no doubt about the outcome of the trial. The man was a _______criminal.

A. self-centered

B. self-confessed

C. self-conscious

D. self-contained

Câu 114 : The boy was punished for playing __________ from his physics lessons.

A. truant

B. runaway

C. absent

D. joyride

Câu 115 : People didn't believe his ___________ that he had stolen the money in order to give it to charity.

A. explanatory

B. explanation

C. explain

D. explainable

Câu 116 : The students in the nursing department are ____________ female.

A. restrictively

B. predominantly

C. arbitrarily

D. spontaneously

Câu 120 : Bill Gates is famous for his generosity. He donated a large part of his possessions to charities.

A. hospitality

B. kindness

C. greediness

D. wealthiness

Câu 122 :

John's decision to drop out of university to go to a vocational school drove his mother up the wall. She thought that it was really a stupid decision.

A. made his mother pleased

B. made his mother angry

C. made his mother worried

D. made his mother ashamed

Câu 131 : Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

A. The potential of Mars.

B. Life on Mars.

C. The experiments on Mars.

D. The pressure on Mars.

Câu 132 : What does the word “they” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. space station crews

B. plants

C. environments

D. station’s greenhouses

Câu 133 :

As mentioned in paragraph 2, why can’t people grow plants successfully in space?

A. Because there is a lack of food and oxygen on Mars.

B. Because there aren’t enough station’s greenhouses to control the environments.

C. Because of the reduced gravity and low atmospheric pressure environment.

D. Because of the shortage of new techniques.

Câu 134 : The word “hazards” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____________.

A. dangers

B. problems

C. diseases

D. symptoms

Câu 135 :

According to paragraph 3, which of the following is the demand for manufacturing spacecrafts travelling to Mars?

A. They must contain special machines inside to watch radiation levels.

B. They have to be made from special materials which are light and safe for travelling.

C. They have to maintain radiation data from the beginning of human space flight inside.

D. They have to protect travelers from radiation exposure effectively.

Câu 136 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Belgium is a very old country, with a fascinating mixture of old customs and modern laws. Belgium weddings may be performed as a civil ceremony or as a religious ceremony.

Traditionally, when a couple in Belgium wishes to announce their marriage, the wedding invitations are printed on two sheets of paper, one from the bride’s family and one sheet from the groom’s family. These wedding invitations symbolize the union of the two families and the partnership of the new union.

An ancient Belgium custom that is designed to unite the two families calls for the bride to stop as she walks up the isle and to hand her mother a single flower. The two then embrace. Then, during the recessional, the bride and groom walk to the groom’s mother and the new bride hands her new mother-in-law a single flower and the two of them embrace, symbolizing the bride’s acceptance of her new mother.

One of the most important and enduring traditions of the Belgium wedding is for the bride to carry a specially embroidered handkerchief that has her name embroidered on it. After the wedding this handkerchief is framed and hung on the wall in a place of honor. When the next female member of the bride’s family is to be wed, the handkerchief is removed from its frame, the new bride’s name is embroidered onto it, and it is passed down. The wedding handkerchief is passed from generation to generation, and is considered an important family heirloom.

During the wedding mass, the bride and the groom are enthroned in two large chairs placed near the altar, symbolizing that on this day and in this place they are the king and the queen. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the groom slips the wedding ring onto the third finger of his bride’s left hand. The ring, being an endless circle, symbolizes never-ending love, and the third finger of the left hand is believed to hold the vein that travels to the heart, symbolizing love. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the bride and groom share their first kiss as husband and wife. The kiss is considered a symbolic act of sharing each other’s spirit as the couple each breathes in a portion of their new mate’s soul.

The bridesmaids traditionally take up a collection of coins and as the bride and groom exit the church, the bridesmaids toss the coins to the poor outside the church. Giving gifts of money to the poor helps to insure prosperity for the new bride and groom.

Following the wedding the bride and groom are off on their honeymoon. In ancient times the honeymoon, which was celebrated by the drinking of mead, or honey wine, would last 28 days, one complete cycle of the moon. This was to make sure that the bride’s family did not try to steal their daughter back from her new husband.


Câu 36. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?

A. Belgium’s wedding customs and traditions.

B. The bride’s and groom’s traditional activities in their wedding day.

C. The differences between an ancient wedding and a modern one in Belgium.

D. Belgium’s wedding ceremony.

Câu 137 :

What does the word “them” in the third paragraph refer to?

A. the bride and her mother

B. the bride and the groom

C. the bride and her mother-in-law

D. the groom and his mother-in-law

Câu 138 :

The following is true about Belgium’s wedding, EXCEPT ____________.

A. The weddings in Belgium are not only a civil event but also a religious one.

B. The wedding invitations are the symbol of both the bride’s and the groom’s families.

C. Each mother of the couple is given a single flower in their children’s wedding.

D. The bride often hugs her mother-in-law before embracing her mother.

Câu 139 :

It can be inferred from the passage that the wedding handkerchief ___________.

A. is prepared for the bride by her mother before the wedding.

B. is highly appreciated in the home of Belgian people.

C. is only replaced by another person in their house.

D. is embroidered in most important occasions in Belgium.

Câu 140 : The word “heirloom” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _____________.

A. inheritance

B. dowry

C. representation

D. pride

Câu 141 :

According to paragraph 5, what is CORRECT about the wedding ring?

A. It is worn onto the third finger of the bride’s right hand.

B. The groom wears the ring for his mate at the beginning of the ceremony.

C. The ring represents the boundless love of the couple.

D. The ring is presented by the queen and the king of their country.

Câu 142 : The word “insure” in paragraph 6 could be best replaced by ___________.

A. express

B. indemnify

C. determine

D. affirm

Câu 143 :

The author mentioned honeymoon in the past in the last paragraph as a period that __________.

A. the bride and the groom live far from each other.

B. lasts for a fortnight after wedding.

C. protects the new bride from her family’s effort to take her back.

D. the new couple serves the guests honey wine.

Câu 144 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 44. The diagram shows it is hotter in summer than in winter in the northern hemisphere.

A. As can be seen from the diagram, the weather of the northern hemisphere is hotter in summer than that in winter.

B. According to the diagram, in the northern hemisphere is colder in winter than in summer.

C. The diagram illustrates the trend of the climate in the northern hemisphere is that summer is cooler than winter.

D. As we can see from the diagram, the climate of the northern hemisphere is hotter in summer more than in winter.

Câu 145 :

"I'm sorry I forgot your birthday," he told me.

A. He complained that I forgot his birthday.

B. He refused to go to my birthday party.

C. He begged me to forget my birthday.

D. He apologized for forgetting my birthday.

Câu 146 :

I really believe my letter came as a great surprise to John.

A. John may be very surprised to receive my letter.

B. John might have been very surprised to receive my letter.

C. John must be very surprised to receive my letter.

D. John must have been very surprised to receive my letter.

Câu 148 :

Binh is inviting Nam to join the football club.

Binh: “I know you are very good at playing football. Would you like to join our club?”

Nam: “____________”

A. Yes. I am very busy.

B. Yeah. Good idea. I'd love to.

C. What a good friend you are!

D. What do you think?

Câu 149 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 49. Fast-food restaurants attract children. They offer toys and a party atmosphere.

A. If fast-food restaurants offer toys and a party atmosphere, they will attract children.

B. Whenever fast-food restaurants offer toys and a party atmosphere, they attract children.

C. To attract children to their restaurants, fast-food restaurants offer toys and a party atmosphere.

D. By attracting children, fast-food restaurants offer toys and a party atmosphere.

Câu 150 :

Smoking is unhealthy. It also costs governments billions of dollars in health-care costs.

A. Not only is smoking unhealthy but it also costs governments billions of dollars in health-care costs.

B. Whereas smoking is unhealthy, it costs governments billions of dollars in health-care costs.

C. If smoking is unhealthy, it will cost governments billions of dollars in health-care costs.

D. Smoking is so unhealthy that it costs governments billions of dollars in health-care costs.

Câu 157 : When he ________ an essay in on time for once, his professor __________ him a look of surprise.

A. handed/ would hand

B. handed/gave

C. was handing/gave

D. had handed/gave

Câu 158 : After __________ her an email, I waited for her reply patiently.

A. had sent

B. sending

C. having sent

D. having been sent

Câu 159 :

If the Moon _______ one orbit around the earth and one complete revolution on its axis at the same rate, we sometimes _____________ the other side of it.

A. doesn’t complete/ will see

B. didn’t complete/would see

C. hadn’t completed/would have seen

D. doesn’t complete/see

Câu 160 :

As the students who had taken the university entrance exam were waiting for the results_________, they seemed_________ more and more nervous.

A. having been announced- to have got

B. to be announced/to be getting

C. announced/ to get

D. to be announced/to get

Câu 162 :

Since, at that time, his name ________ secret, we all addressed him “Uncle Roy”.

A. has been kept

B. was keeping

C. must have been kept

D. had to be kept

Câu 163 : They live in a/an_____________ house which stands itself in a field.

A. attached

B. detached

C. detaching

D. semi-detached

Câu 164 : The house possesses __________ grounds with gardens, tennis- courts and an orchard.

A. extension

B. extended

C. extensive

D. extensively

Câu 165 : Could you give me a rough_______ of what the decoration job might cost?

A. estimate

B. correlation

C. account

D. value

Câu 167 : The army claimed that during the invasion there was no _________ of life.

A. death

B. loss

C. killing

D. disappearance

Câu 172 :

One of the best ways to understand what a job is like, is to do it. Work experience is a great way to get a feel for what a job is all about.

A. to have an understanding about

B. to touch with one's own hands

C. not have the faintest idea about

D. to do something on purpose

Câu 180 : The letter he received this morning said that his application had rejected.

A. The

B. received

C. said

D. had rejected

Câu 181 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Volunteering has been acknowledged as part of the wider health policy, with the NHS five-year plan identifying a need to encourage community volunteering. It also has an important role to play in tackling social exclusion, through projects such as lunch clubs for older people, assisted gardening schemes, or young play leaders.

Volunteering can help to provide people with ways out of poverty, by giving them new skills, confidence and aid social integration. This is of particular value to those who are most excluded from the labour market, such as recent migrants or people with disabilities. But while the benefits of volunteering are clear, there is worrying evidence that the people who could benefit most from giving their time are precisely those least likely to be involved.

There are many reasons for people not to volunteer. For older people, the barriers can include poor health, poverty, lack of skills, poor transport links, or having caring responsibilities, such as looking after grandchildren. Younger people can be deterred by feeling they don’t have the time to volunteer, or not knowing anyone else who volunteers. Many of them also think volunteering is just for older people with time on their hands. Volunteering has an image problem – particularly with men and younger people.

More should be done to promote the value of volunteering to the particular needs of different groups. There is evidence on why people choose to volunteer, and we need to make better use of that information. For instance, a recent survey showed that 95% of young people, aged 13-24, hoped to develop new skills through volunteering, compared to just 32% of volunteers aged over 55. Almost three quarters of young people were keen to gain qualifications through volunteering compared to just 13% of those over 55. Over three quarters of disabled volunteers were keen to develop new skills and nearly two thirds hoped to improve their health and wellbeing through volunteering.

(Adapted from

Câu 31. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Why are not many people interested in being a volunteer?

B. Who gets more benefits from volunteer work?

C. What are volunteer activities?

D. How many people take part in volunteer work?

Câu 182 :

The following are provided to help people out of poverty through volunteering, EXCEPT _______________.

A. new skills

B. confidence

C. aid social integration

D. labour market

Câu 183 : The word “deterred” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____________.

A. encouraged

B. discouraged

C. motivated

D. bothered

Câu 184 : What does the phrase “many of them” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A. volunteers

B. grandchildren

C. younger people

D. older people

Câu 185 :

According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. The people who could get most advantages from volunteering are also the ones participating most enthusiastically in this activity.

B. Wealth is one of the reasons preventing the old from doing volunteer work.

C. Not only most of the young from 13 to 24 years old but also the disabled volunteers hope to get new skills through volunteering.

D. People over 55 years old are keener on gaining qualifications through volunteer work than learning a new skill.

Câu 186 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Facebook users spend an average of more than 15 hours a month on the social networking site. While there are plenty who caution against such intensive use — and there are a number of studies detailing the harm Facebook could potentially cause — there also are lots of reports extolling the site's virtues. As the social media giant prepares for its upcoming initial public offering, here are some ways Facebook just might be good for you.

Spending time on Facebook can help people relax, slow down their heart rate and decrease stress levels, according to researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Milan. In a study published earlier this year, researchers studied 30 students and found that a natural high was sparked when they were on the social media network that led to the relaxed heart rates and lower levels of stress and tension. In the study, the students were monitored in three situations: looking at panoramic landscapes, performing complicated mathematical equations and using Facebook. While the first situation was the most relaxing to students and the math problems were the most stressful, the time on Facebook uncovered high levels of attractiveness and arousal. The findings support the researchers' hypothesis that Facebook's success, as well as that of other social media networks, correlates to the specific positive mental and physical state users experience.

While many may argue that social media networks only distract employees, research shows the opposite may be true. Research from found that a 10-minute Facebook break makes employees happier, healthier and more productive. The study examined workers in three groups: one that was allowed no breaks, one that was allowed to do anything but use the Internet and one that was allowed 10 minutes to use the Internet and Facebook. The Facebook group was found to be 16 percent more productive than the group that was not allowed to use the Internet and nearly 40 percent more productive than the group that was allowed no breaks. "Short and unobtrusive breaks, such as a quick surf on the Internet, enables the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher net total concentration for a day's work, and as a result, increased productivity," said Brent Coker of the department of management and marketing at the University of Melbourne in Australia.

Facebook is also in the business of matchmaking. Research shows that nearly 60 percent of singles will friend someone new on Facebook after meeting them in person. If they like what they see, 25 percent are likely to contact their new love interest via Facebook. Once the courting is over, nearly 40 percent of those social networking adults will update their relationship status on Facebook, with just 24 percent telling their friends first. Facebook use between couples will continue through the dating process, the research shows. Throughout the day, 79 percent of couples said they send partners Facebook messages or chat on the social network. In addition, more than 60 percent would post romantic messages on their significant other’s Facebook wall. When the relationship ends, more than half of those surveyed immediately update their status to single, which automatically sends out a notification to their friend list to start the dating cycle over again.


Câu 36. Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?

A. The benefits that Facebook might bring you.

B. The disadvantages that Facebook causes in the modern life.

C. The classes are most influenced by Facebook.

D. The functions that are used most on Facebook.

Câu 187 : The word “sparked” in the second paragraph probably means ____________.

A. produced

B. reduced

C. prevented

D. controlled

Câu 188 :

According to paragraph 2, what do the scientists discover in their study?

A. Spending too much time on Facebook may increase levels of pressure and heart disease.

B. Students often suffer from stress when they are working with something related to mathematics.

C. Facebook can make its users more optimistic and aroused.

D. The success of Facebook may motivate the development of other social networks.

Câu 189 : The word “one” in paragraph 3 refers to __________.

A. the study

B. a group

C. the Internet

D. a research

Câu 190 :

Why does Facebook motivate the productivity of employees?

A. Because the Internet distracts users to take breaks out of work.

B. Because it helps people refresh their mind and then enhance the concentration on work.

C. Because employees are happy with what they read on the Facebook.

D. Because they are allowed to relax after a hard work.

Câu 191 : The word “courting” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.

A. dating

B. marriage

C. divorce

D. making acquaintance

Câu 192 :

Which of the following is NOT correct about the impact of Facebook on users’ relationship?

A. More than half of single people tend to make new friends on Facebook after a face-to-face contact.

B. Married people often use Facebook to keep in touch with their spouse.

C. Not many people change the relationship status to single after their breakdown.

D. Adults are more likely to update their relationship status on Facebook than to tell their friends about that.

Câu 193 : Which of the following could best describe the tone of the passage?

A. Informative

B. Argumentative

C. Sarcastic

D. Ironic

Câu 194 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 44. Governments should take measures to protect wildlife, or more and more animals will become endangered.

A. The sooner governments take measures to protect wildlife, the fewer animals will become endangered.

B. The more governments take measures to protect wildlife, the fewer animals will become endangered.

C. The more measures governments take to protect wildlife, the fewer animals will become endangered.

D. Governments take measures to protect wildlife, so that fewer animals will become endangered.

Câu 195 :

"Good luck in your new job. It will work out well for you," said his mother.

A. His mother wished him good luck and said his new job would work out well for him.

B. His mother wanted him to get good luck in his new job as it would work out well for him.

C. His mother wondered whether he got luck in his job or it would work out well for him.

D. His mother ascertained that his new job would work out well for him and bring him luck.

Câu 196 :

People cannot have computers solve problems in which the rules do not currently exist.

A. Problems in which rules do not currently exist cannot be solved by computers.

B. People cannot solve computers problems in which rules do not currently exist.

C. Problems in which rules do not currently exist have to be solved by computers.

D. People have to solve problems in which rules do not currently exist by computers.

Câu 198 :

Minh: "It's true that she's going to leave the company."

Huong: “____________________________.”

A. Not to my knowledge

B. Not to my mind

C. I not think so

D. Not by my knowledge

Câu 199 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 49. I deeply regret having spoken to her so severely yesterday. She was badly hurt.

A. If only I could apologize to her for having spoken to her so severely yesterday.

B. I wish I hadn’t spoken to her so severely yesterday.

C. She must have been badly hurt because I had spoken to her so severely yesterday.

D. If I hadn’t spoken to her so severely yesterday, she wouldn’t be badly hurt.

Câu 200 :

The whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be. This quote should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by.

A. That the whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be is a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by.

B. It's the whole point of education that gives students the knowledge to be who they want to be, which is a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by.

C. Because whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be, this is a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by.

D. Not only is the whole point of education to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be, but also a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by.

Câu 208 :

The man the police caught yesterday ____________a bomb attack was also accused ________ in many other crimes previously.

A. prepare/to be involved

B. to prepare/with having been involved

C. preparing /of having been involved

D. preparing /of having involved

Câu 209 :

If she had asked us, we___________ how to fix it, or we ________ at least.

A. knew, tried

B. would know, would try

C. know, try

D. would have known, would have tried

Câu 210 : James didn’t take ___________ to your suggestion that she was mean with money.

A. kindly

B. pleasantly

C. cheerfully

D. agreeably

Câu 212 :

The origin of April Fool’s Day, the first day of April, is uncertain, but it _________ to arrival of spring in late March, when nature _________to “fool” humanity with changes in weather.

A. has been related – has said

B. may be related – is said

C. ought to relate – has been said

D. relates – is saying

Câu 217 : She __________ her hands in horror at his suggestion that she should marry him.

A. broke up

B. threw up

C. brought up

D. woke up

Câu 222 :

He is very stubborn but flattery usually works like a charm on him.

A. is completely successful in

B. takes effect

C. turned out to be a disaster

D. has no effect on

Câu 230 :

Leisure activities are necessary for personal development and also to maintain good health.

A. Leisure activities

B. for

C. personal development

D. maintain

Câu 231 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

      Anthropogenic global warming is a theory explaining today's long-term increase in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere as an effect of human industry and agriculture.

      Since the latter half of the 20th century, growing banks of data and improved climate models have convinced most climate scientists that rising trends in greenhouse gas emissions are directly responsible for a rising trend in atmospheric temperature. The source of these emissions vary, consisting of a mix of gases that include methane and carbon dioxide. While some sources - such as volcanoes - are natural, their overall emissions compared with those produced by human industries, transport, and livestock have been regarded as insignificant over recent centuries.

       Greenhouse gases are made of molecules that absorb electromagnetic radiation, such as  the light reflecting from the planet's surface, and re-emit it as heat. These gases include methane, carbon dioxide, water, and nitrous oxide. Despite making up only a small percentage of the atmosphere's mix of gases they are very important. If we had no naturally occurring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at all, the average global temperature on Earth would be a much lower -18 degrees instead of the roughly 15 degrees Celsius we have enjoyed most of human history.

        Carbon dioxide levels have steadily risen over the past two centuries, thanks largely to the burning of fossil fuels for electricity general, transportation, and smelting. Current levels are approximately 415 parts per million (ppm), up from pre-industrial levels of around 280 ppm. Models vary in their predictions of further temperature increases, and depend heavily on future trends in greenhouse gas emissions. Conservative estimates by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predict an even chance of 4 degrees Celsius rise by the end of the century if current emissions trends continue.


Câu 31. Where is the passage possibly taken from?

A. An official business letter.

B. A brochure for ecotourism.

C. An environmental magazine.

D. A questionnaire at the mall.

Câu 232 : The word “livestock” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. beast

B. animal

C. cattle

D. poultry

Câu 233 :

According to paragraph 3, what would happen if the Earth were bereft of natural greenhouse gases?

A. The Earth’s temperature would be too cold for the habitation of any living things.

B. The sunny weather would be a permanent setting for the Earth.

C. Most of the Earth’s surface would crack due to the scorching heat.

D. No noticeable changes in the climate would arise.

Câu 234 : The word “those” in paragraph refers to _______.

A. levels

B. models

C. sources

D. emissions

Câu 235 :

According to paragraph 4, what are the CO2-producing fossil fuels utilized for?

A. Fossil fuels, as the main energy source, generate a significant share of electricity.

B. The oil and natural gas industry supply a massive number of jobs.

C. Coals provide the right amount of heat for extracting metal from its ore.

D. Petroleum and other derivatives power various means of transport.

Câu 236 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

      Every summer, when the results of university entrance exam come out, many newspaper stories are published about students who are top-scorers across the country. Most portray students as hard-working, studious, smart and, generally, from low-income families. They are often considered heroes or heroines by their families, communes, villages and communities. And they symbolize the efforts made to lift them, and their relatives, out of poverty. The students are often too poor to attend any extra-classes, which make their achievements more illustrious and more newsworthy. While everyone should applaud the students for their admirable efforts, putting too much emphasis on success generates some difficult questions.

       If other students look up to them as models, of course it's great. However, in a way, it contributes to society's attitude that getting into university is the only way to succeed. For those who fail, their lives are over. It should be noted that about 1.3 million high school students take part in the annual university entrance exams and only about 300,000 of them pass. What's about the hundreds of thousands who fail? Should we demand more stories about those who fail the exam but succeed in life or about those who quit university education at some level and do something else unconventional?

       "I personally think that it's not about you scoring top in an entrance exam or get even into Harvard. It's about what you do for the rest of your life," said Tran Nguyen Le Van, 29. He is the founder of a website,, that passengers can use to book bus tickets online and receive tickets via SMS. His business also arranges online tickets via mobile phones and email. Van dropped out of his MBA at the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona in the United States. His story has caught the attention of many newspapers and he believes more coverage should be given to the youngsters who can be role-models in the start-up community. Getting into university, even with honours, is just the beginning. "We applaud them and their efforts and obviously that can give them motivation to do better in life. However, success requires more than just scores," Van said. Van once told a newspaper that his inspiration also came from among the world's most famous drop-outs, such as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook or Bill Gates who also dropped out of Harvard University.

        Alarming statistics about unemployment continues to plague us. As many as 162,000 people with some kind of degree cannot find work, according to Labour Ministry's statistics this month. An emphasis on getting into university does not inspire students who want to try alternative options. At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Training is still pondering on how to reform our exam system, which emphasises theories, but offers little to develop critical thinking or practice. Vu Thi Phuong Anh, former head of the Centre for Education Testing and Quality Assessment at Viet Nam National University in HCM City said the media should also monitor student successes after graduation. She agreed there were many success stories about young people, but added that it was imbalanced if students taking unconventional paths were not also encouraged.

          Viet Nam is, more than ever, in desperate need of those who think outside the box. Time for us to recognise talent, no matter where it comes from or how.


Câu 36. Which of the following best describes the main idea of this passage?

A. Many students consider universities as their only way after school.

B. A good model of being successful in the real life out of school.

C. Not many students are successful after graduating from universities.

D. University is not the only way to success.

Câu 237 :

What is NOT stated in the passage about the top-scorers in the entrance exam?

A. The majority of them are poor but intelligent and eager to learn.

B. They are hoped to find the way to better their families’ lives.

C. Their success is more glorious because they attend more classes than others.

D. The students are admired for the great efforts.

Câu 239 :

The author described Tran Nguyen Le Van in the third passage as ________________.

A. a good example to achieve success although he didn’t finish his education.

B. a businessman who gains money by selling mobile phones online.

C. a founder whose website was inspired from social networks like Facebook.

D. a top-scorer who books online tickets and confirm through messages.

Câu 240 : The word “them” in paragraph 3 refers to _________________.

A. honours

B. role-models

C. the youngsters

D. newspapers

Câu 241 : The word “plague” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____________.

A. conflict

B. afflict

C. remind

D. bother

Câu 242 :

What can be inferred from the passage?

A. It’s high time for the young to change their ways of thinking about success.

B. High scores are the first step to attain achievements in the future.

C. Failing the entrance exam will not determine that these students are doing unconventional things.

D. The most concerned thing for each student is unemployment.

Câu 243 :

According to the fourth paragraph, what is TRUE about the modern exam system?

A. It puts too much pressure on students who must get a place in a university.

B. Students are not encouraged to do something different.

C. The government is trying to change the theories of exam.

D. Many stories about successful students cannot inspire those who attend universities.

Câu 244 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 44. Warm-blooded animals have metabolic rates about five to ten times higher than those of similarly sized cold-blooded ones.

A. Cold-blooded animals have lower metabolic rates than warm-blooded ones which have similar size.

B. Cold-blooded animals are about five to ten times as small as warm-blooded ones.

C. Cold-blooded animals’ metabolic rates are about five to ten times as low as those of warm-blooded ones.

D. With the similarly sized animals, the metabolic rates of cold-blooded animals are about five to ten times lower than those of warm-blooded ones.

Câu 245 :

He said: “I haven’t met her since she left school.”

A. He said that he hadn’t met her since he had left school.

B. He said that he hadn’t met her since he left school.

C. He said that he hadn’t met her since she left school.

D. He said that he hadn’t met her since she had left school.

Câu 246 :

You are not tactful; that is why you are always offending other people.

A. You must have offended other people because you are not tactful.

B. If you were tactful, you wouldn’t satisfy other people.

C. I wish you were tactful so that you don’t offend other people.

D. You should have been tactful so that you didn’t offend other people.

Câu 247 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges.

Câu 47. Ba and Lan are talking about the development of robots.

Ba: " Do you think that robots can do all the housework for people in the future?”

Lan: “____________”

A. Sorry, I can't

B. I am happy that you like robots

C. Why not? Robots have been used in helping people with the housework now

D. What for? There have been quite a few robots around here

Câu 248 :

It's late in the evening and two sisters have just come home.

- Jenny: "I'm starving, and there's nothing in the kitchen."

- Jane: “_______”

A. So am I. I'm so thirsty for a glass of cold water.

B. Have you finished the housework before going out?

C. Don't you think we should start cleaning the cupboard?

D. Why don't we try that new restaurant on the corner?

Câu 249 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 49. New York is described as the world's cultural centre. It situated on the bank of Hudson river.

A. As long as New York is described as the world's cultural centre, it situated on the bank of Hudson river.

B. In spite of the fact that it situated on the bank of Hudson river, New York is described as the world's cultural centre.

C. Because it situated on the bank of Hudson river, New York is described as the world's cultural centre.

D. New York, which situated on the bank of Hudson river, is described as the world's cultural centre.

Câu 250 :

I had just arrived home. I was called immediately back to the head office nearly 10 kilometers away

A. Hardly had I arrived home when I was called immediately back to the head office nearly 10 kilometers away.

B. Because I had just arrived home, I was called immediately back to the head office nearly 10 kilometers away.

C. Should I had just arrived home, I was called immediately back to the head office nearly 10 kilometers away.

D. Whenever I had just arrived home, I was called immediately back to the head office nearly 10 kilometers away.

Câu 257 : Those students who ___________the exam are going to take another one held in August.

A. have failed

B. failed

C. had failed

D. were failing

Câu 260 :

______________ depends on your gentle persuasion.

A. That he agreed to help you

B. That he agrees to help you

C. Whether he agrees to help you

D. Whether he agreed to help you

Câu 261 : Once _____________off by the teacher, the class filed out of the room in silence.

A. being told

B. have been told

C. told

D. having told

Câu 263 : It was reported that three top athletes have been ________from the championship after positive drug tests.

A. qualification

B. unqualified

C. disqualified

D. qualitatively

Câu 265 : His poor standard of play fully justifies his __________from the team for the next match.

A. expulsion

B. dismissal

C. rejection

D. exclusion

Câu 272 :

We have to work against the clock so as to meet the deadline of the clients tomorrow.

A. work in a haste

B. work slowly

C. work as fast as possible

D. work strenuously

Câu 277 :
The bass often plays (27) ____ parts with the cello

A. companion

B. companionship

C. accompany

D. accompaniment

Câu 279 : Daisy is on a diet, so she just usually has a sandwich for lunch.

A. on a diet

B. so

C. just usually has

D. for lunch

Câu 280 : This morning one customer phoned to complain that she still hadn't been received the book she had ordered several weeks ago.

A. phoned to complain

B. hadn't been

C. had ordered

D. several weeks ago

Câu 281 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

     As customers choose brands based on how they make them feel, rather than their actual products or services, there is an intrinsic advantage to those organizations who use designed experiences as a weapon to cut through the most competitive of markets. Those that don’t, operate in what we call the “experience gap”, the space between them and their customer’s expectation of them. Make no mistake, in our high paced and digitally connected economies, the experience gap is driving markets, fast.

     For example, take Instagram and Twitter. These brands filled the demand for a whole new human experience that did not exist before the evolution of digital technologies enabled that. They were pioneers, and there were no established players to unseat. But we are also seeing a similar dynamic in existing industries. New entrants are coming in and taking the space, also using whole new experiences, purely because the incumbents left the door open.

    Closer to home, this can be seen with Australian neobanks who are giving customers a better experience than the incumbents. Robert Bell is the CEO at neobank 86400. He says banking has already become quite complicated and he wanted to make a change. His neobank is working to solve customers problems more holistically. Bell said, “It’s significantly harder work and takes more time to become a bank, but having done that we can have a much better relationship with our customers and we can offer them a lot more products and services.”

      Think about that for a moment. Do you notice how better experiences, leads to better relationships, which is then the stepping stone for more offerings? Many brands still jump straight to modified offerings, without gaining that customer connection and the necessary foundation of trust first.


Câu 31. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The importance of experience to competitive advantage.

B. Businesses are unwilling to disrupt themselves.

C. A far-reaching cultural transformation.

D. Knowledge drives behavior, loyalty, satisfaction.

Câu 282 : The word “them” in paragraph 1 refers to _______.

A. brands

B. customers

C. economies

D. markets

Câu 283 :

According to paragraph 2, what is true about Instagram and Twitter in the stated instance?

A. Their reputation famously preceded even the 4th Industrial Revolution.

B. They are the one and only companies providing such revolutionary services.

C. They were the trailblazers for the experience-oriented marketing strategy.

D. Prior to their advent, there were already several competitors in the field.

Câu 284 :

According to paragraph 3, what is the attitude of Robert Bell towards the customers?

A. He sees them as modern slaves to consumerism.

B. He maintains a healthy relationship of give and take.

C. He displays worship in its purest form towards them.

D. He views them as the golden goose for his business.

Câu 285 :

What does the phrase “stepping stone” in paragraph 4 mean?

A. An asset or possession prized as being the best of a group of similar things.

B. A person who travels without settling down for any significant period of time

C. An important clue to understanding something that is challenging or puzzling.

D. An action or event that helps one to make progress towards a specified goal.

Câu 286 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

      The Trump campaign ran on bringing jobs back to American shores, although mechanization has been the biggest reason for manufacturing jobs’ disappearance. Similar losses have led to populist movements in several other countries. But instead of a pro-job growth future, economists across the board predict further losses as AI, robotics, and other technologies continue to be ushered in. What is up for debate is how quickly this is likely to occur.

      Now, an expert at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania is ringing the alarm bells. According to Art Bilger, venture capitalist and board member at the business school, all the developed nations on earth will see job loss rates of up to 47% within the next 25 years, according to a recent Oxford study. “No government is prepared,” The Economist reports. These include blue and white collar jobs. So far, the loss has been restricted to the blue collar variety, particularly in manufacturing.

       To combat “structural unemployment” and the terrible blow, it is bound to deal the American people, Bilger has formed a nonprofit called Working Nation, whose mission it is to warn the public and to help make plans to safeguard them from this worrisome trend. Not only is the entire concept of employment about to change in a dramatic fashion, the trend is irreversible. The venture capitalist called on corporations, academia, government, and nonprofits to cooperate in modernizing our workforce.

       To be clear, mechanization has always cost us jobs. The mechanical loom, for instance, put weavers out of business. But it also created jobs. Mechanics had to keep the machines going, machinists had to make parts for them, and workers had to attend to them, and so on. A lot of times those in one profession could pivot to another. At the beginning of the 20th century, for instance, automobiles were putting blacksmiths out of business. Who needed horseshoes anymore? But they soon became mechanics. And who was better suited?

         Not so with this new trend. Unemployment today is significant in most developed nations and it’s only going to get worse. By 2034, just a few decades, mid-level jobs will be by and large obsolete. So far the benefits have only gone to the ultra-wealthy, the top 1%. This coming technological revolution is set to wipe out what looks to be the entire middle class. Not only will computers be able to perform tasks more cheaply than people, they’ll be more efficient too.

       Accountants, doctors, lawyers, teachers, bureaucrats, and financial analysts beware: your jobs are not safe. According to The Economist, computers will be able to analyze and compare reams of data to make financial decisions or medical ones. There will be less of a chance of fraud or misdiagnosis, and the process will be more efficient. Not only are these folks in trouble, such a trend is likely to freeze salaries for those who remain employed, while income gaps only increase in size. You can imagine what this will do to politics and social stability.


Câu 36. Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?

A. Many jobs will disappear in the future.

B. AI will replace the workers’ positions in almost jobs.

C. Manufacturing jobs are predicted to be the first ones to disappear.

D. Changing jobs is not a new trend in the future.

Câu 287 :

It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that “blue and white collar jobs” are related to ____________.

A. people whose uniforms’ colors are blue and white.

B. people who are distinguished by the colors of their collars.

C. people who do physical work in industry and who work in an office.

D. people (mainly women) who do low-paid jobs, for example in offices and restaurants.

Câu 288 : The word “irreversible” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. impermanent

B. remediable

C. reparable

D. unalterable

Câu 289 :

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about jobs in the future?

A. AI, robots and technologies continuously used will put more labourers out of their jobs.

B. Every country has applied many policies to prepare for the massive loss of jobs in the next 25 years.

C. Many different organizations are called to cooperate in renovating the workforce.

D. Working Nation is an organization founded to warn the public and make plans to save people from job loss.

Câu 290 : The word “obsolete” in paragraph 5 could be best replaced by __________.

A. outdated

B. modern

C. fashionable

D. adventurous

Câu 291 :

According to paragraph 4, what is the advantage of mechanization?

A. Although mechanization drives people out of work, it also creates more jobs.

B. People can change their jobs to be more suitable with the society.

C. People will no longer need the useless like horseshoes.

D. Workers will spend less time on manufacturing with the help of machines.

Câu 292 : What does the word “they” in paragraph 5 refer to?

A. people

B. tasks

C. computers

D. the entire middle class

Câu 293 :

Why does the author mention in the last paragraph that accountants, doctors, lawyers, teachers, bureaucrats, and financial analysts are not safe jobs?

A. Because they are easy to make mistakes or misdiagnosis in doing their jobs.

B. Because the salaries paid for these jobs may be frozen in the future.

C. Because computers are likely to analyze and process a great amount of data with high accuracy.

D. Because these jobs directly influence politics and social stability.

Câu 294 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 44. Jupiter is bigger than all the other planets in the solar system.

A. No other planets in the solar system is as big as Jupiter.

B. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.

C. All other planets in the solar system are not so big that Jupiter.

D. Among the planets in the solar system, Jupiter is the biggest of all.

Câu 295 :

My friend told me, "If I were you, I would not ask him for help."

A. My friend advised me not to ask him for help.

B. My friend told me to ask him for help.

C. My friend prohibited me from asking him for help.

D. My friend suggested not asking him for help.

Câu 296 :

I don’t think Max broke your vase because he wasn’t here then.

A. Max wouldn’t have broken your vase because he wasn’t here then.

B. Max was likely to break your vase because he wasn’t here then.

C. Max can’t have broken your vase because he wasn’t here then.

D. Max wasn’t able to break your vase because he wasn’t here then.

Câu 297 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges.

Câu 47. Two students, Joe and James are chatting about time.

- Joe: "The weekend goes so quickly." - James: "I know. _______”

A. I love watching TV all Saturdays and Sundays.

B. I can't believe that it's Monday tomorrow.

C. I have English lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays.

D. How about going out for a meal this weekend?

Câu 298 :

Claudia is being interviewed by the manager of the company she's applied for

- Manager: “_________”

- Claudia: "I work hard and I enjoy working with other people."

A. Can you do jobs on your own?

B. Would you describe yourself as ambitious?

C. What are some of your main strengths?

D. Why have you applied for this position?

Câu 299 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 49. The burglar was trying to break into the shop. He was caught by the night guard when doing so.

A. By the time the night guard caught him, the burglar had broken into the shop.

B. While trying to break into the shop, the burglar was caught by the night guard.

C. Having tried to break into the shop, the burglar was caught by the night guard.

D. Having seen the burglar breaking into the shop, the night guard caught him.

Câu 300 :

Julian dropped out of college after his first year. Now he regrets it.

A. Julian regretted having dropped out of college after his first year.

B. Julian wishes he didn’t drop out of college after his first year.

C. Julian regrets having dropped out of college after his first year.

D. Only if Julian had dropped out of college after his first year.

Câu 307 : Mr. Brown ________reading the letter when the telephone on his desk rang.

A. has just finished

B. had just finished

C. just finished

D. was just finishing

Câu 308 : Mysteriously, the light came on, __________no one was near the switch.

A. however

B. although

C. because

D. hence

Câu 309 : An independent adviser has been brought in __________between the two sides involved in the conflict.

A. to conciliate

B. conciliating

C. conciliate

D. being conciliated

Câu 310 :

_______________ remains mysterious.

A. That the actor killed himself

B. What the actor killed himself

C. Why the actor killed himself

D. Whether the actor kills himself

Câu 311 :

As _____________ about this change of schedule earlier, I arrived at the meeting late.

A. not being informed

B. not having informed

C. not informed

D. had not been informed

Câu 313 : As a young actress, Linda tried to resist the ____________to move to Hollywood.

A. tempt

B. tempting

C. temptation

D. temptingly

Câu 315 : He felt a sense of incredulity, anger and pain at the _________made against him.

A. judgment

B. improvement

C. progress

D. accusation

Câu 320 : I only applied for this business with a view to accumulating first-hand experience.

A. attaining

B. gaining

C. penetrating

D. accomplishing

Câu 322 : John: “I think we have done enough work today. I’m feeling tired now”.

A. stay awake

B. go to sleep

C. take a bath

D. eat something

Câu 329 : It's often not that you meet someone who you're instantly attracted to.

A. often not

B. meet

C. who

D. instantly attracted

Câu 331 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

    In the early 1800s, less than 3% of the world's population lived in cities; today, more than half of the global population is urban and by 2050, the proportion will rise to three quarters. There are thousands of small and medium-sized cities along with more than 30 megacities and sprawling, networked metropolitan areas — conurbations — with 15 million residents or more. Yet despite these massive transformations in how people live and interact, our international affairs are still largely dictated by nation states, not cities.

    Cities are beginning to flex their muscles on the international stage. They are already displacing nation states as the central nodes of the global economy, generating close to 80% of global GDP. Cities like New York and Tokyo are bigger in GDP terms than many G-20 countries.

    Metropolitan regions and special economic zones are linking global cities through transnational supply chains. A growing number of mega-regions, such as those linking cities in Mexico and the US, transcend borders. In the process, cities are collectively forging common regional plans, trading partnerships, and infrastructure corridors.

The spectacular rise of cities did not happen by accident. Cities channel creativity, connect human capital, and when well governed, they drive growth. That many cities and their residents are rolling up their sleeves and getting things done — where nations have failed — are grounds for optimism. In the future, we hope that it is our proximate, accountable, and empowered city leaders who will define our fates.

Câu 31. What is the passage mainly about?

A. History of cities all over the world

B. Types of cities in the world

C. Contributions of cities to the world

D. The not-to-distant future of cities

Câu 332 :

Which of the following is NOT true according to the writer?

A. Humanity transitioned from a rural to a primarily urban species at breathtaking speed.

B. Cities are the dominant form of human civilization in the 21st century.

C. There is a tendency for cities to connect to form large urban regions.

D. People should not be too optimistic about the future of cities.

Câu 333 :

The phrase "flex their muscles" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.

A. show their strength

B. change their attitudes

C. leave their side

D. find their ways

Câu 335 : The word "they” in paragraph 4 refers to ___________.

A. plans

B. partnerships

C. cities

D. residents

Câu 336 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

     Have you ever entered a tropical rainforest? It’s a special, dark place completely different from anywhere else. A rainforest is a place where the trees grow very tall. Millions of kinds of animals, insects, and plants live in the rainforest. It is hot and humid in a rainforest. It rains a lot in the rainforest, but sometimes you don’t know it’s raining. The trees grow so closely together that rain doesn’t always reach the ground.

       Rainforests make up only a small part of the Earth’s surface, about six percent. They are found in tropical parts of the world. The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon in South America. The Amazon covers 1.2 billion acres, or almost five million square kilometers. The second largest rainforest is in Western Africa. There are also rainforests in Central America, Southeast Asia, Northeastern Australia, and the Pacific Islands.

       Rainforests provide us with many things. In fact, the Amazon Rainforest is called the “lungs of our planet” because it produces twenty percent of the world’s oxygen. One fifth of the world’s fresh water is also found in the Amazon Rainforest. Furthermore, one half of the world’s species of animals, plants, and insects live in the Earth’s rainforests. Eighty percent of the food we eat first grew in the rainforest. For example, pineapples, bananas, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, chocolate, coffee, and sugar all came from rainforests. Twenty-five percent of the drugs we take when we are sick are made of plants that grow only in rainforests. Some of these drugs are even used to fight and cure cancer. With all the good things we get from rainforests, it’s surprising to find that we are destroying our rainforests. In fact, 1.5 acres, or 6,000 square meters, of rainforest disappear every second. The forests are being cut down to make fields for cows, to harvest the plants, and to clear land for farms. Along with losing countless valuable species, the destruction of rainforests creates many problems worldwide. Destruction of rainforests results in more pollution, less rain, and less oxygen for the world.

(Adapted from Reading Challenge 2 by Casey Malarcher and Andrea Janzen)

Câu 36. What is the author’s purpose in the passage?

A. To provide factual information about tropical rainforests for readers.

B. To prove that rainforests are indispensable in our lives.

C. To explain why people have destroyed a large area of tropical rainforests.

D. To prevent people from damaging tropical rainforests.

Câu 338 :

Why don’t people know it’s raining in the rainforests?

A. Because the trees grow very tall there.

B. Because they are the habitats of millions of flora and fauna.

C. Because the branches are too dense for the rain to touch the ground.

D. Because it hardly rains in the rainforests.

Câu 339 :

The following are the facts about rainforests, EXCEPT ___________.

A. The only places to see rainforests are in tropical zones.

B. The rainforest in Western Africa ranks second after the Amazon in South America in the covered area.

C. Rainforests account for about one sixth of the Earth’s surface.

D. There’s a considerable variety of plants and animals in the rainforests.

Câu 340 : According to the third passage, which don’t rainforests provide us?

A. fresh air and water

B. medicine

C. seedlings

D. clothes

Câu 341 :

The word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to ______________.

A. plants

B. the drugs

C. rainforests

D. pineapples, bananas, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, chocolate, coffee, and sugar

Câu 342 : The word “countless” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by __________.

A. trivial

B. meaningless

C. numberless

D. derisive

Câu 343 :

What can be inferred from the last passage?

A. People are not aware of the significance of the rainforests.

B. The consequences of deforestation are greater than what people can imagine.

C. The more rainforests are destroyed, the harder people’s life will become.

D. People’s economic benefits are more important than environmental problems.

Câu 344 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 44. It's such a pity my mother can't attend my birthday party.

A. If only my mother could attend my birthday party.

B. If only my mother had attended my birthday party.

C. I am very sorry that my mother didn't attend my birthday party.

D. I wonder why my mother can't attend my birthday party.

Câu 345 :

Fansipan is the highest mountain in the Indochinese Peninsula.

A. There are some mountains in the Indochinese Peninsula higher than Fansipan.

B. The Indochinese Peninsula includes one of the highest mountains on earth.

C. The highest mountain in the Indochinese Peninsula is exclusive Fansipan.

D. No mountains in the Indochinese Peninsula are higher than Fansipan.

Câu 346 :

We have some minutes to spare so you don't have to be hurried.

A. There is no need for you to be hurried as we have time to spare.

B. You should be hurried as we have no time to spare.

C. It is necessary for you not to be hurried as we have time to spare.

D. You must not be hurried as we have plenty of time to spare.

Câu 347 : Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges.

A. Here you are. I don't have a ticket because I booked online.

B. There you are. Why don't you come over here?

C. Here I am. Sorry. I've got stuck in the traffic for so long.

D. Here it is. You can see it clearly from this angle.

Câu 348 :

Two students are talking with each other about their student life.

- Student A: "Do you prefer to live on campus or in a rent apartment?" – Student B: “__________.”

A. I'm thinking of renting an apartment for more freedom.

B. Actually, it's not good living with someone you don't really like.

C. Living on the campus helps you socialize with many other students.

D. It's not easy to find an apartment for sale at reasonable price.

Câu 349 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 49. Tourism allows us to do more than just learn facts about various locations. It allows us to immerse ourselves into the cultures and lifestyles of others.

A. Because tourism allows us to do more than just learn facts about various locations, it allows us to immerse ourselves into the cultures and lifestyles of others.

B. If tourism allows us to do more than just learn facts about various locations, it will allow us to immerse ourselves into the cultures and lifestyles of others.

C. Not only does tourism allow us to do more than just learn facts about various locations, it also allows us to immerse ourselves into the cultures and lifestyles of others.

D. When tourism allows us to do more than just learn facts about various locations, it allows us to immerse ourselves into the cultures and lifestyles of others.

Câu 350 :

Michael Faraday was employed by the Royal Institution. There, he investigated the connections between electricity, magnetism and motion.

A. Michael Faraday was employed by the Royal Institution, where he investigated the connections between electricity, magnetism and motion.

B. When Michael Faraday was employed by the Royal Institution, he investigated the connections between electricity, magnetism and motion.

C. The Royal Institution employed Michael Faraday to investigate the connections between electricity, magnetism and motion.

D. After he investigated the connections between electricity, magnetism and motion, Michael Faraday was employed by the Royal Institution

Câu 361 : They've spent a lot of money on _______and they're beginning to see the results.

A. advertise

B. advertising

C. advertisement

D. advertised

Câu 362 :

__________________ in most Asian countries is different from that of Western countries.

A. The concept of love and marriage

B. As the concept of love and marriage

C. The concept of love and marriage that

D. Because the concept of love and marriage

Câu 363 :

Housework is less tiring and boring thanks to the invention of ____ devices.

A. environment-friendly

B. time-consuming

C. labor-saving

D. pollution-free

Câu 365 : V-pop's style ____ by the intersection of domestic and Western media in the lives of many young Vietnamese.

A. is influenced

B. influencing

C. has influenced

D. are influenced

Câu 368 : If I were you, I ____ products made from recycled materials.

A. could select

B. will select

C. would select

D. might select

Câu 370 : The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally attributed to improvements in diet.

A. due to

B. contributed to

C. responsible for

D. thanks to

Câu 372 :

What ruins our presentation on the mitosis process is that Natasha and Jackie are not on the same wavelength about how to deal with it.

A. not familiar-thinking

B. not like-minded

C. not same-minded

D. not though-sharing

Câu 379 : The more difficult part of running a business is keeping up-to-date with the client's needs and desires.

A. more difficult part

B. running a business

C. keeping up-to-date

D. client's needs and desires

Câu 380 :

The lecturer said that he would attend a conference on how to develop renewable energy technology next day.

A. he would

B. a conference on

C. renewable energy

D. next day

Câu 381 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Expanding the planet's protected natural areas to safeguard vanishing forests and other ecosystems, and the species they protect, is unlikely to be effective on its own as human encroachment into reserves grows, scientists warned Tuesday. A study by Cambridge University researchers, which looked at thousands of conservation areas in more than 150 countries, found that, on average, protected designation is not reducing human encroachment in vulnerable areas. Both chronic underfunding of efforts to protect the land, and a lack of engagement with local communities that live there are hurting conservation efforts, they found.

Creating protected areas is "a type of intervention that we know can work, we know is absolutely essential for conserving biodiversity, at a time in this world's history where it has never been under higher pressure," said lead author Jonas Geldmann. "But despite that we are seeing that some of our protected areas are not managing to mitigate or stop that increasing pressure," said Geldmann, of the University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute.

One-sixth of the globe now falls within protected areas, the study noted. Those include national parks, nature reserves and wilderness areas, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature's World Database on Protected Areas. Such protected areas are vital for preserving diverse ecosystems, and helping to curb climate change by conserving carbon-sequestering forests and other vegetation. The United Nations Environment Program estimates protected areas hold 15% of the carbon stored on land.

"Protected areas are one of the most important things that we can do to stem the loss of biodiversity and to help solve the climate crisis," said Andrew Wetzler, managing director of the U.S.-based Natural Resources Defense Council's nature program. "The destruction of natural habitat is the single biggest driver of extinction."


Câu 31. Which best serves as the title for the passage?

A. Protected status not enough to guard threatened nature.

B. Destruction of nature as dangerous as climate change.

C. Damaged and threatened national natural landmarks.

D. Conservation status and history of threatened species.

Câu 382 :

According to paragraph 1, what is mentioned as one of the problems for natural conservation?

A. Unauthorized access of motor vehicles.

B. Widespread abandonment of the area.

C. Continually insufficient financial provision.

D. Post-fire invasion of pyrophytes species.

Câu 383 : The word “it” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. time

B. history

C. intervention

D. biodiversity

Câu 384 :

According to paragraph 3, how much land do the total preserved zones in the world account for?

A. Above 60% of the terrain area.

B. Nearly 17% of the earth surface.

C. Approximately 15% of the globe.

D. One-sixteenth of the hydrosphere.

Câu 385 : The word “stem” in paragraph 4 refers to _______.

A. stalk

B. restrict

C. spring

D. originate

Câu 386 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

For hundreds of years, giving flowers have been a social means of communication. In the United States, flowers are often given during rites of passage, for commemorating special occasions or as a heartfelt gift between loved ones and friends. Flower gifting also occurs in most countries around the world. However, the meanings and traditions often vary.

While students traditionally gave their favorite teacher an apple in past years, in China, teachers are given flowers. Peonies are by far the flower most often given in China. They are also quite popularly used for weddings. Strangely, potted plants are not considered a pleasant gift among Asian cultures. The people believe that like a plant confined by a pot, the gift symbolizes a binding or restriction.

In Russia, in lieu of giving birthday presents, the guest of honor receives a single flower or an unwrapped bouquet. Floral arrangements or baskets are not given. Russians celebrate a holiday known as Woman’s Day. Traditional gifts include red roses, hyacinths or tulips. When there is a funeral or other occasion where someone wishes to express sympathy, carnations, lilies or roses are given in circular configurations, which signify the transition of birth, life and death to rebirth. In this instance, the color of choice is commonly yellow. For joyous occasions, arrangements and bouquets generally contain an odd number of flowers.

In the times of ancient Rome, brides carried flowers to scare away evil spirits and encourage fertility. The Dutch believed that flowers were food for the soul. When invited to someone’s home in Great Britain, it is tradition to bring a gift of flowers. All types are acceptable except white lilies, which are usually seen at funerals. Not unlike the United States, red roses are a symbol of love. Flowers are generally gifted in odd numbered increments regardless of the occasion. However, the Brits also have superstitions regarding the number 13, so the number is avoided.

In the southern region of the continent, flowers are traditionally given during Christmas. Egyptians are much more conservative and restrict flower gifting to funerals and weddings. While certain flowers may have significant meanings for some, flowers in Las Vegas and across the United States flowers are an accepted gift for any reason desired.

(Source: )

Câu 36. What does the topic mainly discuss?

A. The fascinating tradition of giving flowers.

B. The different meaning of flowers in different cultures.

C. The comparison of giving flowers between Asian and European cultures.

D. The kinds of flowers people often give others in different cultures.

Câu 387 : What does the word “They” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Students

B. Teachers

C. Flowers

D. Peonies

Câu 388 :

Why should not you give a potted plant to an Asian?

A. Because the Asian prefer to be given flowers.

B. As this gift is often given at weddings in Asia.

C. Since this gift is believed to symbolize a binding and limitation in Asia.

D. Because the Asian students like to give an apple or flowers to others.

Câu 390 : What could the word “fertility” in paragraph 4 best be replaced by?

A. fecundity

B. good spirit

C. happiness

D. loyalt

Câu 391 : The word “superstitions” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to __________.

A. deep-seated belief

B. unfounded belief

C. religious belief

D. traditional belief

Câu 392 : In which country should not people bring white lilies to other houses?

A. China

B. Russia

C. Great Britain

D. United States

Câu 393 :

It can be inferred from the passage that _______________.

A. People can give flowers to the American in any occasion.

B. Egyptians are rather comfortable when receiving flowers at funerals and weddings.

C. Flowers given in Britain are in even numbers in any case.

D. At the funerals in any cultures, flowers are gifted in circular configurations.

Câu 394 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 44. Every student is required to write an essay on music.

A. Every student might write an essay on music.

B. Every student must write an essay on music.

C. They require every student write an essay on music.

D. Every student should write an essay on music.

Câu 395 :

"Do homework now or I'll cut your pocket money!" shouted the mum to her son.

A. The mum threatened to cut his pocket money if her son didn't do homework.

B. The mum said that she would cut his pocket money if her son didn't do homework.

C. The mum told her son that she would cut his pocket money if he didn't do homework.

D. The mum informed her son that she would cut his pocket money if he didn't do homework.

Câu 396 :

She wasn't wearing a seat-belt. She was injured.

A. If she hadn't been wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't have been injured.

B. If she had been wearing a seat-belt, she would have been injured.

C. If she were wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't be injured.

D. If she had been wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't have been injured.

Câu 398 :

– “It goes without saying that parents should not treat boys and girls differently at home.”

- “__________________________________.”

A. I am under the impression that it's true.

B. We are of one mind on the issue.

C. This argument must not hold water.

D. Yes. I disagree with you.

Câu 399 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 49. We almost gave up hope. At that time, the rescue party arrived.

A. Only after the rescue party arrived did we give up hope.

B. It was not until the rescue party arrived that we gave up hope.

C. We were on the verge of giving up hope when the rescue party arrived.

D. Had the rescue party not arrived, we wouldn't have given up hope.

Câu 400 :

Sam has a new job title and he gets a higher salary now. This means, she has been promoted.

A. Sam has a new job title and gets a higher salary now, which means she has been promoted.

B. Sam has been promoted because she has a new job title to get a higher salary now.

C. Getting a higher salary after having a new job title had made Sam promoted.

D. Having been promoted, Sam has a new job title and gets a higher salary now.

Câu 406 : I am writing in connection with the volunteer opportunities ____ on 10 November.

A. appeared

B. were appearing

C. appearing

D. to appear

Câu 407 : ________ a game I used to play with my father when I was small.

A. Dominoes is

B. Dominoes are

C. The dominoes is

D. Domino is

Câu 409 : The government has __________ new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.

A. brought over

B. brought through

C. brought round

 D. brought forward

Câu 410 : It's absolutely vital that your son ___________ a rest and _____ hard.

A. takes/doesn’t study

B. take/not study

C. takes/studies

D. should take/study

Câu 412 : I remember you have told me that I am your best friend, _________?

A. don’t I

B. haven’t you

C. aren’t I

D. all are correct

Câu 413 : Now that she is trained, she hopes to earn her living as a ________ in an office.

A. staff

B. personnel

C. typewriter

D. clerk

Câu 416 : My mother told me to give him a sniff of smelling _____ to bring him around.

A. salt

B. salts

C. a little salt

D. the salt

Câu 422 :

I heard it through the grapevine that they were enemies and had never been on good terms.

A. gave it the low-down

B. put it in the picture

C. heard it straight from the horse’s mouth

D. kept it in the loop

Câu 427 :
How will we cope (26) ____ the changes we've already set into (27) ____?

A. fluctuation

B. direction

C. movement

D. motion

Câu 429 : My history teacher said that Belize became fully independent of Britain in 1981.

A. history teacher

B. became

C. fully

D. of

Câu 430 : If I didn’t wake up early to catch the first bus today, I wouldn’t have to go to bed at 9: 00 pm last night.

A. didn’t wake

B. to catch

C. wouldn’t have

D. at 9: 00 pm last night

Câu 431 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

People think children should play sports. Sports are fun, and children stay healthy while playing with others. However, playing sports can have negative effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-esteem or aggressive behavior in some children. According to research on kids and sports, 40 million kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18 million say they have been yelled at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad impression of sports. They think sports are just too aggressive.

Many researchers believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main cause of too much aggression in children’s sports. They believe children copy aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further reinforced through both positive and negative feedback. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that winning is everything. At children’s sporting events, parents may yell insults at other players or cheer when their child behaves aggressively. As well, children may be taught that hurting other players is acceptable, or they may be pushed to continue playing even when they are injured. In addition, the media makes violence seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television.

As a society, we really need to face up to this problem and do something about it. Parents and coaches should act as better examples for children. They also need to teach children better values. They should teach children to enjoy themselves whether they win or not. It is not necessary to knock yourself out to enjoy sports. Winning is not everything. In addition, children should not be allowed to continue to play when they are injured. Sending a child with an injury into a game gives the child the message that health is not as important as winning. If we make some basic changes, children might learn to enjoy sports again.

(Adapted from Reading Challenge 2 by Casey Malarcher and Andrea Janzen)

Câu 31. Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?

A. Children should be discouraged to play sports when they are too young.

B. Playing sports is not always beneficial to children’s health.

C. The negative impacts sports bring children outweigh its positive effects.

D. Playing sports may make children more violent.

Câu 432 :

The word “this” in paragraph 1 refers to _____________.

A. playing sports

B. millions of kids playing sports in the US

C. being yelled or called names while playing sports

D. aggressive behavior

Câu 433 : The word “reinforced” in the second paragraph could be best replaced by ________.

A. strengthened

B. deteriorated

C. reduced

D. prevented

Câu 434 :

According to paragraph 2, the following are the reasons of children’s aggression, EXCEPT __________.

A. parents and coaches are too aggressive to win.

B. children are likely trained that it’s appropriate to commit a foul against an opponent.

C. violent manners are repeated many times on television.

D. children shout at their opponents as playing.

Câu 435 :

What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?

A. Relishing themselves should be children’s principal purpose when playing sports.

B. Aggressive behavior is indispensable in playing sports.

C. Children are inevitable to hurt or yell at other players when playing sports.

D. Being injured in sports is not acceptable.

Câu 436 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

From time immemorial, cities have been the central gathering places of human life, from where the great ideas and movements of the world have sprouted. In this country, the beginnings of our independence fomented with the Boston Tea Party, while Philadelphia served as the home of the Constitutional Convention. The seeds of economic and financial power were sowed on the streets of New York City. Around the world, the great thinkers of the Renaissance assembled in Florence, the impressionist painters flocked to Paris, and the industrial revolution sparked in Birmingham England.

Hundreds of years later, great ideas and innovations are still sprouting in cities – but this time accompanied by a growth in urbanized life over the last several decades never before seen. For the first time in history, more people are living in cities than rural areas. And, this way of living is only going to continue: by 2050, the urban share of global population is projected to surpass 66 percent (up from 30 percent in 1950). This trend to urbanization is even more dramatic beyond the borders of the United States. Take Nigeria's capital, Lagos, which had a population of approximately 7.2 million in 2000, and is expected to rise to 24 million by 2030. And, eight times more Nigerians live in cities today than in 1975. Moreover, the metro areas of Tokyo, New York and Mexico City were the only metro areas in 1975 with at least 10 million people. Today, that list would include 31 such megacities – with 10 more to join by 2030 – all of which are outside the United States.

Cities are undergoing what Brookings Institution author Bruce Katz terms the "metropolitan revolution." Financial capitals New York and London are transforming into major world tech hubs as new and innovative companies emerge within these cities. And, this shift is not exclusive to New York or London, as many cities are undergoing similar transformations driven by this global trend toward urbanization. This wave of urban growth stems, in large part, from the mass adoption of the internet and interconnected technologies. Interestingly, many sociologists predicted years ago that the advent of such interconnectivity would enable people to live and work anywhere. But the practical result has been the opposite.

Indeed, in this new 21st century economy, innovative workers seek one another to collaborate in building and developing new knowledge-based industries that are increasingly disrupting and dominating a rapidly evolving global economy. Bright, curious minds in the sciences and technology demand proximity in order to be more productive, more creative and further stimulated. This need for collaboration has propelled millennials to move to urban areas in droves. But once they get there, they desire new open physical environments – such as incubators and shared work places – to enhance their collaborative efforts. Beyond work, a growing single population – one that now outnumbers married people in the United States – seeks out other singles amid the myriad activities and diverse nightlife that only cities offer.

(Adapted from

Câu 36. What topic does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The increasing number of city dwellers and its challenges.

B. The movement of villagers to cities due to the urbanization.

C. The influence of innovations on urbanized life.

D. Urbanization and its potential.

Câu 438 : The word “sparked” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ____________.

A. completed

B. succeeded

C. changed

D. initiated

Câu 439 :

Which of the following is NOT true about the urban population?

A. In the past, more people lived in the countryside than in cities.

B. As predicted, the number of urban inhabitants in 1950 was nearly a half of that in the next 100 years.

C. The rate of urbanization in the United States is greater than the proportion in any other places in the world.

D. More and more megacities are set up beyond the United States.

Câu 440 :

According to paragraph 3, what is the main reason for the increase in urbanization?

A. There are many new and innovative companies appearing in financial capitals.

B. Many cities are influenced by the global urbanization.

C. The internet and interconnected technologies are widely applied.

D. People are likely to live and work wherever they want.

Câu 441 : The word “propelled” in the last paragraph mostly means ____________.

A. required

B. forced

C. attracted

D. encouraged

Câu 442 :

The following are the changes in the new 21st century economy, EXCEPT ______________.

A. Co-workers have to be advanced to work together in building and improving new industries.

B. Intelligent scientists require similar counterparts to work more effectively.

C. People rush to urban areas to find open physical environments to improve their ability.

D. Single population often finds their life partners through activities at nights provided only in cities.

Câu 443 :

It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.

A. City dwellers tend to be more and more creative and innovative.

B. Cities now are too crowded to live in.

C. The drawbacks urbanization causes are greater than its benefits.

D. Urbanization is one of the reasons for the increasing number of singles at cities.

Câu 444 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 44. Pop culture often reflects what our society thinks about friends.

A. Often reflecting what our society thinks about friends is pop culture.

B. Our society or friends are reflected in the pop culture we follow.

C. Reflecting what our society thinks about friends is often pop culture.

D. What our society thinks about friends is often reflected in pop culture.

Câu 445 :

We employed a market researcher to find out what people really want from a cable TV system.

A. We got a market researcher found out what people really want from a cable TV system.

B. We had a market researcher to find out what people really want from a cable TV system.

C. A market researcher was hired to find out what people really want from a cable TV system.

D. We got a market researcher to find out what people really want from a cable TV system.

Câu 446 :

Longer life spans also increase the prevalence of generation gaps.

A. The longer life spans are, the more prevalent generations gaps become.

B. When life spans are increased, the prevalence of generation gaps increase.

C. No longer do the life spans increase the prevalence of generation gaps.

D. Only when life spans increase does the prevalence of generation gaps increase.

Câu 447 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges.

Câu 47. Two students are talking with each other about the weekend picnic:

Student 1: "Can you come with us?"

Student 2: “________________________.”

A. Whether my parents will let me or not is the question.

B. The teacher is asking us to submit the paper next week.

C. The weather is so nice for a picnic.

D. Well, I thought it was yesterday.

Câu 448 :

Two students are talking with each other:

Student A: "Do you believe that your parents should be you friends?"

Student B: “__________________________.”

A. Actually, parents are now my best friends.

B. Indeed, parents are giving us best advices.

C. Sometimes, parents are too busy to take care of you.

D. My parents take very good care of me and my sister.

Câu 449 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 49. Plants grow old as surely as do animals. However, a generally accepted definition of age in plants has not yet been realized.

A. Plants grow old as surely as do animals, and a generally accepted definition of age in plants has not yet been realized.

B. Although plants grow old as surely as do animals, a generally accepted definition of age in plants has not yet been realized.

C. Plants grow old as surely as do animals, so a generally accepted definition of age in plants has not yet been realized.

D. For plants to grow old as surely as do animals, a generally accepted definition of age in plants has not yet been realized.

Câu 450 :

They finished one project. They started working on the next.

A. Had they finished one project, they would have started working on the next.

B. Only if they had they finished one project did they start working on the next.

C. Hardly had they finished one project when they started working on the next.

D. Not until they started working on the next project did they finish the previous one.

Câu 456 : Almost 50 per cent of cancer _______ are treated successfully.

A. sufferers

B. patients

C. victims

D. invalid

Câu 457 : I don't know why you insist ____ blaming me ____ all my troubles.

A. on / for

B. in / for

C. at / on

D. over / for

Câu 458 :

The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, ____ and perfected now.

A. developed

B. have developed

C. are being developed

D. will have been developed

Câu 462 : The bridge will be completed at the end of next year, two years_________.

A. hence

B. thus

C. consequently

D. therefore

Câu 464 :

It is __________ that you are cordially /ˈkɔː.di.ə.li/ invited to attend.

A. at our annual wine-tasting evening

B. on our annual wine-tasting evening

C. in our annual wine-tasting evening

D. our annual wine-tasting evening

Câu 466 :

When my parents traveled to Singapore, they bought me a __________ piano on my birthday.

A. precious grand ancient wooden

B. wooden grand ancient precious

C. precious ancient grand wooden

D. ancient grand precious wooden

Câu 468 : Urbanization has resulted in _____________problems besides the benefits.

A. vary

B. various

C. variety

D. variability

Câu 471 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Câu 21. Rather than assuming responsibility for explaining corporate losses, the CEO passed the buck to his CFO to explain the downturn.

A. denied responsibilities

B. shifted the responsibility for something to someone else

C. made someone responsible for a problem that you should deal with

D. shouldered the blame

Câu 481 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

There are many different metaphors used to describe culture. My favorite one is the iceberg. I think, it demonstrates so vividly what can happen to us if we believe only in the visible and ignore or underestimate the invisible part. The hidden part of our culture is that part which we know instinctively because we absorbed it from childhood on. It's handed down to us from generation to generation. We could also say, it's the "thinking" and "feeling" part of culture: habits, assumptions, attitudes, desires, values, tastes, etc.

Now, if we are in a new culture, our customary evaluations and interpretations are likely not to be on target because we see everything through our own cultural glasses. Imagine yourself in a new city trying to get around with a map from your own hometown. It wouldn't take long for you to get lost and completely frustrated! When we experience an encounter in the new culture that puzzles us, the most common reaction is to judge it through our own cultural glasses.

I want to propose an alternate approach to our initial gut reaction. Instead of immediately and instinctively judging a situation through our own glasses, we might first just pause and notice what is happening and then realize that this is a cultural learning situation. Remember the iceberg metaphor! The new culture becomes your mirror that shows you a hidden part of your own culture. What an opportunity for personal growth and new insight! You can compare two different approaches, that of the new culture and of your own culture. This gives you a choice. Now you can decide what fits best for you or even take the best from both sides.


Câu 31. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The simplicity of culture.

B. The personal definition of culture.

C. Culture as a socializing tool.

D. The open surface of culture.

Câu 482 : The word “vividly” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. clearly

B. vaguely

C. boringly

D. warmly

Câu 483 :

According to paragraph 2, what is the most common reaction when experiencing cultural differences?

A. People accept the cultural distinction with modern open-mindedness.

B. People imitate the behaviors and patterns of the observed local citizens.

C. People use a map and ask around for more information.

D. People continue to apply their own cultural norms on the newly met situations.

Câu 484 : The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to _______.

A. map

B. culture

C. reaction

D. encounter

Câu 485 :

According to paragraph 3, what is the advice for people facing unfamiliar cultural events?

A. Making friends with local people helps people familiarize with the culture better.

B. It’s advisable to learn about a culture before travelling to exotic places.

C. It’s a real win-win situation to combine the knowledge from different cultures.

D. Sometimes it is wise to judge from your own cultural lens and sometime it isn’t.

Câu 486 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

From smartphones and tablets to apps and social media, society is ambushed from all sides with technology. Naturally, all generations embrace it differently, with younger “digital natives” generally being more connected, more switched-on and more tech literate than older age groups.

According to Pew Research, 92% of Millennials (born 1981–1996) own smartphones, compared with 85% of Gen Xers (born 1965–1980) and 67% of Baby Boomers (born 1946–1964). In terms of tech behavior, older generations tend to use their phones mostly for making calls, whereas for younger generations, a phone is their digital window to the world. Phones are used for social media, going online, texting, emailing, playing games, listening to music, and recording and watching videos.

The daily media consumption of different generations also vastly differs. Gen Z and Millennials favor streaming and online services, with 46% of teens saying they use Netflix compared to 31% of those aged over 16. Furthermore, 16-24s spend 30% of their downtime watching TV or video, compared to 40% of time spent on these activities by the average UK adult. Boomers spend a whopping 344 minutes a day watching regular TV, significantly more than any other age group.

Size also matters more depending on your decade of birth. Younger generations prefer smaller screens sizes, opting for a smartphone as their go-to tech, while Generation X and technology newbies - the Boomers, are going bigger, owning more desktops and tablets. Always in the front of the queue for the hottest tech, younger generations see technology as an integral part of their existence, and since few Millennials and Gen Z can remember a time without social media, they’re more fearless and carefree when it comes to technology. So much so, that a LivePerson report revealed 65% of Millennials and Gen Z interact more with each other online than they do in the real world.

Fundamentally, these behaviors and preferred technologies combine to create a technological generation gap, where employees, shaped by their personal experiences, demonstrate different levels of ability and willingness to adopt new tech. Constantly chasing the next update or device, switched on Millennials and Gen Z are quick to lap up the latest apps, games, and platforms, while Gen X and Boomers are generally slower to embrace technology - both at home and in the workplace.


Câu 36. Which best serves as the title for the passage?

A. Bridging the technological generation gap.

B. Decoding the ethical generational gap.

C. The technological generation gap in family life.

D. What is the technological generation gap?

Câu 487 : The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to _____.

A. window

B. media

C. society

D. technology

Câu 488 :

According to paragraph 2, what is the technological characteristic of Millennials?

A. They are hesitant when discussing about technology.

B. They are dependent on smartphones for almost every activity.

C. They are optimistic about technology’s benefits to society.

D. They are ignorant to the older ones’ advice about technology.

Câu 489 : The word “downtime” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. spare time

B. inactivity

C. suspension

D. stay

Câu 490 :

According to paragraph 4, which statement is correct about different generations and their gap?

A. Boomers are willing to queue overnight for a state-of-the-art mobile gadgets.

B. Millennials and Gen Z are more accustomed to face-to-face than messaging.

C. iPhones and other mobile devices are a necessary part of life by young people.

D. Younger generations prefer bigger technological devices over portable ones.

Câu 491 : The word “embrace” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. reject

B. include

C. cuddle

D. adopt

Câu 492 :

Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. Younger people always know more about technology than the older generation does.

B. Digital savviness decrease with age is a major misunderstanding caused by media.

C. The generation users are born into affects their choices for size of technological gadgets.

D. Netflix is among the streaming services preferred by the Millennial generation.

Câu 493 :

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. There's a huge disparity in attitudes towards technology among different age groups.

B. The difference in digital literacy and ability between generations is negligible.

C. Generation gap issues in work life can result in workplace tensions and hinder team collaboration.

D. Catering for the diverse digital habits and capabilities of individual students is essential.

Câu 494 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 44. It wasn’t her who you saw in her office last Friday because she she's been out of town for two weeks.

A. You needn’t have seen her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.

B. You shouldn’t have seen her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.

C. You can’t have seen her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.

D. You mustn’t have seen her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.

Câu 495 :

“Everyone treated me unfairly”, said she.

A. She maintains to have been treated unfairly.

B. She maintains to be treating unfairly.

C. She maintains that she had been treated unfairly.

D. She maintains she was treated unfairly.

Câu 496 :

He was working abroad, so he couldn’t willingly help us with the project.

A. If he hadn’t worked abroad, he would willingly have helped with us the project.

B. If it hadn’t been for the fact that he was working abroad, he would willingly have helped us with the project.

C. Hadn’t he been working abroad, he would willingly have helped us with the project.

D. Without working abroad, he could willingly help us with the project.

Câu 497 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges.

Câu 47. - X: “Are you going to your family reunion this Christmas holiday?"

- Y: “_________________________________.”

A. As a matter of fact, I don't mind it at all.

B. I do. I've been excited about it now.

C. However. My parents and I are going to take

D. You bet. All my uncles and aunts will take their children along, too.

Câu 498 :

- X: "What's the problem, Harry?"

-Y: “_____________________________.”

A. No problem

B. No trouble at all

C. Thank you for asking me about it

D. I can't remember where I left my glasses

Câu 499 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 49. Mariah sings well. She writes good songs, too.

A. Mariah can either sing well or write good songs.

B. Mariah can neither sing well or write good songs.

C. Not only does Mariah sing well but she also writes good songs.

D. Not only does Mariah sing well but she write good songs as well.

Câu 500 :

How about having these exercises finished before playing games?

A. I suggest you play games before finishing these exercise.

B. I suggest these exercises finish before we play games.

C. Let's play games before having these exercises finished.

D. I suggest playing games after having these exercises finished.

Câu 507 : ________ a scholarship, I entered one of the most privileged universities of the United Kingdom.

A. To award

B. Being awarded

C. Having awarded

D. Having been awarded

Câu 509 : If it hadn't been for the storm, the farmers _________ a great harvest last year.

A. would have

B. would have had

C. had had

D. should have

Câu 510 : It would be nice to work with _________ people who accept new ideas.

A. pig-headed

B. open-minded

C. strong-willed

D. single-handed

Câu 511 : Carl suggested _________ to the gym for a good workout.

A. to go

B. going

C. to have gone

D. having gone

Câu 513 :

Descriptive analysis of language merely reflects ______used without concern for the social prestige of these structures.

A. how grammar structures and vocabulary is

B. which are grammar structures and vocabulary

C. how grammar structures and vocabulary are

D. it is how grammar structures and vocabulary are

Câu 518 : Despite the initial _________ result, they decided to go on with the proposed scheme.

A. courage

B. courageous

C. discouraged

D. discouraging

Câu 522 : The burglar crept into the house without making any noise. That's why no one heard anything.

A. inaudibly

B. boisterously

C. shrilly

D. hurly-burly

Câu 529 : Sylvia Earle, an underwater explorer and marine biologist, who was born in the USA in 1935.

A. underwater explorer

B. biologist

C. who

D. the USA

Câu 531 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

The relationship between Britain and the US has always been a close one. Like all close relationship it has had difficult times. The US was first a British colony, but between 1775 and 1783 the US fought a war to become independent. The US fought the British again in the War of 1812.

In general, however, the two countries have felt closer to each other than to any other country, and their foreign policies have shown this. During World War I and World War II, Britain and the US supported each other. When the US looks for foreign support, Britain is usually the first country to come forward and it is sometimes called “the 51st state of union”.

But the special relationship that developed after 1945 is not explained only by shared political interests. An important reason for the friendship is that the people of the two countries are very similar. They share the same language and enjoy each other’s literature, films and television. Many Americans have British ancestors, or relatives still living in Britain. The US government and political system is based on Britain’s, and there are many Anglo-American businesses operating on both sides of the Atlantic. In Britain some people are worried about the extent of US influence, and there is some jealousy of its current power. The special relationship was strong in the early 1980s when Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister in Britain and Ronald Reagan was President of the US.

Câu 31. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The strong friendship between the UK and the US.

B. The close relationship between Britain and the US

C. A special relationship the UK developed during the World Wars

D. A special influence the US had on the UK during the World Wars

Câu 532 : The phrase “come forward” in paragraph 2 mostly means_______

A. be willing to help

B. be able to help

C. be reluctant to help

D. be eager to help

Câu 533 : The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to ________.

A. countries

B. people

C. political interests

D. British ancestors

Câu 534 :

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the special relationship between Britain and the US?

A. The people of the two countries are similar.

B. Many American have British ancestors.

C. British Prime Minister and the US President are close friends.

D. Many Anglo-American businesses are operating in the two countries.

Câu 535 : Britain and the US are close to each other NOT because of their ______.

A. foreign policies

B. power

C. political interest

D. language

Câu 536 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Saving the planet is very much in vogue. It's also in Harper's Bazaar, Elle and Mademoiselle. It's the message on fashion runways, in marketing strategies, in jewelry and accessory designs, on shopping bags and totes, in advertisements and on price tags.

A naked fashion model wearing a hat of birch branches and lichen, as shown in Vogue this month, may not be everyone's idea of environmental awareness. But the pervasiveness of ecological themes in the images and marketing of fashion is undeniable. It is also somewhat paradoxical. The fashion industry, whose driving philosophy involves encouraging consumers to discard the old and embrace the new, is now trying to push itself to the forefront of efforts to conserve and preserve.

The environmental theme in fashion began as wispy touches and graphic exhortations in designer collections, not as some well-thought-out strategy of ''green'' marketing in which the environmental advantages of a product become part of the sales approach. Tendrils of ivy dangled from the ceiling at a Paris fashion show; a carpet of grass covered a runway in New York; models marched along in T-shirts or carrying signs all bearing slogans like ''Clean Up or Die,'' ''Save the Sphere,'' and ''Environmental Protection Agents.

The environmental spin on fashion has now moved into the mass market, where ''clothes with conscience'' make an extra tug at the buyer's self-image. Bonjour, a jeans and sportswear company based in New York, has embarked on a program to ''change the individual's outlook toward saving the environment'' through educational tags. This summer, the first wave of what Bonjour executives said would be 50 million fashion items a year are to arrive in stores carrying tags with environmental tips from how to save water to how to reduce pollutants.

Whether these tributes to nature will benefit the environment or even raise environmental awareness, with concomitant changes in individual behavior, is not clear. There is some skepticism. Professor Ewen says the new environmental symbolism should be viewed as part of an overall change in America's economy, from one built on industrial production of hard goods to one based on ''pure representation”. “Going back to fashion, the environment has become a commercial cliche separated from real concerns. What can be attached to this year's fashion is merely the symbolism of environmental sanity.''

Câu 36. Which best serves as the title for the passage?

A. The green movement in the fashion world

B. The long-forgotten theme of the fashion industry.

C. Fashion and environment can never go hand in hand.

D. Going green is the new big thing.

Câu 537 : The word “paradoxical” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. inconsistent

B. conflicting

C. confusing

D. zealous

Câu 538 :

According to paragraph 2, why is the green effort of fashion world so much of an irony?

A. No one has ever imagined the harmonious future of fashion and environment.

B. Fast fashion’s main features are premeditated waste and disposability.

C. It is predicted that the green trend can only remain as a niche market.

D. The concept of ethical fashion was once rejected by the industry.

Câu 539 : The word “wispy” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. fine

B. small

C. silvery

D. flamboyant

Câu 540 :

According to paragraph 4, what is the main focus of the current green fashion?

A. Attracting wider consumers through the promotion of self-concept.

B. The combination of aesthetics and sustainability.

C. Realistic strategy to deliver a positive message for the environment.

D. Raising global awareness of the environmental conservation.

Câu 541 :

Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. The initial manifestation of the green fashion is relatively superficial.

B. Creating eco-conscious fashion does not take away anything from the beauty of the garments.

C. Not many fashion brands pay attention to the prospect of eco-friendly element.

D. The contradiction between green fashion’s approach and motto is unreal.

Câu 542 : The word “one” in paragraph 5 refers to _____.

A. economy

B. change

C. symbolism

D. environment

Câu 543 :

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. Skeptical voices have been proven wrong in terms of sustainable products.

B. The more fashionable a garment is, the more likely it will be out of fashion.

C. Environmentalism is moving into the clothing line.

D. Sustainable fashion isn’t a passing trend and the future is certainly looking greener.

Câu 544 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 44. My father is the most handsome man I have ever known.

A. I have never known a more handsome man than my father.

B. My father is not as handsome as the men I have ever known.

C. I have ever known such a handsome man. It’s my father.

D. No man in the world is as handsome as my father.

Câu 545 :

“Nowhere can I find a kind man like you”, she said to him.

A. She said that she could find a kind man like him anywhere.

B. She told him that nowhere could she find a kind man like you.

C. She told him that nowhere could she find a kind man like him.

D. She said to him that nowhere she could find a kind man like him.

Câu 546 :

It is a pity he was late for the job interview.

A. I think he mustn't have been late for the job interview.

B. I hear he hasn't been late for the job interview.

C. I remember he wasn't late for the job interview.

D. I wish he hadn't been late for the job interview.

Câu 547 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges.

Câu 47. - "May I speak to Dr. Thomas, please?"

- "____________________. "

A. I'm sorry, he's seeing a patient at the moment.

B. Yes, you may and he will connect you later.

C. That's fine, but I don't think he's working now.

D. No, you can't as he must be free in a few minutes.

Câu 548 :

– Jack: “John, you look terrible! What’s wrong with you?”

- John: “_______________”

A. Thanks for your question.

B. I was so sick yesterday.

C. The weather will be better.

D. You must be wrong, too.

Câu 549 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 49. David loves Hannah. That’s why he bought tickets for her live show last week.

A. David loves Hannah so much that he bought tickets for her live show last week.

B. Although David loves Hannah, he bought tickets for her live show last week.

C. David loves Hannah too much to buy tickets for her live show last week.

D. Much as David loves Hannah, he bought tickets for her live show last week.

Câu 550 :

You did not tell her the truth. It was wrong of you.

A. You must have told her the truth.

B. You should have told her the truth.

C. You may have told her the truth.

D. You could have told her the truth.

Câu 556 : WHO's objective is___________by all people of the highest possible level of health.

A. attainment

B. approach

C. advance

D. acquisition

Câu 557 : In 1791, Pierre-Charles L' Enfant__________plan for the new capital city at Washington.

A. had submitted

B. has submitted

C. was submitting

D. submitted

Câu 558 : He did not want __________ his fears and insecurity to anyone.

A. to expose

B. to be exposed

C. to have exposed

D. exposing

Câu 560 : "You_____________be thirsty! You've just drunk a lot of water.”

A. mayn’t

B. shouldn’t

C. can't

D. mustn't

Câu 561 : The man was innocent; it was a case of mistaken ______________

A. identically

B. identified

C. identity

D. identification

Câu 562 : This book is an __________of a series lectures given last year.

A. expense

B. extension

C. addition

D. expansion

Câu 563 : Culture shock is a feeling of confusion and anxiety that someone experiences ___________with a very different culture, especially a different country.

A. as they leave a place and go to another

B. while visiting or leaving a place

C. visiting or going to live in a place

D. when they visit or go to live in a place

Câu 568 : Now that the scandal is in the ______, the Minister will have to resign.

A. string

B. offing

C. swing

D. spring

Câu 569 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

- "Hi. You must be new here." - “_____________“

A. Yes, this is my first day on the job.

B. Yes, am you surprised?

C. No, I’m very old here.

D. Are you new here, too?

Câu 570 : - "Excuse me. Where’s the parking lot?" - “ ___________ "

A. Why do you ask me? I don’t know.

B. Do you get lost? I do too

C. You missed the turn. It’s back that way.

D. You are wrong. It's not here.

Câu 572 : You must drive it home to him that spending too much time playing computer games will do him no good.

A. let him drive his car

B. make him understand

C. allow him to stay

D. give him a lift home

Câu 574 : When people are angry, they seldom act in a rationalway.

A. impolite

B. dissatisfied

C. unreasonable

D. inconsiderate

Câu 576 : In some countries, octopuses and snails are considered being great delicacies to eat.

A. octopuses

B. are considered

C. being

D. delicacies

Câu 579 : One (29)_____________these problems is the Homestay method.

A. requirement

B. answer

C. argument

D. reaction

Câu 583 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Myriad occupational schools in the central coastal city of Da Nang have received just a small number of applications over the past few years. “Last year we only had 142 new students, but the number of new enrollees is 50 this school year,” Truong Van Hung, rector of the Duc Tri Da Nang Vocational College, said, adding the school has set a target of recruiting 1,200 students for the 2014-2015 academic year. “Closing the school is just a matter of time,” he said.

Similarly, the Viet A Vocational School in Hai Chau District in Da Nang has not recruited any new enrollee for over one year given the absence of job opportunities for its graduates. “We do not want to enroll because we cannot help students land jobs after they graduate,” a leader of Viet A said. “We will only admit new students when we can have a partnership with companies who can employ our students after they finish their studies.”

Elsewhere, vocational schools in the southern province of Dong Nai are ‘frozen’. The Dong Nai Information Technology-Telecommunications Vocational School in the academic year of 2013-2014 enrolled only 82 students compared with a target of 1,000; the Nhon Trach Industrial Engineering Vocational School only had 200 out of its goal of 600 students for the school year; the 26-3 Vocational School received 150 students while they set a target of 250; and the South-Eastern Electromechanical Vocational School only recruited 300 out of the 500 students they planned to admit.

The situation means that equipment for training programs at those schools has been left unused and covered with rust. Local experts have commented that if the lack of students persists, vocational schools are at high risk of being closed, sooner or later.


A. vocational schools in Vietnam struggling to survive.

B. several principals failing to manage local schools.

C. students turning their back at tertiary education.

D. more and more teenagers choosing to work.

Câu 584 : According to paragraph 1, what was the attitude of the headmaster of the Duc Tri Da Nang Vocational College?

A. He regretted not making any effort.

B. He was upset at his own incompetence.

C. He lamented the tragic plight of his school.

D. He was pleased to be able to change schools.

Câu 585 : The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to _______.

A. companies

B. students

C. studies

D. jobs

Câu 586 : According to paragraph 3, what is the reason for “the vocational schools in the southern province of Dong Nai being ‘frozen’”?

A. Because their invested money cannot return.

B. Because they do not have enough students.

C. Because they cannot pay a debt from the land rent.

D. Because the government has suddenly changed the policy.

Câu 587 : The word “persists” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. withstands

B. sustains

C. insists

D. continue

Câu 588 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

The number of people accessing the State’s and community’s priority policies and programmes is increasing, said Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung. Vietnam has around 6.2 million people over the age of two with disabilities, making up 7.06 per cent of the country’s population. Of those, 28 per cent are severely disabled, 58 per cent female, 28 per cent children and 10 per cent living in poverty. Most live in rural areas and many are victims of Agent Orange.

Minister Dung said in the past, the State, the Party and Vietnamese people had paid much care to people with disability. Vietnam ratified the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of People with Disability in 2014. In March this year, the country ratified the International Labour Organisation’s Convention 159 about jobs for people with disability. It strongly confirmed Vietnam’s commitment ensuring the disabled would not be discriminated at work.

Last month, the Secretariat Committee issued the Instruction 39 about the Party’s leading work on affairs related to people with disability. The National Assembly later ratified the amended Law on Labour with many adjustments relating to disabled people. Dung said that every year, millions of disabled people receive an allowance from the State and all of provinces and cities had rehabilitation centres. Attending the event, Truong Thi Mai, head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilisation, said besides the achievements, Vietnam still sees many obstacles. Infrastructure is still limited demand for people with disability and many live below the poverty line depending heavily on their families.

Mai asked organisations to improve education to raise people’s awareness of the meaning of supportive work to people with disability. This year, more than VNĐ17 trillion (US$735.4 million) from the State budget was allocated to provinces and cities to implement policies for people with disability, according to the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment on Thursday launched the programme “White stick for Vietnamese visual impaired people”. Its aim is to present one million white sticks to visually impaired people across the country. Training to use the device will also be provided. Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung said the ministry will listen to disabled people’s demands and wishes and put them into its policies. Deputy chairwoman of the National Assembly Tong Thi Phong said Vietnam has committed to developing socio-economy, taking care of social equality and improving social management ability.


A. The plight of overflowing number of the handicapped.

B. The healthier the people, the stronger the nation.

C. Generous financial support for the visual impaired.

D. More disabled people access to supportive policies.

Câu 589 : The word “Invalids” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. Sufferers

B. Valetudinarian

C. Convalescents

D. Bedridden patients

Câu 590 : The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to _____.

A. Commitment

B. Disability

C. Country

D. Convention

Câu 591 : According to paragraph 3, what was the view of Vietnam’s governing bodies towards the disabled?

A. They displayed an entirely altruistic and selfless act.

B. They expressed a philanthropic and supportive attitude.

C. They aimlessly enacted laws in the interest of the people.

D. They tried their best but handled situations nonchalantly

Câu 592 : The word “implement” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. prepare

B. follow

C. clarify

D. establish

Câu 593 : According to paragraph 5, what did the Ministry of Planning and Investment have in mind when launching the project?

A. Encouraging the handicapped to be confident.

B. Fulfilling the responsibility as a part of the nation.

C. Ensuring no people in need would be left behind.

D. Improving the overall image of the government.

Câu 594 : Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. The matter concerning the disabled’s welfare only gains recognition in the recent years.

B. The handicapped is annually supported by the government financially and physically.

C. Sectors and localities have drafted policies for their sustainable development strategy.

D. Dao Ngoc Dung is the current Minister of Planning and Investment of Vietnam.

Câu 595 : What is the tone of the whole passage?

A. Humanistic

B. Ethical

C. Grandiose

D. Dogmati

Câu 596 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

A. Unfortunately we were out when our grandmother phoned.

B. We were sure our grandmother had phoned while we were out.

C. Possibly our grandmother phoned while we were out.

D. Our grandmother ought to have phoned while we were out.

Câu 597 : He was such a wet blanket at the party tonight!

A. He brought a wet blanket to the party.

B. He was wet through when going home from the party.

C. He made people at the party wet through.

D. He spoiled other people’s pleasure at the party.

Câu 598 : Fansipan is the highest mountain in the Indochinese Peninsula.

A. There are some mountains in the Indochinese Peninsula higher than Fansipan.

B. The Indochinese Peninsula includes one of the highest mountains on earth.

C. The highest mountain in the Indochinese Peninsula is exclusive of Fansipan.

D. No mountains in the Indochinese Peninsula are higher than Fansipan.

Câu 599 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. Having just passed your final examination making your parents happy.

B. You have just passed your final examination makes your parents happy.

C. That you have just passed your final examination makes your parents happy.

D. What you have just passed your final examination makes your parents happy.

Câu 600 : He thought he must have made a mistake somewhere. He went through his calculations again.

A. Thinking he had made a mistake somewhere, he would go through his calculations again.

B. Thinking he must have made a mistake somewhere, he went through his calculations again.

C. He went through his calculations again before he went thought of making mistake somewhere.

D. He thought to have made a mistake somewhere and had gone through his calculations again.

Câu 608 : _________, she spent nearly an hour walking all around the neighborhood looking for her car.

A. Unable to remember where she was parking

B. Unable to remember where she has parked

C. Forgetting where to park

D. Not remembering where she had parked

Câu 610 : But for my mother’s help for the last two years, I ________________.

A. would succeed

B. would not have succeeded

C. would not succeed

D. could have not succeeded

Câu 611 : _______________ having a well-paid job, Jake is not contented with his life.

A. Although

B. Besides

C. Despite

D. Because

Câu 617 : My mother ________ for a computer company, but she ___________ at home today.

A. works – is working

B. works – works

C. is working – works

D. is working – is working

Câu 618 : My father told me that If we wanted to catch the 6.30 train, that would mean _________the house at 6.00.

A. to leave

B. having left

C. leaving

D. having to be leaving

Câu 619 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

A. Usually by car, but sometimes he cycles.

B. Three times a week, but sometimes twice.

C. He often starts work at 6, and sometimes at 7.

D. Not much, only a couple of hours every day.

Câu 620 : John: "___________"

A. How is your class this term?

B. How many students in your class can speak English?

C. What are you going to do this term?

D. What is the problem with your English students?

Câu 624 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

A. let him drive his car

B. make him understand

C. allow him to stay

D. give him a lift home

Câu 632 : (32)_________, astronauts have to eat slowly and carefully or the food will float away.

A. However

B. Moreover

C. Instead

D. In contrast

Câu 633 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 33 to 37.

Earthquakes are destructive events in nature. The damage depends on the size or magnitude of the quake. There have never been so many people living in cities in quake zones, and so the worse the damage can be from a big quake, bringing fires, tsunamis, and the loss of life, property, and maybe an entire city.

We understand how earthquakes happen but not exactly where or when they will occur. Until recently, quakes seemed to occur at random. In Japan, government research is now showing that quakes can be predicted. At the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Koshun Yamaoka says earthquakes do follow a pattern—pressure builds in a zone and must be released. But a colleague, Naoyuki Kato, adds that laboratory experiments indicate that a fault slips a little before it breaks. If this is true, predictions can be made based on the detection of slips.

Research in the U.S. may support Kato’s theory. In Parkfield, California earthquakes occur about every 22 years on the San Andreas fault. In the 1980s, scientists drilled into the fault and set up equipment to record activity to look for warning signs. When an earthquake hit again, it was years off schedule. At first the event seemed random but scientists drilled deeper. By 2005 they reached the bottom of the fault, two miles down, and found something. Data from two quakes reported in 2008 show there were two “slips’—places where the plates widened—before the fault line broke and the quakes occurred.

We are learning more about these destructive events every day. In the future we may be able to track earthquakes and design an early-warning system. So if the next great earthquake does happen in Tokai, about 100 miles southwest of Tokyo, as some scientists think, the citizens of Tokai may have advance warning.

(Adapted from Reading Explorer 3, Nancy Douglas et al., 2010)

A. We can predict earthquakes using pre-slip theory.

B. There are now many theories about earthquakes.

C. Research is showing that we may be able to predict earthquakes.

D. Earthquakes are the most destructive natural disaster on earth.

Câu 634 : The underlined phrase “the worse the damage” in the passage means ___________.

A. The result of a great earthquake is a tsunami or fire that causes great damage.

B. Greater damage will occur from earthquakes in highly populated cities in danger zones.

C. Tsunamis and fire are caused by big earthquakes that we have not been able to predict.

D. Cities and other populous areas may suffer from worse earthquakes than other places.

Câu 635 : The underlined word “it” in the passage refers to _____________.

A. a fault

B. a little

C. an experiment

D. a pattern

Câu 636 : Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The San Andreas fault is two miles deep.

B. Scientists in the U.S. found slips in the fault in the 1980’s.

C. Earthquakes occur about every 22 years along the San Andreas Fault.

D. The slip at a fault can predict when the fault will break.

Câu 637 : Evidence for the pre-slip theory has been found by scientists in __________.

A. Japan and the United States

B. Tokai and San Andreas

C. Parkfield and Kato

D. California and Tokyo

Câu 638 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 45.

If you go back far enough, everything lived in the sea. At various points in evolutionary history, enterprising individuals within many different animal groups moved out onto the land, sometimes even to the most parched deserts, taking their own private seawater with them in blood and cellular fluids. In addition to the reptiles, birds, mammals and insects which we see all around us, other groups that have succeeded out of water include scorpions, snails, crustaceans such as woodlice and land crabs, millipedes and centipedes, spiders and various worms. And we mustn’t forget the plants, without whose prior invasion of the land, none of the other migrations could have happened.

Moving from water to land involved a major redesign of every aspect of life, including breathing and reproduction. Nevertheless, a good number of thoroughgoing land animals later turned around, abandoned their hard-earned terrestrial re-tooling, and returned to the water again. Seals have only gone part way back. They show us what the intermediates might have been like, on the way to extreme cases such as whales and dugongs. Whales (including the small whales we call dolphins) and dugongs, with their close cousins, the manatees, ceased to be land creatures altogether and reverted to the full marine habits of their remote ancestors. They don’t even come ashore to breed. They do, however, still breathe air, having never developed anything equivalent to the gills of their earlier marine incarnation. Turtles went back to the sea a very long time ago and, like all vertebrate returnees to the water, they breathe air. However, they are, in one respect, less fully given back to the water than whales or dugongs, for turtles still lay their eggs on beaches.

There is evidence that all modern turtles are descended from a terrestrial ancestor which lived before most of the dinosaurs. There are two key fossils called Proganochelys quenstedti and Palaeochersis talampayensis dating from early dinosaur times, which appear to be close to the ancestry of all modern turtles and tortoise. You might wonder how we can tell whether fossil animals lived in land or in water, especially if only fragments are found. Sometimes it’s obvious. Ichthyosaurs were reptilian contemporaries of the dinosaurs, with fins and streamlined bodies. The fossils look like dolphins and they surely lived like dolphins, in the water. With turtles it is a little less obvious. One way to tell is by measuring the bones of their forelimbs.

(Adapted from Cambridge English IELTS 9)

A. The evidences of the time marine animals moved to land.

B. The relationship between terrestrial species and marine creatures.

C. The reasons why species had to change their living place.

D. The evolution of marine species in changing places to live.

Câu 639 : According to the first paragraph, reptiles, birds, mammals and insects __________.

A. were the ones living on the marine organisms.

B. moved to deserts to find feeding grounds.

C. left the water at the same time of scorpions, snails and crustaceans.

D. are the species whose ancestors succeeded in moving from water to land.

Câu 641 : The word “ceased” in paragraph 2 mostly means ______________.

A. stopped happening or existing

B. got familiar

C. began to happen or exist

D. decided to become

Câu 642 : The word “incarnation” in the second paragraph could be best replaced by __________.

A. ancestor

B. embodiment

C. evolution

D. natural selection

Câu 643 : According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Seals are able to live on land and in the water.

B. Some terrestrial habits were remained when the species reverted to water life.

C. Apart from breathing and breeding, marine species were expected to change nothing to live on land.

D. Ichthyosaurs might have resembled dolphins.

Câu 644 : What does the word “they” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. dinosaurs

B. fins and streamlined bodies

C. ichthyosaurs

D. dolphins

Câu 645 : It can be inferred from the last passage that _____________.

A. the body features of the fossil animals help scientists to distinguish the terrestrial and marine species.

B. turtles’ ancestor and dinosaurs became extinct contemporarily.

C. it’s clear to determine the living places of all species through the fragments found.

D. the fossils of turtles and tortoises might have the similar appearances with dolphins.

Câu 646 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

A. He asked me if I should post the letter for him.

B. He offered to post the letter for me.

C. He said I should post the letter myself.

D. I wanted him to post the letter for me.

Câu 647 : It is never too late to give up your prejudices.

A. It is high time you gave up your prejudices.

B. There is not enough time to give your prejudices.

C. There is no point giving up your prejudices.

D. It is too early for you to give up your prejudices

Câu 648 : As a conductor of heat and electricity, aluminum exceeds all metals except silver, copper and gold.

A. With the exception of aluminum, silver, copper and gold are better than any other metal as conductors of heat and electricity.

B. Aluminum is a better conductor of heat and electricity than silver, copper and gold.

C. Silver, copper and gold are better conductors of heat and electricity than aluminum.

D. Silver, copper and gold are exceeded only by aluminum as conductors of heat and electricity.

Câu 649 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. David did not panic though he was alone and lost in the woods.

B. David wouldn't be panic if he had been alone and lost in the woods.

C. David was alone and lost in the woods so he did not panic.

D. David was alone and lost in the woods because he did not panic.

Câu 650 : The president failed to explain the cause of the crisis. He did not offer any solutions.

A. The president either failed to explain the cause of the crisis or offered any solutions.

B. The president failed to explain the cause of crisis, nor did he offered any solutions.

C. The president neither explained the cause of the crisis nor offered any solutions.

D. The president didn’t either fail to explain the cause of crisis or offered no solutions too.

Câu 656 : John, you know what I feel for you and I’ve told you enough times, _______________?

A. don’t you

B. don’t I

C. doesn’t he

D. haven’t I

Câu 658 : I think our guests will ________________.

A. be here shortly

B. shortly be here

C. here be shortly

D. here shortly be

Câu 659 : We have much to ____________ today, so please concentrate.

A. discuss

B. discuss about

C. discuss over

D. discuss with

Câu 660 : __________________ Tom’s opposition, we would have agreed to the contract.

A. But for

B. If hadn’t it been for

C. If it hadn’t had

D. Hadn’t it been for

Câu 661 : _______________, the woman was visibly happy after the birth of her child.

A. Tired though she is

B. She being tired

C. Despite being tired

D. Though was tired

Câu 662 : ______________ all the lights and other electric devices, the student left the classroom.

A.Having been turned off

B.Turning off

C.To have turned off

D.Having turned off

Câu 665 : When his parents are away for wok, his oldest brother _________.

A. is in the same boat

B. calls the shots

C. draws the line

D. knocks it off

Câu 666 : I made it quite clear that I had no ________________ of selling the portrait.

A. aim

B. intention

C. meaning

D. purpose

Câu 667 : By the end of this year, they _____________ on that bridge for more than a decade.

A. will work

B. will be working

C. will have worked

D. have work

Câu 669 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

A. I’ll have a soup, please

B. There’s a great restaurant at the street corner

C. I usually eat lunch at twelve there

D. Twelve would be convenient for us

Câu 670 : “I’ve got an earache in this ear. I couldn’t sleep last night because it was so painful.”

A. Let me check your temperature…. Yes, it’s higher than normal.

B. Drink lots of water and come back if you don’t feel better.

C. Let me have a look …… ah …. Yes, it’s very red in there.

D. Well, you should take this medicine twice a day. It’s good for a sore throat.

Câu 673 : Unless the money is returned, we shall shortly becontacting our lawful department.

A. unless

B. is returned

C. shortly be

D. lawful

Câu 675 : John was in the news during the latter part of the Watergate scandal.

A. former

B. second

C. eventual

D. end

Câu 683 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 33 to 37.

May 1 is marked as International Labour Day, also referred as May Day. The day celebrates labourers and the working class. Labour Day is an annual public holiday in many countries. It is also referred as International Workers' Day or just Worker's Day.

During industrialization in beginning of the 19th Century, the industrialists used to exploit the labour class and made them work up to 15 hours a day. The workers in the U.S. rose against this exploitation and demanded paid leaves, proper wages and breaks for the workforce. The eight-hour day labour movement advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. The Labour Day annually celebrates the achievements of the workers.

The day has different story for different places. May 1 was chosen to be International Workers' Day to commemorate the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago. In that year, on May 1, there was a general strike for the eight-hour workday. On May 4, the police acted to disperse a public assembly in support of the strike when an unidentified person threw a bomb. The police responded by firing on the workers. The event lead to several deaths. The incident is remembered as the Haymarket affair, or the Haymarket massacre. The place in Haymarket Square where the incident happened was designated a Chicago Landmark in 1992.

Labour Day or May Day has been a focal point of protests by various socialist and communist groups and is an important holiday in communist countries like China, North Korea, Cuba and the former Soviet Union countries. In India, the first Labour day or May Day was celebrated in the year 1923. It was the Labour Kisan Party who had organised the May Day celebrations in Chennai (then Madras).

A. The birth of the day dedicated to workers.

B. Holidays that fall on Mondays.

C. Why and how Labour Day is celebrated.

D. The rights of working class.

Câu 684 : The word “It” in paragraph 1 refers to _______.

A. workforce

B. Labour Day

C. public holiday

D. working class

Câu 685 : According to paragraph 2, what is the origin of May Day being described?

A. Labour Day dates back to the late 1900s when the heavy industries were blooming.

B. Worker's Day beginning was linked with the advent of class consciousness.

C. Labour Day has its origins in the labour union movement in the United States.

D. Worker's Day concept has been brewing since the dawn of capitalism.

Câu 686 : According to paragraph 3, what is NOT correct about the incident of Haymarket?

A. Many people were killed when the police intervened by random gunfire.

B. The Haymarket tragedy inspired generations of rightist activists.

C. The Haymarket riot happened in the late 1800s in Chicago.

D. A bomb was thrown by an individual never positively identified.

Câu 687 : The word “focal” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. permanent

B. leading

C. basic

D. central

Câu 688 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 45.

The World Health Organization on Wednesday declared the rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak a pandemic. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that “We expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths, and the number of affected countries climb even higher.”

WHO officials had said earlier they were hesitant to call the outbreak a pandemic in case it led governments and individuals to give up the fight. On Wednesday, they stressed that fundamental public health interventions can still limit the spread of the virus and drive down cases even where it was transmitting widely, as the work of authorities and communities in China, Singapore, and South Korea has shown.

The virus, which probably originated in bats but passed to people via an as yet unrecognized intermediary animal species, is believed to have started infecting people in Wuhan, China, in late November or early December. Since then the virus has raced around the globe. South Korea, which has reported nearly 8,000 cases, also appears poised to bring its outbreak under control with aggressive measures and widespread testing. But other countries have struggled to follow the leads of China and South Korea — a reality that has frustrated WHO officials who have exhorted the world to do everything possible to end transmission of the virus. Tedros used the fact that 90% of the cumulative cases have been reported in just four countries as evidence that the rest of the world still had time to prevent an explosion of cases with action.

WHO officials also stressed that countries should be implementing a strategic combination two types of measures. One involves trying to detect and stop known chains of transmission by isolating cases and following and potentially quarantining their contacts. The other involves community-level steps like social distancing and comes into play when the virus is spreading more broadly and transmission chains can’t be tracked. Mike Ryan, the head of the WHO’s emergency program, said that the public health interventions might not have straightforward effect, but to slow the spread of the virus. People with severe cases can require long periods of critical care and strain the resources of hospitals. He said he was worried about “the case load, the demand on the health workers, the dangers that come with fatigue, and potentially shortages of personal protective equipment.”

A. Some contracted with coronavirus get very ill but most don’t.

B. What scientists still don’t know about coronavirus patients.

C. What governors are doing to tackle spreading coronavirus.

D. The WHO declares the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic.

Câu 689 : The word “pandemic” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. epidemic

B. ebullition

C. epizootic

D. endemic

Câu 690 : The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to _____.

A. outbreak

B. spread

C. fight

D. virus

Câu 691 : According to paragraph 3, what is NOT mentioned about the virus and its state of spreading?

A. The WHO suggested that all countries can still change the course of this pandemic.

B. The current spreading virus is the second coronavirus to reach pandemic levels.

C. Coronavirus primitively circulates among animals but somehow spreads to human.

D. China is the assumed country of virus origin and where the disease hits the hardest.

Câu 692 : The word “poised” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. composed

B. confident

C. excited

D. ready

Câu 693 : According to paragraph 4, what is the objective of the measures mapped out by the WHO?

A. To buy time for the invention of vaccines.

B. To stop the virus sharply in its tracks.

C. To avoid an overwhelmed health system.

D. To achieve the point of zero transmission.

Câu 694 : The following statements are true, EXCEPT _______.

A. The WHO advised all countries to apply both containment and mitigation measures.

B. The WHO officials declined to criticize an individual member – Italy – publicly.

C. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus claimed that the plight will worsen.

D. The WHO is initially uncertain about its decision to label the outbreak as a pandemic.

Câu 695 : Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. The WHO acknowledged that the virus will likely spread to all countries on the globe.

B. Local factors related to healthcare systems have no effect on the course of the disease.

C. Countries used to an authoritarian government is most suitable to contain the virus.

D. The pandemic is an opportunity to see the backfire of an expensive healthcare system.

Câu 696 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

A. He asked me if I would give that to Tony when I saw him.

B. He asked me whether I could give that to Tony when he saw me.

C. He asked me to give that to Tony when I saw him.

D. He begged me to give that to Tony when I saw him.

Câu 697 : All the children will receive a prize, whatever their score in the competition.

A. No matter how their score in the competition is, all the children will receive a prize.

B. Each children will receive a prize no matter what their score is in the competition.

C. Each children will receive a prize no matter how much their score in the competition is.

D. All the children will receive a prize whatever their score in the competition.

Câu 698 : What a pity! They missed the football match on TV yesterday.

A. They wish they attended the football match on TV yesterday.

B. They wish they had come the football match on TV yesterday.

C. If only they hadn’t missed the football match on TV yesterday.

D. If only they would attend the football match on TV yesterday

Câu 699 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. Do you know him, Mr. Watson is a strict teacher in our school?

B. Do you know Mr. Watson, is a strict teacher in our school?

C. Do you know Mr. Watson, a strict teacher in our school?

D. Do you know a strict teacher in our school is Mr. Watson?

Câu 700 : Many people start plant-based diets. They want to improve their health.

A. Many people start plant-based diets because they want to improve their health.

B. Many people start plant-based diets although they want to improve their health.

C. Many people start plant-based diets, so they want to improve their health.

D. Many people start plant-based diets, but they want to improve their health.

Câu 706 : My neighbor offered ____________ us to the airport.

A. taking

B. take

C. to taking

D. to take

Câu 707 : My mother says that we__________ the party in the garden if the weather is good.

A. would have

B. would have had

C. will have

D. will be having

Câu 708 : Who ___________ over the company when the manager retires?

A. took

B. will take

C. take

D. was taking

Câu 710 : It won’t be safe to use these stairs __________ .

A. before they repair them

B. after they will repair them

C. when they repaired them

D. until they have them repaired

Câu 712 : A lot of people have ignored the warning of air pollution__________ health problems.

A. seriously causing

B. is seriously causing

C. seriously caused

D. is seriously caused

Câu 713 : We were banned from entering this area for _____________ reasons.

A. secure

B. security

C. securely

D. securities

Câu 714 : Daddy, how can I ___________ so little money? Please send me some more money.

A. get through

B. get over

C. get by on

D. get by

Câu 716 : There's a shortage of cheap accommodation in this city of five million __________.

A. citizens

B. dwellers

C. inhabitants

D. residents

Câu 717 : Farmers ___________ into big cities to find work when the harvest time is up.

A. migrate

B. emigrate

C. immigrate

D. stuff

Câu 719 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

A. Do you really like it, sir?

B. Here you are, sir.

C. But you don’t need it, sir

D. Yes, sure. Thank you.

Câu 720 : - “I’m sorry, I’m late.”

A. You are welcome

B. No, I don’t mind

C. All right. The early bird catches the worm!

D. No worries. Better late than never.

Câu 721 : Athletics were his favourite sport when he was young.

A. Athletics

B. were

C. sport

D. when he was young

Câu 725 : When Tom revealed that Peter was secretly planning to quit his job, he upset the apple cart for Peter, who wanted nobody to know of his plans.

A. ruined carefully laid plans

B. caused trouble

C. spoil secretly laid plans

D. object to the plan

Câu 731 : Since then it has become a traditional day (31)________ year.

A. another

B. other

C. any

D. every

Câu 733 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 33 to 37.

As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning to night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.

Stress is a natural part of every life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.

The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between “fight” or “flight”, and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are not likely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress that health becomes endangered. Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress. Since we cannot remove stress from our lives (and it would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to find ways to deal with it.

A. they do not know how to enjoy themselves

B. they do not believe that relaxation is important for health

C. they are travelling fast all the time

D. they are becoming busier their work

Câu 734 : According to the writer, the most important character for a good manager is his _______.

A. not fearing stress

B. high sense of responsibility

C. knowing the art of relaxation

D. having control over performance

Câu 735 : Which of the following statements is true?

A. We can find some ways to avoid stress

B. Stress is always harmful to people

C. It’s easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work

D. Different people can withstand different amount of stress

Câu 736 : In paragraph 3, “such a reaction” refers back to__________.

A. making a choice between “fight” or “flight”

B. reaction to stress both chemically and physically

C. responding to crises quickly

D. losing heart at the signs of difficulties

Câu 737 : In the last sentence of the passage, “do so” refers to _________.

A. expose ourselves to stress

B. find ways to deal with stress

C. remove stress from our lives

D. establish links between diseases and stress

Câu 738 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 45.

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam has stood out as one such example of how to effectively respond to the pandemic. Vietnam, which shares a border with China and is about 1,200 miles from where the outbreak was first reported in Wuhan, has overcome steep odds in the global fight against COVID-19. As of April 6, the Vietnamese government has reported 245 confirmed cases with 95 recoveries and no fatalities.

The country’s response to the outbreak has received international recognition, including from the World Health Organization and World Economic Forum, for its comprehensive, low-cost model of disease prevention. WHO representative in Vietnam, Dr. Ki Dong Park, attests the government “has always been proactive and prepared for necessary actions”.

The Communist Party of Vietnam has strengthened its anti-pandemic measures by implementing nationwide social distancing rules, such as banning outside gatherings of more than two people while keeping a distance of 6.5 feet, and temporary shutdowns of “non-essential” businesses, including restaurants, entertainment centers and tourist sites.

Supermarkets and other essential services remain open, but are instructed to safeguard customers’ health by checking their temperatures before entering the building and providing them with hand sanitizers. In addition, the government has warned against panic buying and has taken action against businesses engaged in price gouging. To ensure social security for affected workers, Vietnam has approved a 111.55 million dollar financial support package that includes covering all costs for workers in quarantine or are recovering from the disease.

Unlike the U.S. capitalist class and the Trump administration, the Vietnamese government took early measures to combat the current coronavirus epidemic. Officials began preparing strategies to combat the outbreak immediately after the first cases emerged in China.

On February 1, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc signed Decision No.173.QD-TTG, categorizing the virus as a Class A contagious disease “that can transmit very rapidly and spread widely with high mortality rates.” This declaration of a national emergency came after the sixth case of coronavirus in the country was reported. In contrast, the Trump administration only declared a national emergency over the global pandemic on March 13, when there were at least 1,920 confirmed cases across 46 states.

(Adapted from

Câu 38. Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage?

A. Vietnam and the U.S in the campaign to combat the pandemic.

B. Why has no one in Vietnam died of COVID 19?

C. How does the pandemic affect Vietnam’s society?

D. The international recognition for Vietnam’s response to COVID 19.

Câu 739 : Vietnam’s reaction to the epidemic was acknowledged as a ____________by the WHO and WEF.

A. comprehensible and economical model of disease prevention

B. perfect and expensive model of disease prevention

C. complete and inexpensive example of disease prevention

D. incomplete and luxurious example of disease prevention

Câu 740 : Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a measure to the pandemic in Vietnam?

A. prohibiting outside gatherings

B. keeping a distance of 6.5 feet

C. closing unnecessary businesses permanently

D. warning inhabitants against panic buying

Câu 741 : The word “their” in paragraph 4 refers to ___________.

A. supermarkets’

B. customers’

C. governments’

D. essential services’

Câu 742 : The word “gouging” in the fourth paragraph most probably means ____________.

A. rising

B. reducing

C. stabilizing

D. remaining

Câu 743 : What has the Vietnamese government done to help affected workers?

A. Check their temperatures and provide them with hand sanitizers.

B. Keep opening some essential services for their daily needs.

C. Support them in finance to help them ensure their daily lives.

D. Pay for their costs in quarantine or are getting over the disease.

Câu 744 : The word “contagious” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. dangerous

B. fatal

C. hazardous

D. infectious

Câu 745 : Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. Vietnam implemented the measures to push back the outbreak after the first cases emerged in China.

B. The Trump administration declared a national emergency over the global pandemic earlier than the Vietnamese government did.

C. Vietnam has become the country that combats the epidemic most effectively.

D. The strategies to deal with the disease of Vietnam and the U.S are familiar.

Câu 746 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

A. You may show your ID card when you enter this place.

B. You can show your ID card when you enter this place.

C. You had better show your ID card when you enter this place.

D. You must show your ID card when you enter this place.

Câu 747 : “Please don't tell anyone what happened," he said to me.

A. He said to me please don't tell anyone what happened.

B. He told me didn't tell anyone what had happened.

C. He said me not to tell anyone what happened.

D. He told me not to tell anyone what had happened.

Câu 748 : China is the country with the largest population.

A. China is larger than any other countries.

B. China has more population than any other countries.

C. China is as crowded as other countries.

D. Other countries are more crowded than China.

Câu 749 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. If he were an incompetent director, the company wouldn’t lost a lot of money.

B. If it hadn’t been for the director’s incompetence, the company wouldn’t have lost a lot of money.

C. If he had been an incompetent director, the company wouldn’t have lost a lot of money.

D. Had it been for the director’s incompetence, the company wouldn’t have lost a lot of money.

Câu 750 : Spring hasn’t come. We can’t see the blooming flowers.

A. Only when spring has come can we see the blooming flowers.

B. Only when spring has come we can see the blooming flowers.

C. Only after spring has come we can see the blooming flowers

D. Only if spring has come we can see the blooming flowers.

Câu 756 : Barney stopped ____________ when doctors told him he had lung cancer.

A. to smoke

B. smoking

C. smoke

D. to smoking

Câu 757 : We ____________ for three hours straight! Where’s the bus?

A. have been waiting

B. had been waiting

C. has been waiting

D. has waited

Câu 758 : ______________ some assistance with your essay, feel free to ring me up.

A. Were you to need

B. Had you needed

C. Should you need

D. Will you need

Câu 760 : Mathematics, _______________ by many students as a difficult subject, is actually very fascinating.

A. which are considered

B. considered

C. considering

D. to be considered

Câu 762 : If you are caught cheating, half of your total score will be ______________.

A. reduced

B. deducted

C. deduced

D. distracted

Câu 764 : _______________, she was visibly happy after the birth of her child.

A. Because the woman was tired

B. When the woman was tired

C. Despite tired

D. Tired though the woman was

Câu 766 : One of the ____________________related to weddings is that the bride should wear something blue.

A. superstition

B. superstitious

C. superstitiously

D. superstition

Câu 770 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

A. Yes, speak to you soon.

B. It’s nothing

C. No, it is on me.

D. Don’t mention it.

Câu 771 : Stark goes to the bank for a money change.

A. What kind of money do you want?

B. How much money do you want?

C. How do you want your money?

D. How many notes do you want?

Câu 778 : If you want to be a successful gardener, of course you’ve got to have green fingers.

A. make plants grow well

B. bad at doing the gardening

C. lack skills in gardening

D. don’t have a good head for gardening

Câu 781 : (31)____________, students were choosing major fields designed to prepare them for specific jobs

A. alternatively

B. consequently

C. additionally

D. frequently

Câu 784 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 38.

Australia is suffering from one of its worst fire seasons in history, with more than two dozen people killed, thousands of homes destroyed, and millions of acres burned so far. Unfortunately, fires like this, exacerbated by the effects of climate change, will likely rage again, but Australia’s government can take steps to minimize their destruction.

With warming temperatures, Australia will face longer fire seasons. To reduce future damage, governments at all levels must act. Areas of focus should include enhancing early warning systems and fire prediction capabilities; launching public awareness campaigns on the dangers posed by climate-fueled bushfires and necessary prevention measures; conducting more controlled burns; and developing more stringent building codes that address climate risk.

At the state and local levels, communities need to professionalize their firefighting capabilities. They should invest in improved training that educates firefighters and local leaders about the changing characteristics of bushfires. And, once this fire season subsides, states should oversee how and where rebuilding occurs, including restricting redevelopment of particularly fire-prone areas.

(Adapted from

A. Australia’s measures to reduce the forest fires’ damage

B. The harmful effects of the Australia’s forest fires

C. The causes of forest fires in Australia

D. How Australia reconstructs the forests

Câu 786 : According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT the solution taken by the Australia’s government?

A. improving early warning systems and fire prediction capabilities

B. raising public awareness of the dangers of bushfires and essential prevention measures

C. limiting the number of controlled burns

D. developing more stringent building codes to address climate risk.

Câu 787 : The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to ________________.

A. local levels

B. communities

C. firefighting capabilities

D. local leaders

Câu 788 : As mentioned in paragraph 3, what should the states do to decrease the effects of the fires after this fire season?

A. They should professionalize their firefighting capabilities.

B. They should invest in improved training that educates firefighters and local leaders.

C. They should take steps to minimize their destruction.

D. They should oversee how and where rebuilding occurs, including restricting redevelopment of particularly fire-prone areas.

Câu 789 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 45.

Children are not the face of this pandemic, but they risk being among its biggest victims. While they have thankfully been largely spared from the direct health effects of COVID-19 - at least to date – the crisis is having a profound effect on their wellbeing. All children, of all ages, and in all countries, are being affected, in particular by the socio-economic impacts and, in some cases, by mitigation measures that may inadvertently do more harm than good. This is a universal crisis and, for some children, the impact will be lifelong. Moreover, the harmful effects of this pandemic will not be distributed equally. They are expected to be most damaging for children in the poorest countries, and in the poorest neighborhoods, and for those in already disadvantaged or vulnerable situations.

There are three main channels through which children are affected by this crisis: infection with the virus itself; the immediate socioeconomic impacts of measures to stop transmission of the virus and end the pandemic; and the potential longer-term effects of delayed implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

All of this is affecting children in multiple ways. An estimated 42-66 million children could fall into extreme poverty as a result of the crisis this year, adding to the estimated 386 million children already in extreme poverty in 2019. 188 countries have imposed countrywide school closures, affecting more than 1.5 billion children and youth. The potential losses that may accrue in learning for today’s young generation, and for the development of their human capital, are hard to fathom. More than two-thirds of countries have introduced a national distance learning platform, but among low-income countries the share is only 30 percent. Before this crisis, almost one third of the world’s young people were already digitally excluded.

Lockdowns and shelter in place measures come with heightened risk of children witnessing or suffering violence and abuse. Children in conflict settings, as well as those living in unsanitary and crowded conditions such as refugee and IDP settlements, are also at considerable risk. Children’s reliance on online platforms for distance learning has also increased their risk of exposure to inappropriate content and online predators.

(Adapted from

A. Protecting children from COVID-19

B. The impact of COVID-19 on children

C. What do children do in the COVID-19 pandemic?

D. Are children affected by COVID-19-controlling measures?

Câu 790 : The word “they” in the first paragraph refers to ____________.

A. children

B. measures

C. harmful effects

D. countries

Câu 792 : According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. All children, of all ages, and in all countries, are being affected equally by the pandemic

B. The measures to stop the spread of the virus and control the pandemic are not harmful to children.

C. The pandemic could put millions of children into extreme poverty this year.

D. Only one third developed countries have introduced distance learning in the pandemic.

Câu 793 : The word “fathom” in paragraph 4 most probably means _________.

A. solve

B. prove

C. recover

D. understand

Câu 794 : It can be inferred from the last paragraph that in the pandemic_______________.

A. children may be unsafe even in their houses.

B. children have more risks than adults.

C. the number of violent cases is increasing.

D. most children don’t want to learn online.

Câu 795 : According to the passage, the following are the impacts of the pandemic on children, EXCEPT _____________.

A. falling into poverty

B. exacerbating the learning crisis

C. risks for child safety

D. threats to child survival and health

Câu 796 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

A. The explosion must have been caused by a faulty electrical connection.

B. A faulty electrical connection may have been caused the explosion.

C. The explosion should have been caused by a faulty electrical connection.

D. The explosion may have been caused by a faulty electrical connection.

Câu 797 : “I was just getting into the shower when the phone rang." he said to me.

A. He said to me he was just getting into the shower when the phone rang.

B. He told me he had just been getting into the shower when the phone had rung.

C. He said to me that he had just been getting into the shower when the phone rang.

D. He told to me he was just getting into the shower when the phone rang.

Câu 798 : Though my bag may be cheaper than Lucas’s, it is bigger and more attractive.

A. Lucas’s bag might be more expensive than me but it is not so big and attractive as mine.

B. Lucas’s bag may be more expensive than mine but it is not bigger and attractive than mine.

C. Lucas’s bag may be more expensive than mine but it is not as big and attractive as mine.

D. Lucas’s bag might be more expensive than me but it is not bigger or more attractive than mine.

Câu 799 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. Were Collin good at English, he wouldn’t have failed the English exam last week.

B. If Collin were better at English, he would pass the English exam last week.

C. Should Collin be good at English, he would not fail the English exam last week.

D. Had Collin been better at English, he would’ve passed the English exam last week.

Câu 800 : She decided to move to the city. She didn’t bring any money with her.

A. No money with her did she decide to move to the city.

B. Not money did she bring with her, she decided to move to the city.

C. Not a penny did she bring with her when she decided to move to the city.

D. Not a penny she brought with her did she decide to move to the city.

Câu 806 : His parents suggested _____________ a break from studying.

A. having

B. him to have

C. he have

D. that he had

Câu 807 : By the time my brother went to bed last night, he _____________ his homework

A. has already finished

B. will have already finished

C. had already finished

D. were already finishing

Câu 808 : Had they listened to their parents’ advice, they _____________ happier now.

A. would be

B. am

C. will be

D. would have been

Câu 810 : I am not a selfish man ___________ in the past of my girlfriend.

A. interested

B. interesting

C. who interests

D. to interest

Câu 813 : My petrol tank was empty so I pulled into a garage to ____________.

A. fill up

B. top up

C. speed up

D. blow up

Câu 814 : Mary has applied for a lot of jobs recently, which suggests ______________her present job.

A. that she not be altogether satisfied with

B. that she’s not altogether satisfied with

C. she doesn’t altogether satisfy

D. that she not altogether satisfy

Câu 816 : She was very ________________, and brought me at least fifteen pairs of shoes to try on.

A. obliged

B. obliging

C. obligated

D. obligatory

Câu 817 : Violent crime has been reduced since the laws came into___________.

A. influence

B. impact

C. effect

D. affect

Câu 818 : Be honest! Don't let success go to your ____________.

A. head

B. hairs

C. eyes

D. mouth

Câu 819 : ____________ John’s being usually late for work, he was dismissed.

A. Because

B. Because of

C. Despite

D. Although

Câu 820 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

A. I am afraid not.

B. You are telling a joke.

C. Thank you for your compliment

D. I don’t like your sayings

Câu 821 : “Have you seen the movie Joker?” – “________________.”

A. Of course! I’m going to see it on Monday!

B. I haven’t had a chance to see it.

C. The cinema is closed today.

D. Yes, the tickets were too expensive.

Câu 823 : My friend decided to change his life by moving abroadand set up his new company.

A. change his life

B. abroad

C. set up

D. company

Câu 824 : Look out! The frightening horse may injure you, so you’d better not play near it.

A. Look out

B. frightening

C. may injure

D. not play

Câu 834 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 38.

Most Americans say they know at least some of their neighbors, but only about three-in-ten say they know all or most of them. Rural residents are more likely than those in urban or suburban areas to say they know all or most of their neighbors, but they don’t necessarily interact with their neighbors more than their counterparts in other community types.

Overall, Americans tend to be trusting of their neighbors, but this is particularly the case in suburban and rural areas. About six-in-ten in these types of community say they have a neighbor they would trust with a key to their home, compared with about half in urban areas.

The longer people have lived in their community, the more likely they are to have a neighbor they would trust with a key to their home. But even among those who report that they have lived in their community for less than one year, 34% say they would be comfortable with a neighbor having their keys. Meanwhile, 64% of those who have lived in their community for six or more years and 47% of those who have done so for one to five years say the same. Those who own their home are more likely than renters to say they would be comfortable with a neighbor having a set of keys to their home (67% vs. 45%).

When asked to describe their neighbors, people in rural areas are far more likely than those in cities and suburbs to say all or most of their neighbors share their race or ethnicity. Suburbanites are somewhat more likely than their urban and rural counterparts to say their neighbors are the same social class as they are, while relatively few across community types say all or most of their neighbors share their political views.

(Adapted from

A. The similarities and differences in the neighborhood in urban, suburban and rural areas

B. How urban, suburban and rural residents interact with their neighbors

C. The number of neighbors that urban, suburban and rural residents have

D. How people trust their neighbors

Câu 836 : The phrase “the same” in paragraph 3 refers to __________.

A. they would be comfortable with a neighbor having their keys

B. they have lived in their community for six or more years

C. they have done so for one to five years

D. they have lived in their community for less than one year

Câu 837 : The word “share” in paragraph 4 most probably means _____________.

A. experience their race or ethnicity at the same time

B. give other people something you have

C. have the same race or ethnicity

D. tell people about your race or ethnicity

Câu 838 : According to the passage, the following are true, EXCEPT __________.

A. More rural inhabitants know all or most of their neighbors than their urban and suburban counterparts do.

B. People trust their neighbors more if they live in the same community for a longer time.

C. More than half of people renting a room wouldn’t like to give their neighbors their home key.

D. People living in rural areas are often in the same social class as their neighbors.

Câu 839 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 45.

While the debate regarding how much screen time is appropriate for children rages on among educators, psychologists, and parents, it’s another emerging technology in the form of artificial intelligence and machine learning that is beginning to alter education tools and institutions and changing what the future might look like in education. It is expected that artificial intelligence in U.S. education will grow by 47.5% from 2017-2021 according to the Artificial Intelligence Market in the US Education Sector report. Even though most experts believe the critical presence of teachers is irreplaceable, there will be many changes to a teacher’s job and to educational best practices.

AI has already been applied to education primarily in some tools that help develop skills and testing systems. As AI educational solutions continue to mature, the hope is that AI can help fill needs gaps in learning and teaching and allow schools and teachers to do more than ever before. AI can drive efficiency, personalization and streamline admin tasks to allow teachers the time and freedom to provide understanding and adaptability—uniquely human capabilities where machines would struggle. By leveraging the best attributes of machines and teachers, the vision for AI in education is one where they work together for the best outcome for students. Since the students of today will need to work in a future where AI is the reality, it’s important that our educational institutions expose students to and use the technology.

Artificial intelligence tools can help make global classrooms available to all including those who speak different languages or who might have visual or hearing impairments. Presentation Translator is a free plug-in for PowerPoint that creates subtitles in real time for what the teacher is saying. This also opens up possibilities for students who might not be able to attend school due to illness or who require learning at a different level or on a particular subject that isn’t available in their own school. AI can help break down silos between schools and between traditional grade levels.

(Adapted from

A. The roles of teachers in the time of technology

B. Is AI appropriate for students using in classrooms?

C. How AI is used in education

D. What AI tools are used in the classrooms

Câu 840 : The word “that” in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.


B. education

C. some tools

D. testing systems

Câu 841 : The word “mature” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____________.

A. improve

B. replace

C. change

D. decrease

Câu 842 : According to paragraph 2, what can AI do to help teachers in the classrooms?

A. It can work to give the best outcome for students.

B. It can urge the students to get familiar to the technology before working in the future.

C. It can help teachers to control the class more effectively.

D. It can drive efficiency, personalization and streamline admin tasks

Câu 843 : The following are the benefits of Presentation Translator mentioned in paragraph 3, EXCEPT ___________.

A. creating subtitles in real time for what is being said in the lessons

B. giving chance for the students to follow the lessons without attending school because of sickness

C. allowing students to learn the particular subject unavailable at their own school

D. providing opportunities for students to learn different languages

Câu 845 : According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. The blind and the deaf are able to join the class with the help of AI tools.

B. The use of AI in education in the United States will reach the peak in the near future.

C. Experts believe that teachers will lose their presence in classroom by AI.

D. Students can work together to have good results of the job.

Câu 846 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

A. Diana is not as intelligent as the women I have ever met.

B. I have never met a more intelligent woman than Diana.

C. Diana is more intelligent than any women I ever met.

D. This is the first time I have met such an intelligent woman as Diana.

Câu 847 : “Why were you absent from the class yesterday?” The teacher said to Andrew.

A. The teacher wondered why Andrew has been absent from the class the day before.

B. The teacher told Andrew why had he been absent from the class the previous day.

C. The teacher wanted to know why Andrew was absent from the class the previous day.

D. The teacher asked Andrew why he had been absent from the class the day before.

Câu 848 : It’s almost impossible for us to get them to agree on anything.

A. We can’t have got them to agree on anything.

B. We can’t get them to agree on anything.

C. We mustn’t get them to agree on anything.

D. We needn’t have got them to agree on anything.

Câu 849 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. You can’t choose your favorite university if it is suitable for your ability.

B. You can’t choose your favorite university in case it is suitable for your ability.

C. You can choose your favorite university unless it is suitable for your ability.

D. You can choose your favorite university provided it is suitable for your ability.

Câu 850 : Her living conditions were not good. However, she studied very well.

A. Living in difficult conditions, she had no choice but to study well.

B. Difficultly as her living conditions were, she studied very well.

C. She studied very well just because she lived in difficult conditions.

D. However difficult her living conditions were, she studied very well.

Câu 856 : They claim that advertising encourages _________ three times higher than the average consumption.

A. to purchase

B. purchasing

C. purchase

D. to purchasing

Câu 857 : He has just said that my piano playing ___________ on since he last _________me play.

A. had really come/ heard

B. had really come/ had heard

C. has really come/ heard

D. has really come/ had heard

Câu 858 : If I _________ rich, I ___________ the shoes we saw at the shopping mall yesterday.

A. were/would buy

B. had been/would have bought

C. were/would have bought

D. had been/would buy

Câu 859 : He politely asked me to pass _______ salt and ________pepper.

A. a/the

B. the/a

C. the/0

D. 0/0

Câu 860 : Boys! Put away all the toys ___________ at the bottom of the wardrobe.

A. which lied

B. lay

C. lying

D. that are lain

Câu 862 : The government decided to close the frontiers off with a view to ________ the disease.

A. containing

B. holding

C. including

D. comprising

Câu 863 : There was an accident on the highway, ___________ traffic.

A. putting off 

B. holding off on

C. holding up

D. holding over

Câu 864 : He will drop you a line _____________.

A. providing he settled down in his new house

B. as soon as he has settled down in his new house

C. when he settled down in his new house

D. till he settles down in his new house

Câu 867 : Thanks to __________ provision, many women who wish to work are capable of doing so.

A. childbearing

B. childrearing

C. childcare

D. child-centred

Câu 868 : The poor mother was forced to have her baby adopted, __________herself.

A. despite

B. because

C. although

D. because of

Câu 869 : He shouldn’t have hurt her feelings, ___________.

A. any way you slice it

B. be that as it may

C. with the best will in the world

D. never mind that

Câu 870 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

A. So was I.

B. It is sure.

C. Of course it was. We work together!

D. We have to work for 30 years!

Câu 871 : A: "Sometimes I wish I was back to school."

A. Me, too. School was fun.

B. I thought school was hard.

C. Me, too. I couldn't wait to graduate.

D. Life is hard.

Câu 876 : In twenty years' time, the food supplies will be so scarce for some countries that people will start immigrating in huge numbers.

A. in short supply

B. in large number

C. abundant and nutritious

D. nourishing but limited

Câu 878 : The country's infrastructure is in poor condition and needs to be upgraded.

A. improved

B. repaired

C. examined

D. deteriorated

Câu 881 : (31)_______, your family may be laid-back, while another family is very active and hurried.

A. For instance

B. Such as

C. In other words

D. Furthermore

Câu 884 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 38.

When it comes to discussing AI and the future of work we exhale in relief when someone says machines will have a hard time replacing us. This statement is backed by the argument that most AI systems are ‘narrow’. AI systems only do one thing but do it really well, for example, predicting what you want to watch on Netflix. If you ask the same system to make you a cup of coffee or drive your car, you’re likely to be disappointed.

But what happens when the AI system can perform the most significant tasks that a job entails? One interesting example we found came from the fashion industry, where a company had implemented two AI systems to produce novel designs. Together, they did all work and the human’s role was only to surveil the work.

Research published earlier this year coined the term ‘Shadow Learning’. As explained in the Harvard Business Review article titled ‘Learning to work with intelligent machines’, the researcher studied the challenges new surgeons faced when learning robotic surgery skills. Previously, they learned how to perform surgery by working alongside expert surgeons, but now they’re forced to watch over the surgeon’s shoulder as, thanks to robotics, individuals can handle entire surgeries with one pair of hands. The term, however, does not mean that you learn by shadowing someone. The phrase refers to students who gained experience with robotic tools by taking it upon themselves to acquire new skills outside of the curriculum.

If we look beyond the current discussion of AI and the future of work – which usually revolves around the number of jobs that will be impacted by AI – we can focus on how to create inspiring new ways to work with machines.


A. AI and the future of work.

B. Finding the sweet spot of trust.

C. Overreliance on AI systems.

D. Ensure that work remains meaningful

Câu 885 : According to paragraph 1, why should we not worry about AI snatching away our jobs?

A. Because creating something new and unique is an ability exclusive to humans.

B. Because nothing can replace the caring and empathy that a live person can extend.

C. Because AI can take over certain tasks, but possibly not entire multidisciplinary roles.

D. Because AI cannot proactively find and start new tasks without some sort of prompt.

Câu 886 : The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to _______.

A. designs

B. systems

C. tasks

D. students

Câu 887 : According to paragraph 3, what is the problem for surgical apprentices in the time of AI universality?

A. Offer of exposure to new technologies would be used as recruiting strategy.

B. There would be fewer hands-on learning opportunities for the students.

C. Ability to work individually, however brilliantly, would not give a competitive edge.

D. The students could advance only by upstaging other people around them.

Câu 888 : The word “revolves” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. spins

B. worries

C. muses

D. pivots

Câu 889 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 45.

Stephen Cameron, Vietnam’s patient number 91, has recovered from COVID-19 and is returning home today (July 12th). The symbol of Vietnam's pandemic success, as referred to by Reuters (the ABC news), will be accompanied by a team of doctors during the flight to London.

The 43-year-old Scot, arriving in Vietnam in early March, was tested positive for COVID-19 only three days after his first flight for Vietnam Airlines, following a visit to a bar in Ho Chi Minh City that became a coronavirus outbreak. Cameron’s illness and the highly publicized efforts of Vietnam’s doctors to save him became a symbol in Vietnam of the country’s successful fight against the virus, as reported by Reuters.

The ABC news recognized Vietnam’s huge efforts to save the man, who had been critically ill and spent 65 days on life support. Doctors said at one point they considered a lung transplant as the man's lungs were 90% damaged and non-functional. With the vast majority of Vietnam’s COVID-19 patients already recovered, the news of a potential first death prompted a national outpouring of support, with dozens of people coming forward as potential lung donors.

However, like a miracle, after he woke from a coma at the end of May, there were small signs of improvement – a thumbs-up sign for an attentive doctor, a trip on to the balcony to catch some sunshine and a video of him holding a Motherwell football club scarf aloft. Every little progress was closely followed by the media and attracted great attention.

“The patient’s recovery has been like a very long flight” – Dr. Tran Thanh Linh, the deputy head of the ICU ward at Cho Ray Hospital, said during a meeting between hospital officials, the British Consulate and Vietnam Airlines representatives just before Cameron’s discharge – the Washing Post reported. “All of the health workers are overwhelmed with joy to see him fully recovered and being discharged from the hospital today.”

The UK’s Daily Mail quoted Mr Cameron: “I'm overwhelmed by the generosity of the Vietnamese people, the dedication and professionalism of the doctors and nurses working at Cho Ray Hospital. I'm going home with a happy heart because I'm going home, but it is sad that I'm leaving so many people here that I'm friends with”.

Vietnam has reported 370 coronavirus cases with no local transmitted infection for nearly three months. All recent cases are people who were infected abroad and had been under compulsory quarantine upon their arrival in Vietnam.

(Adapted from

A. Patient 91: “Miracle” Flight Heading Home

B. The COVID-19 British Pilot –A Great Man

C. The Progress of Vietnam’s Medicine in COVID-19

D. Patient 91: The Pride of Vietnamese Doctors

Câu 890 : The word “accompanied” in the first paragraph most probably means ________.

A. gone through with

B. warmly welcomed

C. out of control

D. under the care of

Câu 891 : The word “that” in paragraph 2 refers to ______________.

A. the 43-year-old Scot

B. his first flight

C. a bar

D. Ho Chi Minh city

Câu 892 : The word “critically” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to __________.

A.extremely important




Câu 893 : According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the Patient 91?

A. This is the first Stephen Cameron’s flight to Vietnam as a pilot for Vietnam Airlines.

B. His lungs got over nine tenths of functions and need transplanting.

C. More than ten people all over the country volunteer to donate their lung for the British pilot.

D. A lot of people closely followed his every little improvement after a coma.

Câu 895 : According to the passage, which statement is TRUE?

A. The plane getting patient 91 home became a symbol of Vietnam’s success in fighting against COVID-19.

B. The pilot’s recovery made people in all over the world joyful.

C. The 43-year-old Scot feels quite lucky to be treated in Vietnam.

D. There are still new cases tested positive for COVID-19 in Vietnam.

Câu 896 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

A. Jane’s roommate is less orderly than she is.

B. Jane is not as orderly as her roommate.

C. Jane’s roommate is not as orderly as she is.

D. Jane is more orderly than her roommate.

Câu 897 : I’m sure this isn’t the type of house that Tom is looking for.

A. This can’t be the type of house that Tom is looking for.

B. This mustn’t be the type of house that Tom is looking for.

C. This shouldn’t be the type of house that Tom is looking for.

D. This can’t have been the type of house that Tom is looking for.

Câu 898 : “I will fix your bike tomorrow” Paul said to his son.

A. Paul said that he would fix his son’s bike tomorrow.

B. Paul said that he will fix his son’s bike the following day.

C. Paul said that he would fix his son’s bike next day.

D. Paul promised to fix his son’s bike the following day.

Câu 899 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. So contagious Covid-19 is that over eight million people have been infected worldwide.

B. Such is the contagious disease that Covid-19 had infected over eight million people worldwide.

C. Only when over eight million people have been infected worldwide is Covid-19 so contagious.

D. Covid-19 is so contagious a disease that it has infected over eight million people worldwide.

Câu 900 :

You can drink some beer. Make sure you don’t get drunk.

A. You can drink some beer if you get drunk.

B. You can drink some beer as long as you aren’t drunk.

C. You can drink any beer unless you get drunk.

D. You can drink some beer provided you aren’t got drunk.

Câu 908 : She denied ________ in the exam.

A. to cheat

B. cheating

C. being cheated

D. having cheat

Câu 909 : If I _______ you earlier, you could be my husband now.

A. met

B. meet

C. had met

D. have met

Câu 910 : There __________ many changes in my village since they built a new bridge.

A. has been

B. are

C. had been

D. have been

Câu 911 : ___________ applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.

A. Although

B. In spite of

C. Because

D. Because of

Câu 912 : He won’t get married _____________.

A. when he has a distinguished career

B. as soon as he had had a distinguished career

C. until he had a distinguished career

D. till he has a distinguished career

Câu 913 : The people ________ the virus must be isolated to prevent its spread.

A. who were caught

B. catching

C. caught

D. catch

Câu 916 : I ____________ the impression that he was lying to all of us.

A. made

B. created

C. got

D. did

Câu 918 : Regardless of the law, there are practices that __________against women and in favor of men

A. discriminate

B. distinguish

C. differentiate

D. dissociate

Câu 923 : The reality is the economy is hitting the ceilingand the growth rate must slow.

A. is reaching the highest limit

B. is becoming extremely angry

C. is reaching the smallest level

D. is keeping calm

Câu 924 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges

A. You're joking. I hate standing in front of people.

B. Yes, I'd love to. I like the poster the most.

C. Oh no. I'm not a liar. I'm an honest person.

D. Never mind. Let's go to the cinema tonight.

Câu 925 : Jack and Jill are going to school together.

A. Where are you going?

B. I'm anxious about the exam.

C. We are going to be late.

D. Sorry. I forgot your address.

Câu 931 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35

Marine ecotourism focuses specifically on activities that take place on the coast or in the ocean. It includes activities like eco-friendly boating, dolphin and whale watching, snorkeling, scuba diving and fishing, but in a sustainable way and with an emphasis on education.

One of the most popular forms of marine ecotourism is whale watching. Whales are worth more alive than dead these days, after decades — maybe even centuries — of whaling. While commercial whaling is banned in most countries, Japan, Norway and Iceland have continued the practice through finding loopholes or just rebelling against the international law. A recent National Geographic article discussed the fact that the Japanese, for example, are eating much less whale meat than in the past. They’re also spending a lot more time whale watching.

Mexico is another example of this. The shark watching revenue in the Gulf of California region represents more than half the value from shark fisheries in the country. Ecotourism has become a much-needed source of employment in the Gulf of California (and other coastal regions) because of warming ocean temperatures, extreme weather events that are taking place more often than they have in the past, and declining fish stocks. In Newfoundland, Canada’s main sealing province, over 1.3 million people participated in whale watching. That contributed to nearly $20 million to the local economy and is seen as a possible alternative to the sealing economy.

Ecotourism Australia says that “ecotourism has rocketed from an unknown entity to global phenomenon in the last 30 years and nature-based tourism already makes up 75 percent of the international tourism market.” It’s an example of knowing better and doing better, and can make a positive impact on conservation efforts on the coast and in the ocean.


A. Whaling and sealing – gruesome tradition.

B. Ecotourism collapse threatens the wildlife.

C. Helping the environment through ecotourism.

D. From personal gratification to public satisfaction.

Câu 932 : The word “It” in paragraph 1 refers to _____.

A. Marine ecotourism

B. Eco-friendly boating

C. Sustainable way

D. Tourism market

Câu 933 : According to the passage, marine ecotourism has achieved its goal of _________

A. helping people value the ecosystem and changing behaviors for a better cause.

B. reminding people of their history of creating havoc in and around the oceans.

C. stopping overtourism by selecting the travelers based on environmental criteria.

D. providing tourists with an adventurous experience of visiting fascinating places.

Câu 934 : The word “rocketed” in paragraph 4 mostly means _______.

A. plunged

B. risen

C. soared

D. passed

Câu 935 : Which of the following is TRUE about the situation of marine ecotourism?

A. Japanese marine ecotourism cannot fix what has been broken.

B. Marine ecotourism has already succeeded in making things better.

C. Many travelers still prefer the traditional tourism to ecotourism.

D. Marine tourism is the only one that has not emerged from obscurity.

Câu 936 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42

Whether you’re put off by student loans, you need a break from education, or you’re keen on starting work straight after school – going to university isn’t the right choice for everyone. And you might be surprised at the career prospects available to those without a degree. If you’re considering not going to university, here are a few options of what you could do next.

If you’ve just finished school and you don’t have any work experience, traineeships and internships are a great way to prepare yourself for your future career. Traineeships usually last from six weeks to six months, and are offered exclusively to 16-23 year olds. Not only do they provide essential work preparation training, they’re also the perfect opportunity to gain the practical skills and experience needed to move onto an apprenticeship or job. While internships are similar to traineeships, they are available to people of all ages – and usually focus more on providing practical work experience, rather than guided training and work preparation. .

School leaver programmes are becoming a popular choice for A-level students who aren’t interested in university, but still want the learning and training that’s involved with further education. These programmes are designed to give school leavers the chance to earn a qualification whilst working part-time or full-time (and earning a wage). The exact structure of a school leaver programme will largely depend on the company you work for. School leaver programmes could last anything from three to seven years, and are most common in industries like accountancy, finance, retail, engineering, and IT. .

If you’re keen to start work straight away, an entry-level job could be well within your reach. And you may be surprised at what kinds of jobs are available. Whether you want to start a career in education, you’re interested in breaking into the marketing industry, or you’re passionate about IT – you don’t always need extensive experience or qualifications to start a career in your preferred sector. And with many employers providing on-the-job training for new recruits, you’ll be able to learn a range of key skills to help you progress within the industry. .

(Adapted from

A. Different Paths after School

B. University is Still the Best Choice

C. The Benefits of Not Going to University

D. How to choose the Correct Job

Câu 937 : The word “prospects” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.

A. benefits

B. chances

C. incomes

D. disadvantages

Câu 938 : According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT provided by traineeships?

A. work preparation

B. practical skills

C. work experience

D. degrees

Câu 939 : The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to ______________.

A. traineeships

B. internships

C. practical skills

D. people of all ages

Câu 940 : According to paragraph 3, what benefit do people receive from school leaver programmes?

A. They are able to learn the knowledge about their job while working to get their salary.

B. They can receive the training directly from the company they work for.

C. They are capable of doing many different kinds of jobs at the same time.

D. They can learn about the most common industries when being a student at school.

Câu 941 : The phrase “breaking into” in the last paragraph most probably means ____________.

A. running

B. stopping

C. taking part in

D. keeping on

Câu 942 : According to the passage, which statement is TRUE?

A. Internships bring more benefits to people than traineeships.

B. School leavers may have to spend from three to seven years on training before being employed.

C. New employees may make a progress in their job thanks to the training when being recruited.

D. You have to prepare quite carefully before running the business by yourself.

Câu 945 : In the pool near my flat is little silvery fish darting around.

A. in

B. is

C. silvery

D. darting around

Câu 946 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

A. David’s sister required him not to work too much.

B. David’s sister advised him not to work too much.

C. David’s sister promised not to force him to work too much.

D. David’s sister ordered him not to work too much.

Câu 947 : You are not allowed to wear casual clothes to school.

A. You needn’t wear casual clothes to school.

B. You mustn’t wear casual clothes to school.

C. You can’t wear casual clothes to school.

D. You shouldn’t wear casual clothes to school.

Câu 948 : His previous co-workers are more helpful than his new ones.

A. His new co-workers aren’t as helpful as his previous ones.

B.His previous co-workers and his new ones are not at all helpful.

C. His new co-workers are the most helpful ones he’s ever met.

D. His previous co-workers are less helpful than his new ones.

Câu 949 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. They were so exhausted that they could continue the journey.

B. Such were their exhaustion that they could hardly continue the journey.

C. Exhausted as they were, they tried to continue the journey.

D. So exhausted were they that they could hardly continue the journey.

Câu 955 : It's vital that the government ____ more on environmental issues.

A. focuses

B. must focus

C. should be focused

D. focus

Câu 956 : Her father bought her _________ when he went on holiday in Singapore last week.

A. a beautiful wooden yellow scarf

B. a scarf wooden beautiful yellow

C. a yellow beautiful scarf wooden

D. a beautiful yellow wooden scarf

Câu 957 : I _________ them yesterday to check when they____________, but I couldn’t contact them.

A. was ringing/arrived

B. rang/were arriving

C. rang/arrived

D. rang/had arrived

Câu 958 : “It's ____________ to know that you all are safe and sound”, said he.

A. comfort

B. comfortable

C. comforting

D. comfortably

Câu 960 : If you __________him in his office, please tell him to call me back.

A. see

B. saw

C. had seen

D. have seen

Câu 961 : The man _______________ is my best friend’s father.

A.who I lent the money from

B.whom I lent to the money

C.I lent the money

D.whose money I lent

Câu 962 : You don’t think that she is suitable for this position, ________?

A. is she

B. isn’t she

C. do you

D. don’t you

Câu 963 : ___________ she was late for the interview, she didn’t get the job.

A. Although

B. Despite

C. Because

D. Because of

Câu 964 : I asked for his help but he refused _____________ me a hand.

A. to giving

B. to give

C. giving

D. give

Câu 966 : I can't believe_____________. Are you telling me a lie?

A. what I am hearing

B. that I am hearing

C. what I am hearing from

D. that I am hearing from

Câu 967 : Your essay is identical to the one I have ever read before. I’m sure you _____________it.

A. should have copied

B. could have copied

C. must have copied

D. might have copied

Câu 973 : He finds it annoyed at the way she is trying to take over the whole meeting.

A. annoyed

B. at the way

C. is trying

D. take over

Câu 974 : This school has become heavily reliable on government support, so it can’t have autonomy in determining its curriculum.

A. become heavily

B. reliable on

C. have autonomy

D. determining its curriculum

Câu 977 : Too many urban residents  grapple with extreme poverty, exclusion, vulner ability and marginalization.

A. struggle for

B. struggle against

C. dealt with

D. struggle to

Câu 979 : Your dress is really beautiful, Cindy! You look very awesome in it.

A. terrible

B. terrific

C. enjoyable

D. pleasant

Câu 985 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 44

Once your child is born, they start learning motor skills, language skills, cognitive skills, and emotional skills.

Regarding motor skills, it is largely the family’s responsibility for teaching these skills. Even if your child is in daycare, the work that parents put in at home to teach these skills is much more effective than in the few hours your child is under someone else’s care. Your child will learn how to sit up, walk, run, climb, hold a spoon and so on. These seem quite natural to us as adults, but they are skills that have to be fine-tuned at a very young age, and they also reinforce your child’s independence which is essential for their development.

Language skills are another essential component of the role of family in child development. If you do not speak to your child and teach them your language, they will never learn. One infamous example of this occurring is with Genie, a child who was locked in a dark room with extremely little human contact until she was rescued at age 13. She was never able to develop language fluency because it was never taught to her. So, teaching your children language skills from a young age is also essential to child development.

Another skill that is very important for child development is emotion. Emotional skills are important throughout your child’s entire life as they teach them when to have sympathy and compassion for others as well as teach them how to deal with the highs and lows that come with life. If your child does not have proper emotional skills, they will not be able to deal with bad outcomes. If they lack emotional skills, it could lead to destructive choices when they are older.

To help develop your child’s emotional skills, teaching them to smile and wave when they are babies is a good place to start. When they get a bit older, teaching them to share is very important. In a family, because there are multiple people, the family can be very helpful in developing a child’s skills with the multiple perspectives. To bring this more to foundational building blocks, while your child is very young, something very helpful for family members to do is to teach children basic emotions. When a child is feeling a certain way, naming emotions and describing them are important ways for your child to understand how they are feeling. Once this foundation is set, children can learn how to respond to their feelings and move forward.

A. Skills and the Relation with Child Development

B. The Most Essential Skills in Child Development

C. Teaching Skills: When is the Best Time?

D. Family’s Roles in Child’s Skill Development

Câu 986 : The word “reinforce” in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by ______________.

A. strengthen

B. harbor

C. subside

D. damage

Câu 987 : The story of Genie mentioned in paragraph 3 proves that _____________.

A. communication with others may help children develop their language skills.

B. public did not know anything about the evil that happened to the poor girl.

C. a teenager is unable to learn language skills as naturally as a child.

D. children may not grow up without having human contact daily.

Câu 988 : The phrase “highs and lows” in paragraph 4 most probably means _________.

A. joys and sorrows

B. happiness and sadness

C. love and hatred

D. successes and failures

Câu 989 : According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Parents have the greater influence on their child’s motor skills than others do.

B. Children have to make great efforts to learn the skills considered spontaneous to adults.

C. Emotion is the most indispensable skill for a child to become mature.

D. Children should be taught how to express their emotions when they are babies

Câu 990 : The word “they” in the last paragraph refers to ____________.

A. emotions

B. your children

C. ways

D. family members

Câu 991 : Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. Children may become depraved if their parents cannot be a good model.

B. Children probably develop their skills completely in an extended family.

C. The situation of Genie is not popular in the modern society.

D. A child will be more independent if he knows how to respect others’ emotions.

Câu 992 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.

A. It’s lucky you love it.

B. I think so.

C. Yes, it’s lovely.

D. No. I don’t like it.

Câu 993 : - Sue: “Historic events are always hard to remember. Do you think so?”

A. I think it’s good.

B. I am not intelligent.

C. I don’t think it will happen.

D. I can’t agree with you more.

Câu 994 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. Only when Mary realized how much her family meant to her did she leave home to start an independent life.

B. To realize how much her family meant to her, Mary decided to leave home to start an independent life.

C. Not until Mary had left home to start an independent life did she realized how much her family meant to her.

D. Only after Mary had left home to start an independent life did she realize how much her family meant to her.

Câu 995 : A boy was injured in the accident. He is now in the hospital.

A. The boy who is now in the hospital was injured in the accident.

B. The boy injured in the accident is now in the hospital.

C. A boy who was injured in the accident is now in the hospital.

D. The boy was injured in the accident is now in the hospital.

Câu 996 : Many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights. More people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities.

A. If many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, more people will be flying for weekend trips to scenic cities.

B. Although many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, more people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities.

C. As many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, more people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities.

D. Many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, or more people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities.

Câu 997 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.

A. You can’t have met the boss right now because he is out.

B. You can’t be met the boss right now because he is out.

C. The boss can’t be met right now because he is out.

D. Meeting the boss right now is possible unless he is out.

Câu 998 : My boss asked me: “Why are you late? Did you miss the bus?”

A . My boss asked me why I was late and if did I miss the bus.

B. My boss asked me why was I late and did I miss the bus.

C. My boss asked me why you were late and if you missed the bus.

D. My boss asked me why I was late and whether I had missed the bus

Câu 999 : Mary is more intelligent than her brother.

A. Mary isn’t as intelligent as her brother.

B. Mary’s brother is more intelligent than she is.

C. Mary’s brother isn’t as intelligent as she is.

D. Mary is less intelligent than her brother.

Câu 1006 : It's pretty tough to find a job when you don't have any previous experience.

A. difficult

B. normal

C. simple

D. common

Câu 1008 : Marry and John are talking about drinking water at night.

A. You can say it again

B. I have no idea

C. I’m afraid that I can’t agree with you

D. I couldn't agree more

Câu 1009 : Linda is talking to Brown after knowing the results. Linda passed her test with flying colours.

A. Not at all.

B. Thank you.

C. Make yourself at home.

D. There's no doubt about it

Câu 1012 : Nobody understood what was going on, ____________?

A. didn’t they

B. did them

C. did they

D. do them

Câu 1013 : Because the little boy would not stop playing with matches, it was ___________ that he would burn himself.

A. inevitable

B. incompatible

C. intractable

D. incomparable

Câu 1015 : He has lost weight since he _____________ eating chocolate bars.

A. was stopping

B. stopped

C. would stop

D. will stop

Câu 1023 : ______wants to marry too early.

A. Neither the man nor the woman

B. Whether the man or the woman

C. Both the man and the woman

D. Not only the man but also the women

Câu 1024 : You ___________ take this course if you know English grammar well.

A. don’t need take

B. won’t need to take

C. needn’t to take

D. won’t need take

Câu 1026 : This book contains stories which are moving, enjoyable, and surprise.

A. contains

B. are

C. enjoyable

D. surprise

Câu 1027 : No matter how hard he has tried to learn English, he is rubbishy at it.

A. No matter how

B. has tried

C. to learn

D. rubbishy

Câu 1028 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

A. The explosion must have been caused by a faulty electrical connection.

B. A faulty electrical connection may have been caused the explosion.

C. The explosion should have been caused by a faulty electrical connection.

D. The explosion may have been caused by a faulty electrical connection.

Câu 1029 : “I will fix your bike tomorrow” Paul said to his son.

A. Paul said that he would fix his son’s bike tomorrow.

B. Paul said that he will fix his son’s bike the following day.

C. Paul said that he would fix his son’s bike next day.

D. Paul promised to fix his son’s bike the following day.

Câu 1030 : His previous co-workers are more helpful than his new ones.

A. His new co-workers aren’t as helpful as his previous ones.

B. His previous co-workers and his new ones are not at all helpful.

C. His new co-workers are the most helpful ones he’s ever met.

D. His previous co-workers are less helpful than his new ones.

Câu 1031 :
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. Living in difficult conditions, she had no choice but to study well.

B. Difficultly as her living conditions were, she studied very well.

C. She studied very well just because she lived in difficult conditions.

D. However difficult her living conditions were, she studied very well.

Câu 1032 : You can drink some beer. Make sure you don’t get drunk.

A. You can drink some beer if you get drunk.

B. You can drink some beer as long as you aren’t drunk.

C. You can drink any beer unless you get drunk.

D. You can drink some beer provided you aren’t got drunk.

Câu 1035 : (36)________ an earthquake hit again, it was years of schedule.

A. When

B. If

C. Although

D. Unless

Câu 1038 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43.

What is the difference between friendship and love? This question has always been in the minds of people for centuries. Though a definite answer cannot be given for this question, one can come across some differences between the two.

When love can be termed as a sacrifice, friendship can be termed as a trust. Love is a feeling that is uncontrollable, and a feeling which one has for another individual. On the other hand, friendship is quite different from love in this aspect.

Love is a feeling between two individuals, and most of the time when they say “She/ he is my one and only” and in this case only two individuals are involved. But there are times people may fall in love with more than one individual, but it is considered morally wrong when you already have a partner or a boy/girlfriend. On the contrary, friendship involves more individuals without any guilty feelings involved. One can have many friends, but most of the time an individual can only have one person to love. You can love your family and that’s another topic for discussion.

In love, there is great attachment for the other. Most of the time an individual gets strong feeling of hurt if his loved one is in pain or hurt. This attachment may not be strong in friendship. Regarding the emotions, individuals in love will experience a faster heartbeat when they meet their loved one. This is not so when friends meet. There is no way that one will lie awake and think of his friends for a whole night, but lovers will have sleepless nights, and dream about their lovers. The lovers even sleep and wake up with the thoughts of his or her lover.

Another difference that can be seen is that in love, some physical element is also involved between individuals. On the other hand, there is no such physical element involved in friendship.

(Adapted from

A. Love or Friendship

B. Distinction between Love and Friendship

C. Should We Love Our Friends?

D. The Connection between Love and Friendship

Câu 1039 : According to the passage, what is TRUE about friendship?

A. People often sacrifice for their friends.

B. The feeling of friendship is uncontrollable.

C. People can have more than one friend at the same time.

D. Not all people trust their friends.

Câu 1040 : The word “guilty” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. ashamed

B. criminal

C. regretful

D. unacceptable

Câu 1041 : The word “this” in paragraph 4 refers to ____________.

A.a faster heartbeat

B.the emotions

C.their loved one

D.strong feeling of hurt

Câu 1042 : Which of the following is NOT true about love and friendship mentioned in the passage?

A. People always have a greater attachment for the one they love.

B. Lovers often involve physical element which doesn’t happen in friendship.

C. People are blameworthy if they have many loved ones simultaneously.

D. People may have a sleepless night to think of their friends.

Câu 1043 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50.

There has always been a problem with teachers being from a different generation to their pupils, particularly older educators. But the dominance of digital technology has spread that generation gap even wider, as young people become conversant with mobile digital devices, games and social media that didn’t exist when their teachers were growing up. Teachers now face pupils using devices and online systems that they don’t use themselves, and don’t really understand either. The generation gap is more prevalent than ever, but teachers can bridge that gap if they receive the right guidance with appropriate technology.

Some schools and teachers have particular trouble grasping the role of social media and mobile devices in teenage life. They consider Facebook a threat and warn parents against it at parent-teacher evenings, without realizing that preventing teenagers from using social media like this, or messaging apps such as Snapchat and Instagram, is nearly impossible. Online social media and network gaming are now such an integral part of teenage behavior that any attempt to prize the mobile devices out of the hands of young people is likely to widen the generation gap rather than narrow it. .

The generation gap in education isn’t just between pupils and teachers – it exists within the staffroom, too. A teaching career can span more than 40 years, and those towards the end of their working life will not have grown up with digital technology, whereas teaching staff in their 20s and 30s could well be “digital natives”. .

Keeping up with the latest online trend is like a dog chasing its tail; every time you think you’ve caught up, kids move on. However, it’s not beneficial to get fixated on how young people are using social networks that are, in the case of Snapchat, hard for the older generation to understand. The key factor to consider is that today’s school students now take for granted that a lot of their communication with their peers will be online, and predominantly using smartphones and other mobile devices. Young people expect their educational experience to be similarly interactive, and partially delivered via these kinds of devices. .

(Adapted from

A. How to Bridge the Generation Gap Between Teachers and Students

B. The Technology Problems of Older Teachers

C. What Causes Difficulties for Teachers Nowadays?

D. The Generation Gap in Education

Câu 1044 : The word “they” in paragraph 1 refers to _____________.

A. teachers

B. pupils

C. devices

D. online systems

Câu 1046 : According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Some teachers and schools don’t want their children to use social networks.

B. It’s unlikely to stop students from using social media.

C. Separating teenagers from the mobile devices can help to narrow the generation gap.

D. Social media and network gaming become an important part of the behavior of teenagers.

Câu 1047 : The generation gap exists even in the staffroom mostly because ______________.

A. the teaching career span is too long to adapt new technology.

B. the older teachers are not as familiar with digital technology as the younger.

C. many young teachers prefer using digital devices to operating others.

D. the older teachers are less unaffected by the development of technology than the younger.

Câu 1048 : The phrase “a dog chasing its tail” in the last paragraph most probably means ______________.

A. keeping on doing something futile

B. moving around a circle

C. doing harm to yourself

D. getting tired of your behavior

Câu 1049 : According to the last paragraph, what is the main factor to consider in the generation gap between teachers and students?

A. It’s hard for the older generation to understand the social networks used by the young.

B. Students get accustomed to communicating with their friends online by smartphones and mobile devices.

C. Teachers should use these social networks to provide education.

D. Students are competing with the latest online trend with their peers.

Câu 1058 : We can’t rely on Peter because he always looks for any excuse he can ____________ work.

A. to blow off

B. put off

C. set back

D. call off

Câu 1060 : The reason is __________, he estimated how much the population of London would increase in the next 100 years.

A. why when Bazalgette designed the tunnels

B. that Bazalgette designed the tunnels

C. what Bazalgette designed the tunnels

D. that when Bazalgette designed the tunnels

Câu 1061 : Nobody thought that he could achieve success, _______________?

A. could he

B. didn’t they

C. did they

D. couldn’t he

Câu 1063 : If I _____________ younger, I ________ in the contest held last week.

A. were/would participate

B. had been/would have participated

C. were/would have participated

D. had been /would participate

Câu 1068 : Harry went for a picnic with her friends after she ____________ her work.

A. has finished

B. would have finished

C. had finished

D. will finish

Câu 1075 : I don't think we should kick the can down the road and let our next generation solve the global warming problem.

A. determine to solve a problem

B. delay dealing with a problem

C. avoid dealing with a problem

D. try in vain to address a problem

Câu 1076 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

A. You must say that again

B. I'd say the exact opposite.

C. I have to side with you on this one

D. That's not always true.

Câu 1077 : “Have you seen the movie Joker?” – “________________.”

A. Of course! I’m going to see it on Monday!

B. I haven’t had a chance to see it.

C. The cinema is closed today.

D. Yes, the tickets were too expensive.

Câu 1078 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.

A. Stella told to me that her company was established in 2000.

B. Stella told me that her company had been established in 2000.

C. Stella said me that her company was established in 2000.

D. Stella said her company was established in 2000.

Câu 1079 : I’m pretty sure the burglar got in through the kitchen window.

A. The burglar must be got in through the kitchen window.

B. The burglar should have got in through the kitchen window.

C. The burglar must have got in through the kitchen window.

D. The burglar could have got in through the kitchen window.

Câu 1080 : As students get closer to their exams, they become more nervous.

A.The closer students get to their exams, the more nervous they become.

B.The closer students get to their exams, they become more nervous.

C.The students get closer to their exams, the nervous they become more.

D.The students get to their exams closer, the nervous they become more.

Câu 1081 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. So interesting some websites are that they limit our exposure to unreliable sources of information.

B. It is the interest of some websites that they expose us to unreliable sources of information.

C. Not only some websites are really interesting, they also expose us to unreliable sources of information.

D. Interesting though some websites are, they may expose us to unreliable sources of information.

Câu 1082 : Tim betrayed his girlfriend’s trust over and over again. She broke up with him because she couldn’t put up with that anymore.

A. Hadn’t Tim betrayed his girlfriend’s trust over and over again, she wouldn’t have broken up with him.

B. If it hadn’t been for his continual betrayal to his girlfriend’s trust, she would have broken up with him.

C. Had Tim not betrayed his girlfriend’s trust over and over again, she wouldn’t have broken up with him.

D. Provided that Tim betrayed his girlfriend’s trust over and over again, she wouldn’t have broken up with him.

Câu 1088 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43.

Most Americans say they know at least some of their neighbors, but only about three-in-ten say they know all or most of them. Rural residents are more likely than those in urban or suburban areas to say they know all or most of their neighbors, but they don’t necessarily interact with their neighbors more than their counterparts in other community types.

Overall, Americans tend to be trusting of their neighbors, but this is particularly the case in suburban and rural areas. About six-in-ten in these types of community say they have a neighbor they would trust with a key to their home, compared with about half in urban areas.

The longer people have lived in their community, the more likely they are to have a neighbor they would trust with a key to their home. But even among those who report that they have lived in their community for less than one year, 34% say they would be comfortable with a neighbor having their keys. Meanwhile, 64% of those who have lived in their community for six or more years and 47% of those who have done so for one to five years say the same. Those who own their home are more likely than renters to say they would be comfortable with a neighbor having a set of keys to their home (67% vs. 45%).

When asked to describe their neighbors, people in rural areas are far more likely than those in cities and suburbs to say all or most of their neighbors share their race or ethnicity. Suburbanites are somewhat more likely than their urban and rural counterparts to say their neighbors are the same social class as they are, while relatively few across community types say all or most of their neighbors share their political views.

(Adapted from

A. The similarities and differences in the neighborhood in urban, suburban and rural areas

B. How urban, suburban and rural residents interact with their neighbors

C. The number of neighbors that urban, suburban and rural residents have

D. How people trust their neighbors

Câu 1090 : The phrase “the same” in paragraph 3 refers to __________.

A. they would be comfortable with a neighbor having their keys

B. they have lived in their community for six or more years

C. they have done so for one to five years

D. they have lived in their community for less than one year

Câu 1091 : The word “share” in paragraph 4 most probably means _____________.

A. experience their race or ethnicity at the same time

B. give other people something you have

C. have the same race or ethnicity

D. tell people about your race or ethnicity

Câu 1092 : According to the passage, the following are true, EXCEPT __________. 

A. More rural inhabitants know all or most of their neighbors than their urban and suburban

B. People trust their neighbors more if they live in the same community for a longer time.

C. More than half of people renting a room wouldn’t like to give their neighbors their home key.

D. People living in rural areas are often in the same social class as their neighbors.

Câu 1093 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50.

The name is a bit of a mouthful, but cultural appropriation happens when a dominant culture takes things from another culture that is experiencing oppression. Cultural exchange is different from cultural appropriation. Things like tea, gunpowder and pasta have been shared between different cultures throughout history. These ‘borrowings’ aren’t the same as cultural appropriation, because they don’t involve power. When dominant groups take from an oppressed group, we’re dealing with appropriation, not cultural exchange. Cultural appropriation is also very different from assimilation. ‘Assimilation’ describes what happens when minority cultures are forced to adopt features from a dominant culture in order to fit in.

When we look at a culture that’s experiencing oppression, it’s often a result of colonisation, where a dominant group has claimed ownership of the land and its people. When the dominant group continues to steal aspects of the non-dominant culture, it continues the economic oppression and disadvantage of that culture. In Australia, there are cases where white Australian businesses have stolen Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks for use on T-shirts and souvenirs. This allows the dominant culture to make money from the non-dominant culture, without benefiting the original artists.

Cultural appropriation also has a nasty habit of giving the dominant group credit for aspects of a culture that they have taken, reinforcing the power imbalance between the two groups. For example, Kylie Jenner was credited with starting an ‘edgy’ new hair trend, while black actress Zendaya faced criticism for wearing her hair the same way. What’s interesting about this, is that Zendaya’s natural hair was seen as a negative. But Kylie Jenner, a person with no ties to black culture, was given credit for taking something that wasn’t hers.

Cultural appropriation creates stereotypes. The Native American chief, the Japanese geisha or the Arab sheikh can be examples of stereotypes that pop up during Halloween. When people from dominant cultures ‘dress up’ like this, it reduces something of cultural significance to a costume just so that the dominant group can have ‘a bit of fun’. It also keeps these kinds of stereotypes going.

There are times when it’s encouraged to try something from a different culture. Being invited to an Indian wedding where the hosts are cool with you wearing traditional clothing is not cultural appropriation.


A. Cross-cultural exchange.

B. Cultural exploitation.

C. Cultural appreciation.

D. Cultural appropriation.

Câu 1094 : According to paragraph 1, what can be suggested about cultural exchange, cultural appropriation and assimilation?

A. Cultural exchange and assimilation are the subcategories of cultural appropriation.

B. Cultural exchange happens when different cultures come together on an equal footing.

C. The three practices involve dominant cultures taking some features from minority ones.

D. Cultural assimilation is practiced to ensure survival and to avoid discrimination.

Câu 1095 : The word “it” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. group

B. ownership

C. land

D. oppression

Câu 1096 : The word “ties” in paragraph 3 refers to ________.

A. strings

B. friendships

C. ropes

D. connections

Câu 1097 : According to the passage, which is NOT true about cultural appropriation?

A. It does not give people credit for their own culture.

B. It continues the oppression of the non-dominant culture.

C. It is the savior of a cultural product that has faded away.

D. It adds to stereotypes faced by non-dominant cultures.

Câu 1098 : Which statements is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. Cultural appreciation is the forceful adoption of certain elements from another culture.

B. Being invited to take part by people from that culture is not cultural appropriation.

C. A non-dominant culture is the most visible and accepted culture within a society.

D. Oppression is just one-on-one behaviour and not a form of structural discrimination.

Câu 1105 : We hope the problem can be _____________ by getting the two sides together to discuss it.

A. cleared out

B. cleared up

C. cleared off

D. cleared away

Câu 1106 : I have to complete all homework assignments, _______________?

A. don’t I

B. haven’t I

C. do I

D. have I

Câu 1109 : When his father passed away, he received an _____________ amount of money from his estate.

A. appreciative

B. appreciation

C. appreciate

D. appreciable

Câu 1110 : If the plane tickets _____________ a little cheaper, my parents ____________ coming to visit me last month.

A. were/would consider

B. had been/would consider

C. were/would have considered

D. had been/would have considered

Câu 1111 : Her story ____________ really moved me a lot.

A. of what had happened throughout her life

B. of which had happened throughout her life

C. what had happened throughout her life

D. had happened throughout her life

Câu 1112 : The working conditions in their factories ____________ dramatically during the last few months.

A. improved

B. have improved

C. was improved

D. have been improved

Câu 1115 : Supporters at the event _____________ students from a local school, as well as their parents.

A. being included

B. having included

C. included

D. including

Câu 1117 : My aunt has a parking ____________ which allows her to park on the street outside her house.

A. allowance

B. permission

C. permit

D. acceptance

Câu 1120 : We had a quarrel about money, but we decided to clear the air by sitting together and discussing things frankly.

A. make a terrible mess at trivial things

B. explain everything that someone had understood

C. remove all dirty and untidy things

D. get rid of all doubts and negative feelings

Câu 1122 : My boss is convinced that we will find a satisfactory solution to the problem.

A. irrational

B. reasonable

C. affordable

D. irrelevant

Câu 1123 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

A. I shouldn’t agree with you more

B. That's just what I am thinking.

C. I'm not so sure about that.

D. I must take issue with you on that.

Câu 1124 : Maria is thanking Daniel for giving her a lift home.

A. It's very kind of you to say so

B. There’s a first time for everything

C. There's no doubt about it

D. It's the least I could do

Câu 1128 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.

A. My girlfriend told me that she had been waiting for the bus at 8 o’clock the previous day.

B. My girlfriend told me that I had been waiting for the bus at 8 o’clock the day before.

C. My girlfriend told me that I was waiting for the bus at 8 o’clock the previous day.

D. My girlfriend told me that she was waiting for the bus at 8 o’clock the day before.

Câu 1129 : Since my father is not home yet, I’m pretty sure that he is on his way.

A. My father must have been on his way since he is not home yet.

B. My father may be on his way since he is not home yet.

C. My father must be on his way since he is not home yet.

D. My father may have been on his way since he is not home yet.

Câu 1130 : Her essay is more terrific than my essay.

A. Her essay isn’t as terrific as mine.

B. My essay isn’t as terrific as her.

C. Her essay is more terrific than me.

D. My essay isn’t as terrific as hers.

Câu 1131 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. However old his coat is, my father still has many new clothes.

B. As old as his coat is, my father still has many new clothes.

C. However many new clothes he has, my father always wears his old coat.

D. Many clothes as he has worn, my father always wears his old coat.

Câu 1132 : My team lacked consistency in the competition. We lost all matches with an unacceptable result.

A. Suppose that we lacked consistency in the competition, we wouldn’t have lost all matches with an unacceptable result.

B. But for our lack of consistency in the competition, my team wouldn’t have lost all matches with an unacceptable result.

C. If it had not been for our team’s inconsistency in the competition, we would have lost all matches with an unacceptable result.

D. Without our team’s inconsistency in the competition, we would lose all matches with an unacceptable result.

Câu 1135 : The result is photovoltaic cells with as much as 50 (36)______ more electrical output.

A. percentage

B. percent

C. proportion

D. rate

Câu 1138 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43.

Contrary to the perception that small talk is inconsequential, researchers have found that chit-chat actually has many profound benefits. “As we broke down daily interaction, we realized our most meaningful interactions are not when we’re talking about actual work. It’s when we’re greeting administrative staff, or the friendly gabbing before a meeting,” said Jessica R. Methot of Rutgers University and University of Exeter.

To measure the impact of small talk on employee well-being, the researchers surveyed 151 full-time employees working at traditional 9 to 5 jobs outside the home. After controlling for participants’ baseline engagement for small talk, the researchers queried about levels of small talk throughout the day, and asked respondents to rate their emotions, work productivity, and overall engagement.

“It didn’t matter if you were an introvert whose average amount of small talk was lower than what it is for an extrovert, small talk enhanced employees’ daily positive social emotions and contributed to employees feeling connected,” Methot said. Methot was quick to explain what small talk is not. It is not long-winded ranting about an ineffective supervisor. It is not a sensitive discussion about someone’s personal life. “It is surface level. It is ‘Weather looks great this weekend, any plans?’ Surface level is what gives it its benefits.”

Because small talk builds trust and connections, it also can lead to creative ideas and foster inclusiveness. “Culturally, there are differences in the content and cadence of small talk, which can create a barrier for new employees to engage with colleagues. In this age of greater awareness about diversity and inclusion, small talk can be an asset to a company. It can be a road to more inclusion by helping socialize and embed employees into the organizational culture.” Methot said.


A. Office chit-chat.

B. Sober socialising.

C. Workplace guide.

D. Gossip-mongers.

Câu 1139 : The word “inconsequential” in paragraph 1 mostly means _______.

A. infinitesimal

B. intangible

C. insignificant

D. irrelevant

Câu 1140 : Which benefit of small talk in the workplace is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Small talk boosts employees’ ability to multitask.

B. Small talk contributes to employees’ positive emotions.

C. Small talk inspires new thoughts and ideas.

D. Small talk fosters good workplace citizenship.

Câu 1141 : Which of the following sentences is NOT an example of small talk?

A. “Can you believe all of this rain we've been having?”

B. “It looks like Steve is getting the promotion I wanted.”

C. “Did you hear about that fire on Fourth Street?”

D. “You look like you could really use a cup of coffee.”

Câu 1142 : The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to _____.

A. trust

B. connection

C. talk

D. idea

Câu 1143 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50.

In a paper published in Science Advances, an international team of researchers have examined traits of marine megafauna species to better understand the potential ecological consequences of their extinction under different future scenarios.

Defined as the largest animals in the oceans, with a body mass that exceeds 45kg, examples include sharks, whales, seals and sea turtles. These species serve key roles in ecosystems, including the consumption of large amounts of biomass, transporting nutrients across habitats, connecting ocean ecosystems, and physically modifying habitats. Traits, such as how large they are, what they eat, and how far they move, determine species' ecological functions. As a result, measuring the diversity of traits allows scientists to quantify the contributions of marine megafauna to ecosystems and assess the potential consequences of their extinction.

The team of researchers -- led by Swansea University's Dr Catalina Pimiento -- first compiled a species-level trait dataset for all known marine megafauna to understand the extent of ecological functions they perform in marine systems. Then, after simulating future extinction scenarios and quantifying the potential impact of species loss on functional diversity, they introduced a new index (FUSE) to inform conservation priorities.

The results showed a diverse range of functional traits held by marine megafauna, as well as how the current extinction crisis might affect their functional diversity. If current trajectories are maintained, in the next 100 years we could lose, on average, 18% of marine megafauna species, which will translate in the loss of 11% of the extent of ecological functions. Nevertheless, if all currently threatened species were to go extinct, we could lose 40% of species and 48% of the extent of ecological functions. Sharks are predicted to be the most affected, with losses of functional richness far beyond those expected under random extinctions.

(Adapted from

A. How marine megafauna species’ extinction affects the ecology

B. The consequences of trait examination of marine megafauna species

C. What should be examined in the research in marine megafauna species?

D. The causes of marine megafauna species’ extinction

Câu 1144 : According to paragraph 2, the following are the main roles of the largest animals in the oceans, EXCEPT _______________.

A. consuming large amounts of biomass

B. transporting nutrients across habitats

C. associating ocean ecosystems

D. mentally modifying habitats

Câu 1145 : The word “determine” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______________.

A. affect

B. establish

C. describe

D. cover

Câu 1146 : The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to _____________.

A. researchers

B. ecological functions

C. marine systems

D. future extinction scenarios

Câu 1148 : The word “translate” in paragraph 4 most probably means ___________.

A. interpret

B. increase

C. cause

D. require

Câu 1149 : As mentioned in the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. The animals weighing about 45kg are classified as the largest ones in the ocean.

B. Measuring the extinction of marine megafauna allows scientists to know the consequences to ecosystems.

C. The species guessed to be the most affected by random extinction are sharks.

D. The researchers now have known all the extent of ecological functions of marine megafauna

Câu 1156 : She thought somebody had broken into her house last night, ____________?

A. hadn’t they

B. had they

C. didn’t she

D. did she

Câu 1157 : She expects _____________ compensation for all direct expenses ____________ out of the accident.

A. to be received-arising

B. to receive-arising

C. to be received- arisen

D. to receive-arisen

Câu 1160 : She’d rather you ____________ anyone that she’d lost her job as a hotel manager.

A. won’t tell

B. wouldn’t have told

C. didn’t tell

D. don’t tell

Câu 1162 : He won’t return home ____________________ given to him this morning.

A. until he had finished all the assignments

B. until he has finished all the assignments

C. till he finishes all the assignments

D. as soon as he has finished all the assignments

Câu 1164 : Providing a vaccine against the pandemic virus is a __________ issue.

A. scorching

B. sweltering

C. sizzling

D. burning

Câu 1165 : Research needs _____________ the impact of play on the rest of the child’s life.

A. to study

B. to studying

C. studying

D. to be studied

Câu 1167 : Students _____________ cheating in any exam will be disqualified from all their exams.

A. who found

B. founded

C. found

D. having founded

Câu 1170 : She gave up her job as a secretary last year and teaching is her bread and butter right now.

A. likelihood

B. livelihood

C. selfhood

D. manhood

Câu 1173 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges

A. I don’t think that’s a good idea

B. You took the words right out of my mouth

C. Mind your own business

D. I see your point, but I can't completely agree with your solution

Câu 1174 : Jack is asking Justine about the destination for his summer vacation.

A. It’s up to you

B. It’s on me

C. Not even close

D. Not a moment too soon

Câu 1178 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction on each of the following questions

A. Fiona told me that I had been living in Viet Nam for a long time.

B. Fiona asked me how long had I been living in Viet Nam.

C. Fiona asked me how long I had been living in Viet Nam.

D. Fiona told me how long I had been living in Viet Nam.

Câu 1179 : I’m annoyed that Charles forgot to invite us to his wedding ceremony.

A. Charles didn’t have to forget to invite us to his wedding ceremony.

B. Charles must have invited us to his wedding ceremony.

C. Charles should have invited us to his wedding ceremony.

D. Charles might have invited us to his wedding ceremony.

Câu 1180 : As more people come to the relief camp, our work will probably get more difficult.

A. The more people come to the relief camp, the more difficult our work will probably get.

B. More and more people come to the relief camp, more and more difficult our work will probably get.

C. The more people come to the relief camp, the difficult our work will probably get more.

D. Our work will probably get less difficult if there are more people come to the relief camp.

Câu 1181 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions

A. As was the explosion devastating that we felt the impact of it a mile away.

B. The explosion was such devastating that we felt the impact of it a mile away.

C. So devastating was the explosion that we felt the impact of it a mile away.

D. However devastating the explosion was, we felt the impact of it a mile away.

Câu 1182 : The process of global warming continues at its present rate. The polar bears will ultimately disappear.

A. But for the process of global warming continues at its present rate, the polar bears will ultimately disappear.

B. Should the process of global warming continue at its present rate, the polar bears will ultimately disappear.

C. Were not the process of global warming to continue at its present rate, the polar bears wouldn’t ultimately disappear.

D. As long as the process of global warming didn’t continue at its present rate, the polar bears wouldn’t ultimately disappear.

Câu 1188 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43.

Two-thirds of people in the world will be living in cities by 2050 and the boom will be concentrated in India, China and Nigeria, according to United Nations estimates released on Wednesday. The world’s rural population will peak in a few years then decline by 2050, according to the report by the UN’s population division.

Tokyo is currently the world’s largest city with 37 million people, followed by Delhi with 29 million, Shanghai with 26 million, and Mexico City and São Paulo, each with around 22 million inhabitants. Cairo, Mumbai, Beijing and Dhaka all have close to 20 million inhabitants. However, Delhi will overtake Tokyo in top spot by around 2028, the report said. At about the same time, India is expected to surpass China as the country with the world’s largest total population.

Around 55% of the world population lives in urban areas today, increasing to 68% by 2050. India, China and Nigeria will account for more than a third of that expansion. There will also be more megacities. In 1990, there were just 10 megacities, classed as places with populations of 10 million or more. There are now 33 megacities and by 2030, 43 megacities are projected, mostly in developing countries.

However, a few cities in Japan and South Korea – for example, Nagasaki and Busan – have experienced population decline since 2000. Several cities in Eastern Europe, such as in Poland, Romania, Russia and Ukraine, have lost population since the turn of the century. However, urbanization could be seen as positive, said John Wilmoth, director of the population division. “The increasing concentration of people in cities provides a way of more economically providing services,” he said. “We find that urban populations have better access to health care and education.” The concentration of population may also help to minimize our environmental impact on the planet, he said, and help cities design policies and practices to prepare for the influx.

(Adapted from

A. The population of cities in the future

B. The new increasing trend of rural population

C. The cities with the largest number of population

D. The future of populations in developing countries

Câu 1189 : The word “overtake” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. overdue

B. outstrip

C. keep up with

D. come along

Câu 1190 : The phrase “that expansion” in paragraph 3 refers to the increase of _____________.

A. urban population

B. world population

C. urban areas

D. rural areas

Câu 1192 : According to John Wilmoth, more people living in urban areas may reduce ____________.

A. the quality of health care and education

B. the people’s influence on the Earth’s environment

C. the results of cities’ policies and practices

D. the population of the whole country

Câu 1193 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50.

The earliest recorded festivities in honor of a new year’s arrival date back some 4,000 years to ancient Babylon. For the Babylonians, the first new moon following the vernal equinox heralded the start of a new year. Throughout antiquity, civilizations around the world developed increasingly sophisticated calendars. In Egypt, for instance, the year began with the annual flooding of the Nile, which coincided with the rising of the star Sirius. The first day of the Chinese new year, meanwhile, occurred with the second new moon after the winter solstice.

The early Roman calendar consisted of 10 months and 304 days. Over the centuries, the calendar fell out of sync with the sun, and in 46 B.C. the emperor Julius Caesar decided to solve the problem by consulting with the most prominent astronomers and mathematicians of his time. He introduced the Julian calendar, which closely resembles the more modern one that most countries around the world use today.

In many countries, New Year’s celebrations begin on the evening of December 31—New Year’s Eve—and continue into the early hours of January 1. In Spain and several other Spanish-speaking countries, people bolt down a dozen grapes-symbolizing their hopes for the months ahead-right before midnight. In many parts of the world, traditional New Year’s dishes feature legumes, which are thought to resemble coins and herald future financial success; examples include lentils in Italy and black-eyed peas in the southern United States. Because pigs represent progress and prosperity in some cultures, pork appears on the New Year’s Eve table in Cuba, Austria, Hungary, Portugal and other countries. Ring-shaped cakes and pastries, a sign that the year has come full circle, round out the feast in the Netherlands, Mexico, Greece and elsewhere. In Sweden and Norway, meanwhile, rice pudding with an almond hidden inside is served on New Year’s Eve; it is said that whoever finds the nut can expect 12 months of good fortune.

Other customs that are common worldwide include watching fireworks and singing songs to welcome the new year, including the ever-popular “Auld Lang Syne” in many English-speaking countries. The practice of making resolutions for the new year is thought to have first caught on among the ancient Babylonians, who made promises in order to earn the favor of the gods and start the year off on the right foot.


A. How January 1st becomes special.

B. Best destinations to celebrate New Year.

C. New Year’s gatherings.

D. New Year’s celebrations.

Câu 1194 : The word “occurred” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. happened

B. befell

C. take place

D. surfaced

Câu 1195 : The word “one” in paragraph 2 refers to _____.

A. astronomer

B. calendar

C. sun

D. emperor

Câu 1196 : According to paragraph 3, revelers often enjoy specific meals and snacks during New Year because ________.

A. they are thought to bestow good luck for the coming year.

B. each represents the history and evolution of each country.

C. people want to enjoy their favorite foods in this special holiday.

D. they are on discount, thus cheaper, at this time of the year.

Câu 1197 : The word “favor” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. assistance

B. permission

C. partiality

D. goodwill

Câu 1198 : According to the passage, which is NOT mentioned as a common tradition during New Year?

A. Watching fireworks displays.

B. Eating special New Year’s foods.

C. Dropping a giant ball from the sky.

D. Making resolutions for the next year.

Câu 1199 : Which statements is NOT true, according to the passage?

A. Civilizations over the world have celebrated the start of a year for at least 4 millennia.

B. The New Year’s Day served an important political purpose for the ancient Babylonians.

C. Nations across the world typically pinned the first day of a year to an astronomical event.

D. To realign the Roman calendar with the sun, Julius Caesar introduced his Julian calendar.

Câu 1205 : Neither of your parents speaks a foreign language, ___________?

A. do they

B. don’t they

C. are they

D. aren’t they

Câu 1206 : When I saw the book on the bookshelf, I knew it was exactly what I __________ for.

A. have been looking

B. was looking

C. had been looking

D. looked

Câu 1207 : Strict regulations regarding the number of hours workers must work _________ improvements in efficiency at the factory

A. in lieu of

B. in the interests of

C. in regard to

D. in harmony with

Câu 1211 : If it hadn’t been for his carelessness, the worker __________ in a critical condition in hospital last night.

A. won’t be

B. wouldn’t be

C. hadn’t been

D. wouldn’t have been

Câu 1216 : The issue ________ at the conference was an extremely complicated one.

A. discussing

B. to be discussed

C. discussed

D. having discussed

Câu 1221 : She used to smoke two packets of cigarettes a day, but then she deciced to stop smoking and quit cold turkey.

A.suddenly and completely

B.abruptly and thoroughly

C.calmly and regretfully

D.gradually and partially

Câu 1222 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

A. I couldn’t agree with you more

B. It is not as simple as it seems

C. I don’t think so either

D. There’s no doubt about that

Câu 1223 : Câu 24: Tung is asking Tram about her favorite drink.

A. It’s up to me

B. I really hate green tea

C. Oh, either. It doesn’t matter

D. Mind your own business

Câu 1227 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.

Câu 28: “You'd better spent the weekend revising for your exam.”, said my mother to me.

A. My mother scolded me to spend the weekend revising for my exam.

B. My mother advised me to spend the weekend revising for my exam.

C. My mother suggested me to spend the weekend revising for my exam.

D. My mother obliged me to spend the weekend revising for my exam.

Câu 1228 : In most developed countries, it is not necessary for people to boil water before they drink it.

A. In most developed countries, people ought to boil water before they drink it.

B. In most developed countries, people don’t need to boil water before they drink it.

C. In most developed countries, people should have boiled water before they drink it.

D. In most developed countries, people mustn’t boil water before they drink it.

Câu 1229 : It is more expensive to produce recycled glass than to manufacture new glass.

A. Manufacturing new glass is more expensive than producing recycled glass.

B. Producing recycled glass is less expensive than manufacturing new glass.

C. Manufacturing new glass is as expensive as producing recycled glass.

D. Manufacturing new glass is less expensive than producing recycled glass.

Câu 1230 :
Mark the letter A, B, C, on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

A. So dangerous were the weather conditions become that people were evacuated to safer parts of the city.

B. Such dangerous did the weather conditions become that people were evacuated to safer parts of the city.

C. So dangerous did the weather conditions become that people were evacuated to safer parts of the city.

D. The weather conditions became such dangerous that people were evacuated to safer parts of the city.

Câu 1231 : She is the winner of the beauty pageant. That is the only reason people pay attention to her.

A. Were she the winner of the beauty pageant, people would pay attention to her.

B. Should she be the winner of the beauty pageant, people will pay attention to her.

C. If it hadn’t been for the fact that she was the winner of the beauty pageant, people wouldn’t have paid attention to her

D. If it weren't for the fact that she is the winner of the beauty pageant, people wouldn’t pay attention to her.

Câu 1237 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 42

Flirting is a fundamental fixture in the sexual behavior repertoire, a time-honored way of signaling interest and attraction. It is a kind of silent language spoken by men and women around the world. The ways people communicate interest are so deeply rooted in human nature that the signals are automatically understood by all: from ways of glancing to movements such as licking one's lips, to meet nature's most basic command—find a good mate and multiply.

Flirting is not a trivial activity; it requires many skills: intellect, body language, creativity, empathy. At its best, flirting can be high art, whether the flirter is vying for a soul mate, manipulating a potential customer, or just being playful.

The process of flirting allows the signaling of interest to another in small increments, which is especially appealing to a partner. Flirting is driven by emotions and instinct rather than logical thought. Yet the gestures and movements used in flirting also provide reliable clues to a person's biological and psychological health.

Flirting has many parallels in the animal world, seen in the behavioral displays many animals engage in to signal not only their availability but their suitability. For example, penguins search for small pebbles to deliver to their partner of interest. Seahorses lock their tails together for a romantic swim. Bower birds use leaves, grass, and twigs to construct elaborate nests.

Across the animal kingdom, such actions are closely tied to seasonal reproductive readiness and signal reproductive fitness by one creature to another. Among humans, the repertoire of flirting behaviors can be deployed at will and the exact meaning of any gesture is usually a matter of interpretation.


A. Flirting

B. Charisma

C. Nonverbal cues

D. Romantic feelings

Câu 1238 : The word “vying” in paragraph 2 mostly means _______.

A. seeking

B. challenging

C. competing

D. clashing

Câu 1239 : The word “their” in paragraph 4 refers to _____.

A. nests’

B. pebbles’

C. penguins’

D. seahorses’

Câu 1240 : According to the passage, what can be suggested about the flirting of animals?

A. Animal courtship varies tremendously between species.

B. Birds prefer subtle movements to lavish displays.

C. Aquatic animals do not flirt due to their breeding habits.

D. Animals cannot feel the excitement of flirting like humans.

Câu 1241 : Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. The behavior of flirting is not restricted to humans.

B. Humans generally flirt with thinly veiled innuendoes.

C. All humans are equipped with the language of flirtation.

D. There is profound information transmitted in flirting.

Câu 1242 :

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 49.

Education technology (EdTech) is one of the few industries experiencing a sharp upward demand, reinforcing its potential for profitability and the role it can play in societal wellbeing.

The global spreading of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has required drastic regulations in an effort to contain it. One of the first compulsory measures taken by affected countries has been the closure of all schools. The sudden adjustments of educational processes and altered dynamics between all involved parties - schools, teachers, students and parents – are challenging familiar routines and threatening crucial public objectives. Accordingly, the World Bank has commissioned its EdTech expertise team to support policymakers worldwide in facilitating the continuation of basic education by adapting to modern technologies.

EdTech's practical value has hence rapidly improved from its pre-pandemic standing. Previously considered an option for quality education and a supplement to traditional schooling systems, it is now essential for preserving a progressing society.

Institutions previously working with digitalized education platforms have already benefitted during the COVID-19 crisis from their contemporary approach. These schools smoothly mastered the sudden transition to homeschooling, easing the adjustment process for students and parents. Their early investment in equipment and software and in coaching of educational staff has allowed them to continue their operations with minimal interruption.

Investors have long identified the windows of opportunity offered by technology in the classrooms. However, its recent unprecedented expansion highlights even more its sustainable profitability. “So far only 2 to 3% of the 5 trillion USD spent globally on education is digital. This, combined with EdTech's sudden vital role during COVID-19 and the significant differences seen up to now in its geographical investments, intensify the previously unseized global growth opportunities", says Dr. Kirill Pyshkin, Fund Manager at Credit Suisse Asset Management.


A. The upward trend in demand of education technology.

B. The development of education technology in the pandemic.

C. The measures to develop education technology.

D. The benefits and role of education technology.

Câu 1243 : The word “contain” in paragraph 2 most probably means _____________.

A. control

B. overcome

C. defeat

D. treat

Câu 1245 : What does the word “their” in paragraph 4 refer to?

A. platforms’

B. institutions’

C. the COVID-19 crisis’s

D. schools’

Câu 1246 : The word “coaching” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____________.

A. hiring

B. inviting

C. training

D. employing

Câu 1247 : According to paragraph 4, what have those schools done to minimize education interruption?

A. Early preparing for teaching facilities and human resources.

B. Smoothly transferring to teaching online.

C. Previously working with digitalized education platforms.

D. Rapidly improving from its pre-pandemic standing

Câu 1248 : Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. Investors are uninterested in technology in the classrooms.

B. Education technology is a more and more profitable sector to invest.

C. People invest less money in education technology during COVID – 19.

D. Students and parents need much time to adjust their learning at home.

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